Looking to buy

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May 8, 2012
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Hello All,

For the past 4-5 months, Ive been researching both Russian and Red Footed Tortoises. I think the Russian is the best choice for me. Im able to take the tortoise outside but he will live inside and in a 50G rubbermaid tub and when he's older I will build a tortoise table. The tortoise I want has been in this petstore for 1-2 years and I think he should finally get out. He's about 4-5". Now I know I should have a UVB light in the tank - and I can provide that but if its not necessary, I'd rather bring him outside everyday for a half hour in the sun. Would that be okay?

Also his diet - I heard two different stories on fruit. Can I give him moderate fruit such as apples? I know what veggies and greens are okay for him.

And generally if you have any other information for me that could help I'd really appreciate it. I plan on buying him within the next month or two when I set up everything and have all the information!


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Welcome! Russians are great tortoises. It has been my first one since november. He is such a great time to have. From what i've read, fruit is usually given once a month. In that time, I have given my russian the core after I have cut an apple up. I also have given him the tops of strawberries. I rarely have given my russian fruit, I try to follow the guidelines of others on this forum.

I hope you enjoy the forum. There I a lot of great people on here that are always willing to help no matter what level of questions you may have. SOmeone will come along eventually and answer your question more thoroughly.


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Here is a good web site to start with. Blake m is right, fruit should be fed not at all, or rarely. Russians are weed/greens eaters. Check the 'diet' and 'edible plant' sections for more information on what to feed.


All tortoises are happiest outside, even if only for part of the year.


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Thank you guys! I must've read every website on the Internet about Russians. And thank you for the link to the UVB bulbs. The only one prior to that that I could find was 50$. And also my petstore has the Russian listed as 120$ do you think that's fairly high for his size? And he's not CB.


The Dog Trainer
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Matt99, a couple of things. Experience has taught us that those compact florescent bulbs can damage their eyes. We have had many discussions about this over the last couple of years. Second thing is, that type of clamp lamp, with the plastic fixture, is not dependable and reliable, or safe, for use all day every day with reptile heating and lighting products. I have used them in the past and some of them lasted a couple of years, but some of them shorted out, cracked, started smoldering, etc... I was lucky to avoid a serious disaster. The ceramic fixture type costs a few dollars more, but is much more reliable and suitable for the things we use them for.

IMorphine, I would skip the fruit entirely and if your tortoise is getting sunshine everyday, you do not need any indoor artificial UV. If you live in an area with frozen winter, and you intend to NOT hibernate, then you might want to consider a mercury vapor bulb for indoors over the winter when he will be getting no sun.


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Good to know on the subject of fruit, Tom.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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As for the price.... you said he has been in the pet store for more then a year correct? Why not give the store and offer reminding them how he has not sold in all that time and has just set there costing him money. If they don't have him under a UVB light, might toss in that as one reason his health is slowly decreasing as he sits there too. Never hurts to try getting a cheaper price on him first and you may be pleasantly surprised and actually get it. As to if the price is too high, only you can tell. Are you willing to pay that much for him to get him out of there or would you rather locate a cheaper one, which you could no doubt find with a little time and work.


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Well as far as if he's under UVB I do see a blue bulb over his tank not sure if that's UV or not. And I will try to get it lowered. Petco near me has a Russian for 89.99$ but I felt the local pet store might be better quality and since he has been there for a year or more he should be in semi-decent help and whenever I go there I see him feasting on some vegetables and quite active.

Also I live in NY so during the summers he can be outside for like an hour per day and in the winters I can get him outside for some sun but it might be too cold for him. Normal winter temps are about 30 degrees so I'd probably invest in a UV light in November. Gives me some time to look around.

Also should mention that the tortoise is in a 20G aquarium and just recently they sold 2 other tortoises in there with him. A Greek and another Russian. As far as health do you think their is any concerns? I do have an exotic vet for my rabbits who will also look at tortoises but I'd rather avoid him as its 200$ per checkup "/


5 Year Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Agreed. I bartered for Lilith my RT. She was/is the size i got her. But is now healthy and her shell looks phenom comepaired to before. But I told him it's been there a year it's obviously fully grown if not a few more inches and he didn't have the proper lighting and he wanted $110 dollars I went ahead and offered $50 And said don't worry I need to buy tortoise supply for her so you won't lose out on too much money. Lol Got a great deal and a great pet for life.


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Mar 7, 2012
cheapest ive been able to find them is $55. i did a little bartering for my female, they wanted almost $200 for her but got her down to under $100


5 Year Member
Mar 28, 2012
lMorphine said:
Well as far as if he's under UVB I do see a blue bulb over his tank not sure if that's UV or not. And I will try to get it lowered. Petco near me has a Russian for 89.99$ but I felt the local pet store might be better quality and since he has been there for a year or more he should be in semi-decent help and whenever I go there I see him feasting on some vegetables and quite active.

Also I live in NY so during the summers he can be outside for like an hour per day and in the winters I can get him outside for some sun but it might be too cold for him. Normal winter temps are about 30 degrees so I'd probably invest in a UV light in November. Gives me some time to look around.

