Family "ghost" stories?


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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
How about I poke this old thread once more.....
Maybe some new members have something odd to share?

I have 3 GREAT ghost stories that cannot be explained… even by the sinicks.
First one…
My grandma.
She was in the hospital for a while because of a stroke. She had bleeding on the brain and we were told she was going to ….
But her heart would not stop beating.
So my mom (her daughter) just kept saying give her time.
My sister was pregnant at that time with her first kid as well…
One day during all of this my sister went into labor and I got a call at work to go immediately to her. When her child was born it was very dark by now and I found myself running down the hospital hallways with no one around at all looking for a phone.
I mean no nurses station or patient in ANY of the rooms I swear it was VERY EERIE!
When I finally found a pay phone (remember those??) I called the other hospital that was caring for my grandma and had the nurse tell her (in a coma)
that she was now a proud GREAT grandma.
To please hang on till she could meet him in a few days!!!
Well… a few days had passed…
My sister brought her son to my parents house to live for awhile and decided to bring the baby to see his great grandma the following day.
We had had a long night of baby fever so off to bed we went .
In the middle of the night something woke me up at the window (do you know when you’re half asleep and half awake?)
I sat right up straight in my bed with my eyes half opened and looked at the mini blinds and said “ok, nanny, love you.”
Then I saw it was 5:43am on my VCR
and said no no I gotta go back to sleep..
Awhile later I had a knocking on my bedroom door… hard then harder… then harder… I again sat up and said “yea?”
It was my dad and he whispered into the door “ hey Yvonne, can you come down stairs right now please?” I said ok..ok
Thinking it was for food I was down in about 5 minutes.
When I reached the dining room door I could see the whole family was sitting at the table…
In I walked and my dad said..”Nanny passed away last night “
I said “no she didn’t I was just talking to her”
Everybody looked at me pale faced!!
I explained my story and then sat down.
We were all crying…
Time passed and something finally made me ask….
What time did she pass?
My dad said…..
(Are you ready????….)

The nurse said… 5:43am. 🤯😱😳

We all freaked out!
My mom said she had come to say good bye to her wee Yvonne , the baby, her favorite….
it was extremely sad. I will never forget it.

Oh…. And to boot?….

Her great grand child’s first word was….
He also told his mom that he remembers passing her somewhere when he was little.
That story I dont remember??
I’d have to ask my sister.

It’s 1am here so I ll post the other two stories tomorrow…
They are even scarier than this one!!!


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Oct 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New Jersey
Ok… Ghost story #2….
My neighbor,

I had an elderly lady who lived next to me for 15 years. She was a DOLL!
Little old Italian lady she was; with a lot of gumption. (I hope I am using that right?)
If not.. I guess to say she was very Sassy.
As time went on she developed either Alzheimer’s or dementia. She was a maniac! She once drive her car from Mahwah all the way over the George Washington Bridge and back then up to upstate NY and then back until she
SIDESWIPED A BOX TRUCK! We had the police and fire department come out to investigate and help us find her!
But now the time had come where she was bed bound. (Sooo sad)…it was summertime too.
For about two months I would go off to work and when I got home I would immediately go next door to sit and talk and pet her hand. Family was there and knew how much we loved each other.
This went on for some time.
Until one day I came home from work 10 minutes late. I was so p*seed that when I got home I went to feed my pets first.
Now 20 minutes later I realized I was going to be 20 minutes late in seeing my friend.
I grabbed my keys and rushed out the back door , I crossed her driveway and in the back door I went.
Well…. The whole family was in the kitchen so I rang the bell (as not to be pushy)
One of the grand sons came to the door and then came out to me. I smiled and said glad to see you all here to have a visit!
He said yea, about that. Rosa (my friend) has passed. I said WHAAATTT????
He said yea I didn’t want you to see the body being taken out the front door so I came to meet you. I started to cry and took myself outside to the driveway. I didn’t want them to see me a mess as THEY were the family. I was just the neighbor.
I did see the gurney but to me it looked flat. Somehow she was under there they said.
Wow. I could have thrown up right there…
So back in the house we went.
One of the nieces came right over to hug me tight and thank me for all I had done over the years while she cried on my shoulder.
By now all the family and I gathered in the kitchen and we were telling stories of her.
It was a pretty tight squeeze because they were a big Italian family.
I was pushed up against this big armoire that she had with dishes and things in it and her grandkids school photos taped to it.
Instead of us all crying we decided to show a last video taping her daughter had on her cell phone of her mom. As we laughed at all of the things she was saying on the video I felt an extremely sharp pain on my left shoulder ( like a bee sting) and then something had hit the floor.
When I had yelled out “Ouch!” One of the men there said here I’ll get that and started to come towards me. I stopped him and said no don’t worry you watch the video and keep laughing and I’ll pick it up (whatever it was)… so I bent down to get it and do you know what it was????….
It was the very Christmas card I had given her that past Christmas. And all you heard from the video we were all watching was
“Hello Yvonne!”. 😧😳
She was talking to someone else about me on that video!!!
We all started to freak out and all of them I mean ALL of them said it had to be a sign because we didn’t get to say goodbye to each other because I was late that day.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

… here is the card that now hangs on my refrigerator


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Well-Known Member
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5 Year Member
Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
Recently I had another passing which I will tell first because the story about my dad hits me hard every time I tell it.

