Meet Dougal


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
What a cutie!🥰 welcome from a fellow uk member!❤️

Don’t suppose we could get a photo of your set up? It’s good to see how new members are keeping their torts🐢💚


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
It’s not the best, my parents aren’t keen on changing it but I an
Aw how come? Is it a size issue or? Because there’s lot of cost effective ways to give them more space! I can help give you some tips on the equipment side of things etc, sometimes it’s easy to have been sold the wrong stuff.. so if you’re willing, I don’t suppose you know what kind of heating/lighting you’re using? Indoor uv?

If you could include any extra info like, what are your temperatures like? Ie basking?(directly under the bulb) overall day temp? Night temp?
What size set up are we talking?
How’s your humidity and what are you using for substrate?

Any extra info/pictures would be great! We completely understand each and every circumstance is different, I can completely sympathise if you’re under age and still living with your parents that there may be limitations, but I would absolutely love to help in any way I can with advising care and set up🥰 this is a judgement free zone I promise❤️

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