Also should mention that the tortoise is in a 20G aquarium and just recently they sold 2 other tortoises in there with him. A Greek and another Russian. As far as health do you think their is any concerns? I do have an exotic vet for my rabbits who will also look at tortoises but I'd rather avoid him as its 200$ per checkup "/

$200 seems a little pricey for an exotic vet... I don't know about any other areas, but here in NW PA, there are a few "exotic" vets. Granted, they are more expensive then say taking your cat. But no where near $200. I think last time I took a tort, which was many many years ago, it was only $50, where as a cat would be about $30. Granted, the cost of living here is not what it would be in NYC or anywhere out west, but that seems pricey to me...

I don't think I can answer the question about health with the two other tortoises, but I know I would be a little concerned with the small enclosure for three tortoises and one of them not being a Russian. Espically if none of them were CB...

Tom said:
Matt99, a couple of things. Experience has taught us that those compact florescent bulbs can damage their eyes. We have had many discussions about this over the last couple of years. Second thing is, that type of clamp lamp, with the plastic fixture, is not dependable and reliable, or safe, for use all day every day with reptile heating and lighting products. I have used them in the past and some of them lasted a couple of years, but some of them shorted out, cracked, started smoldering, etc... I was lucky to avoid a serious disaster. The ceramic fixture type costs a few dollars more, but is much more reliable and suitable for the things we use them for.

IMorphine, I would skip the fruit entirely and if your tortoise is getting sunshine everyday, you do not need any indoor artificial UV. If you live in an area with frozen winter, and you intend to NOT hibernate, then you might want to consider a mercury vapor bulb for indoors over the winter when he will be getting no sun.

Do you know anything about the clamp lamps they sell at home improvement stores for temporary lighting? They are quite inexpensive compared to what is sold at pet stores. They do sell some with ceramic fixtures. I believe they actually say they are for high wattages. I wasn't sure if this was the same thing you were talking about? My husband is an electrican and stated he thought they would work the same. I didn't want to buy any for the fear them starting fire. He told me they work well. I did let him know I would only buy the ceramic ones if I did :)


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socialworker81 said:
Do you know anything about the clamp lamps they sell at home improvement stores for temporary lighting? They are quite inexpensive compared to what is sold at pet stores. They do sell some with ceramic fixtures. I believe they actually say they are for high wattages. I wasn't sure if this was the same thing you were talking about? My husband is an electrican and stated he thought they would work the same. I didn't want to buy any for the fear them starting fire. He told me they work well. I did let him know I would only buy the ceramic ones if I did :)

The metal dome lamps that you find at places like Walmart or Home Depot are the same ones that I use. Look for the ones that have the ceramic fixtures. I use the 10" domes that are rated for 250 watts. The bad thing about them is there is no on-off switch, so you'll need a surge protector or a timer (I should say that using a surge protector is always a good thing anyway).


5 Year Member
Mar 28, 2012
Neltharion said:
The metal dome lamps that you find at places like Walmart or Home Depot are the same ones that I use. Look for the ones that have the ceramic fixtures. I use the 10" domes that are rated for 250 watts. The bad thing about them is there is no one off switch, so you'll need a surge protector or a timer (I should say that using a surge protector is always a good thing anyway).

Yes, I did notice that :( I recently found a surge protector/timer at the pet store. Since I have several enclosures, I bought several. I wasn't excited about the price, but it was easier than the setup of a timer and surge protector!


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May 8, 2012
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Thanks for your help everybody. I think I'm gonna pick out a nice tortoise the end of the month / beginning of June. I'll post pics as soon as I get him. Also if you have any other good information for me please post it and I'll respond :)


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Hey all just another question. Would someone be able to PM me a link to amazon with the bulbs I would need and the ceramic fixture? I found a bunch on amazon but I dont know which ones would be better o_O Thanks all


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Mar 7, 2012
look up the Zoo Med Powersun UV for the UVB bulb, it's probabaly the best out there it gives of UVB and heat and visible light:

and any ceramic brooding lamp will work, some do have a small pin that activates the switch, it's up near the socket base. just try to find one w/ a nice smooth and really reflective aluminum surface.

this is a cheaper version of what i use, i cant tell if it has the switch, your better of going to walmart and buying one there. but on the other hand this is what i use: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005KPMCPG/?tag=exoticpetnetw-20 i also have the mini http://www.amazon.com/dp/B003F6XW56/?tag=exoticpetnetw-20
but here is a single fixture. prob your best choice when it comes to reflectivity and they have a dedicated switch: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000QFVYEU/?tag=exoticpetnetw-20


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You are awesome. The bulb is a little pricey but I guess thats the price of healthy tortoise lol


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Mar 7, 2012
actually if you go into a petco, at least the one near me they want $89 for that same lamp. i was able to get it shipped to Ak for $47. the reason they are so spendy is cuz they are Mercury Vapor Bulbs and the Powersun UV's are self ballasted. so if they get to hot they shut off as a safety measure, also lets say you have a short power outage and the bulb wants to "hot strike" the ballast wont let it re ignight for like 15min so it can cool down properly. plus they put out enough heat so you wont need another 75-100 heat lamp or CHE. trust me the Powersun is the way to go unless you go w/ florescent UV bulbs (stay away from the curly ones) but even then you still will need a basking lamp of like 100watts.....so your not really saving any money. anyway hope that helps


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May 8, 2012
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I read the reviews and they werent that good but ill take a chance. Hopefully it works out. I have a dome fixture but Im not sure how good it is. Ill just have to buy a newer one.
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