So I had another neighbor who lived across the street.
Her husband had passed in 2014 and her family all lives far away like in Wyoming or somewhere…
Two years ago while living alone she had a really bad fall and no one knew.
She managed to call the police and get to the hospital where they said her sodium levels were very low and she just crashed.
She knocked her front bridge teeth loose and fell right on her face.
The hospital was afraid of sending her home alone with no caretaker so they stuck her in a nursing facility.
Where she lived for two years.
After hunting her down I finally knew where she was all this time.
So I visited her as much as I could but made sure I was there at least once a week.
We talked about work and how she lived on a farm when she was little and all kinds of stuff. Heck, we even talked about
“The Twilight Zone “ and what our favorite episodes were.
She had liked the one about the pig faced people that were the normal ones when the girl that was pretty was the outcast.
I told her mine was the one where the old man can’t sleep or go out because he was afraid if the grand father clock had stopped ticking he would die.!
I don’t even know why I remembered that one so much that it became my favorite? I guess it’s because I think that could actually happen!! 🥺😳

I was trying to keep her uplifted so she wouldn’t feel like she was stuck in a nursing home. I talked about anything.

She was thriving because I made her get physical therapy there and she was doing very well.
At one point the doctors,nurses and I didn’t know why she was even still there?

While all the others had gotten COVID and colds EVEN HER DOCTOR HAD DIED due to an unknown cancer!!!
But here she was doing the best out of all of them..!!!
Until one day at 10pm I had gotten a phone call saying she had a phlegmy cough and they were taking her to the hospital.
It was a Thursday.

I had work the next day and everyone was on vacation except me and another guy.
I went to sleep knowing I was going to have to go to the hospital on Saturday to see her.
When I got a call AGAIN at 1:30am a nurse had left a message to call her back immediately.
I called her back at 4:30am because I must have slept through the phone ringing.
I was getting ready for work when I called.
The nurse had said she had passed through the night due to complications from COVID…!!!!!!!
All this time and now in ONE night?…GONE! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I cried uncontrollably when I realized I had no choice but to go to work and cry later.
I cried all day at work and spoke of her to everyone who saw me that day.
But I just couldn’t wait to get home to find out all of the details and where she was then.
By now it was night time and around 12:30am and I was so swollen around my eyes from crying that I needed to get into my bed and just fall asleep to the tv in the background..
Still crying I started to flip the channels when what do you know came on ..
Sure enough it was the “Twilight Zone “.
I thought , ooh!!! we were just talking about this before she had passed!! Let me watch a couple of minutes before I go to sleep..

When all of a sudden the episode starts and it JUST SO HAPPENED TO BE THE ONE WITH THE OLD MAN AND THE CLOCK STOPPING!!!!!!
I about died!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱

It was too freaking weird that of aalllllll the episodes that are sooooo famous of that show that the very one I happen to tell her about WAS FREAKING OOONNNN!!!!
THAT NIGHT!?!?!?!?

As you guessed it…. I ended up crying myself to sleep that night. 😭😭😭😭

God bless her little sweet soul!!!

Cathie G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Recently I had another passing which I will tell first because the story about my dad hits me hard every time I tell it.

So I had another neighbor who lived across the street.
Her husband had passed in 2014 and her family all lives far away like in Wyoming or somewhere…
Two years ago while living alone she had a really bad fall and no one knew.
She managed to call the police and get to the hospital where they said her sodium levels were very low and she just crashed.
She knocked her front bridge teeth loose and fell right on her face.
The hospital was afraid of sending her home alone with no caretaker so they stuck her in a nursing facility.
Where she lived for two years.
After hunting her down I finally knew where she was all this time.
So I visited her as much as I could but made sure I was there at least once a week.
We talked about work and how she lived on a farm when she was little and all kinds of stuff. Heck, we even talked about
“The Twilight Zone “ and what our favorite episodes were.
She had liked the one about the pig faced people that were the normal ones when the girl that was pretty was the outcast.
I told her mine was the one where the old man can’t sleep or go out because he was afraid if the grand father clock had stopped ticking he would die.!
I don’t even know why I remembered that one so much that it became my favorite? I guess it’s because I think that could actually happen!! 🥺😳

I was trying to keep her uplifted so she wouldn’t feel like she was stuck in a nursing home. I talked about anything.

She was thriving because I made her get physical therapy there and she was doing very well.
At one point the doctors,nurses and I didn’t know why she was even still there?

While all the others had gotten COVID and colds EVEN HER DOCTOR HAD DIED due to an unknown cancer!!!
But here she was doing the best out of all of them..!!!
Until one day at 10pm I had gotten a phone call saying she had a phlegmy cough and they were taking her to the hospital.
It was a Thursday.

I had work the next day and everyone was on vacation except me and another guy.
I went to sleep knowing I was going to have to go to the hospital on Saturday to see her.
When I got a call AGAIN at 1:30am a nurse had left a message to call her back immediately.
I called her back at 4:30am because I must have slept through the phone ringing.
I was getting ready for work when I called.
The nurse had said she had passed through the night due to complications from COVID…!!!!!!!
All this time and now in ONE night?…GONE! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I cried uncontrollably when I realized I had no choice but to go to work and cry later.
I cried all day at work and spoke of her to everyone who saw me that day.
But I just couldn’t wait to get home to find out all of the details and where she was then.
By now it was night time and around 12:30am and I was so swollen around my eyes from crying that I needed to get into my bed and just fall asleep to the tv in the background..
Still crying I started to flip the channels when what do you know came on ..
Sure enough it was the “Twilight Zone “.
I thought , ooh!!! we were just talking about this before she had passed!! Let me watch a couple of minutes before I go to sleep..

When all of a sudden the episode starts and it JUST SO HAPPENED TO BE THE ONE WITH THE OLD MAN AND THE CLOCK STOPPING!!!!!!
I about died!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱

It was too freaking weird that of aalllllll the episodes that are sooooo famous of that show that the very one I happen to tell her about WAS FREAKING OOONNNN!!!!
THAT NIGHT!?!?!?!?

As you guessed it…. I ended up crying myself to sleep that night. 😭😭😭😭

God bless her little sweet soul!!!
It's so nice when you get a goodbye like the 3 you've described. It just goes to show you the Good Lord has a hand in it all too. It's comforting to know that.🤗🙏


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Ooooo I have one! Idk if it can be classed as a ghost story but it was so creepy!

When I was a little kid, my mom would leave me chilling in the bathtub with my bath toys for a bit, I’d always hear her call “ready now?” As in was I ready for her to come help me out of the tub.

One day I’m happily playing away, when I hear what sounded like my mother calling out her usual “ready now?” Only it sounded like it came from right behind me in the bathroom itself, that in itself wouldn’t have been an instant red flag, if it wasn’t for moments later when I hear my mom coming back inside after being out in the garden hanging the washing😳I instantly felt sick and called out to her asking if she yelled for me but she just looked at me confused!

I didn’t want to scare myself further so I just shook it off and convinced myself it didn’t happen, but I still think about it all the time.. almost sounds like one of those mimic stories you hear😭

I have another one too but it’s a bit long winded to type ngl😂


10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Ooooo I have one! Idk if it can be classed as a ghost story but it was so creepy!

When I was a little kid, my mom would leave me chilling in the bathtub with my bath toys for a bit, I’d always hear her call “ready now?” As in was I ready for her to come help me out of the tub.

One day I’m happily playing away, when I hear what sounded like my mother calling out her usual “ready now?” Only it sounded like it came from right behind me in the bathroom itself, that in itself wouldn’t have been an instant red flag, if it wasn’t for moments later when I hear my mom coming back inside after being out in the garden hanging the washing😳I instantly felt sick and called out to her asking if she yelled for me but she just looked at me confused!

I didn’t want to scare myself further so I just shook it off and convinced myself it didn’t happen, but I still think about it all the time.. almost sounds like one of those mimic stories you hear😭

I have another one too but it’s a bit long winded to type ngl😂
Thank you.
It reminds me of a thing that I recall from my childhood. My mother standing in the doorway of my bedroom. Smiling strangely. But it wasn't really my mother.
I've chalked that one up to a dream. But it happened more than once.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Thank you.
It reminds me of a thing that I recall from my childhood. My mother standing in the doorway of my bedroom. Smiling strangely. But it wasn't really my mother.
I've chalked that one up to a dream. But it happened more than once.
SO creepy!! I think our rational minds try to convince ourselves we’ve remembered it wrong.. but deep down, we know😬

Tim Carlisle

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Nov 13, 2017
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Cincinnati, OH
My son just rented a house in Indiana. The house was built back in the 1850s. We haven't researched its history yet, but much of the old architecture is still in place on the inside. Must have been a beautiful home back in the day. Beautiful, yet unmaintained built-in cabinets and bookcases. The trim work appears to be period, and the dilapidated corbels on the exterior appear to be original.

My son has only lived in it a month, and he and his fiance are still getting things organized. The landlord fitted an automatic locking deadbolt on the front door that requires a code to get in. Last Monday, my son was working in the front parlor when the lights began flickering uncontrollably. There were no storms or high winds that night. A few minutes after that started, the front door (which was deadbolted) flew open forceably, damaging the plaster wall behind it.

That was his biggest "oh sh!t" moment so far, but he mentioned a few less significant anomalies as well, such as the staircase door opening at night. Since I enjoy being freaked out, I agreed to spend a night with him once he's settled in.


10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
My son just rented a house in Indiana. The house was built back in the 1850s. We haven't researched its history yet, but much of the old architecture is still in place on the inside. Must have been a beautiful home back in the day. Beautiful, yet unmaintained built-in cabinets and bookcases. The trim work appears to be period, and the dilapidated corbels on the exterior appear to be original.

My son has only lived in it a month, and he and his fiance are still getting things organized. The landlord fitted an automatic locking deadbolt on the front door that requires a code to get in. Last Monday, my son was working in the front parlor when the lights began flickering uncontrollably. There were no storms or high winds that night. A few minutes after that started, the front door (which was deadbolted) flew open forceably, damaging the plaster wall behind it.

That was his biggest "oh sh!t" moment so far, but he mentioned a few less significant anomalies as well, such as the staircase door opening at night. Since I enjoy being freaked out, I agreed to spend a night with him once he's settled in.
Here in south Florida, there just are no significant structures anywhere near that old.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Idk if it could be classed as a typical ghost story, but its definitely family related and an unworldly experience I think about a lot!

I can’t remember exactly how old I was, but I must’ve been younger than 10 because I wasn’t in secondary school yet, probably around 7 or 8.

I had a great aunt who was unfortunately passing away from cancer after a long hard battle.

One night I had this incredibly vivid dream, I was sat in what looked like an older ladies flat with all my family members, I remember the layout and decor to a T, you know your typical 90’s flowery wallpaper with the old fashioned boarders halfway down the wall? I remember how the kitchen was adjacent to the living room, where the tv was, bedroom, bathroom etc, it wasn’t anywhere I’d been before.

One thing that instantly caught my attention in the dream because of how out of placed it looked, was this wall mounted fireplace, I remember in the dream all my family members were facing the tv whilst I watched the flames flicker in this fire, above the fire place were a bunch of ornaments, again typical of those you’d probably see in an older ladies home, nick nacks, some animal figurines, I remember looking up at what looked like a lioness figurine, it suddenly sprang to life which obviously captivated me, I watched as this small lioness figure tried to climb down from the top of this fireplace, it fell into the fire and I remember getting this up close vision of this poor lioness’s pained face surrounded by flames, I could literally see the flesh melting off of her, I still don’t know how my young mind came up with such scary imagery.. the lions facial expressions were so so human like, we locked eyes in the dream and I remember just feeling utterly heartbroken and helpless at what I was seeing! I was screaming out in the dream, begging my family to turn their heads at what I was seeing, but they were all in this trance like state staring at the tv. I reached out, begging for the figure to jump into my arms and escape, I could see the pure agony they were in, the figure looked down at their body engulfed and melted by the flames, we locked eyes one more time, and it’s as if I knew they couldn’t stay, I was sobbing, they turned and jumped further into the flames and disappeared with a huge bright blaze. With that the fire went out.

Next thing I know I wake up with tears streaming down my face feeling absolutely inconsolable and at the time couldn’t figure out why, other than what a horrible visual nightmare it was! It really bothered me.

My mom could see the next day I was acting a bit off and asked me what was up, I described my dream in the detail I’ve written here, when describing the flat we were sat in her face dropped, I asked what was wrong and she told me I was describing my great aunts flat, somewhere I’d also never been at the time.

She passed some time later.

Weeks go by and I go along with my mom and some family members to help clear her flat out.

Low and behold I enter, and every damn thing is almost identical to the dream I’d had weeks prior, the layout of the flat, the decor, where the tv was, the same flower bordered wall paper. The only thing missing, that fireplace and lion figure.

I wasn’t particularly close with this aunt to be honest, obviously I was really sad she was poorly and went to visit her in hospice, but I was still quite young to really understand the emotions that comes with someone’s passing, but she was the first ever funeral I went I to and I definitely cried.

But it’s still wild to me I had this experience so close to her passing, it definitely made me feel much more connected to her in some way. I’m quite close with my Nan(her sister) but I’ve never told her this story, I fear it’d be too upsetting for her, they were so close. I think my mom is the only person in the family who knows the story.

I haven’t ever shared this story with anyone outside of my mom, mostly because it just sounds so unbelievable lol. But I’ve got nothing to gain from posting it here anonymously, so hopefully folks will take it for what it is😊

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