Where were you?

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Jun 24, 2012
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I was just curious, it being 11 years after 9/11 what were you doing that fateful day? When did you find out?

I'll share too.
I was in 3rd grade, we stayed in school the whole day but something wasn't right, then I was supposed to have girl scouts an then was told it was cancelled and why. I was young but I remember that day clearly, sure I've become more aware over the years but I know I'm one of the lat people in the generation to actually remember the day.

Anyone with stories of remembrance? Or even family or friend stories.


Unknown Member
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Feb 5, 2011
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Senior in high school. Watched it live on tv.


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Aug 26, 2012
I was in 3 grade at school walking around school and heard two teachers talking about it and went home and saw it on tv then 2 years later my mom and dad went to Iraq at the same time


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Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
I was at home talking on the phone with my sister inlaw. I was freaking out bad. My husband came home from work and picked up our son from kindergarten. We wanted him home with us. We live in a flight path for Ohare airport. And not far from downtown Chicago. It was very unnerving for weeks.


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Feb 28, 2012
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Beaumont, CA.
I was camping in the Eastern Sierra's and did not know it happened for five days. Now that is getting away!
This event led me to Volunteer as a Disaster Relief Nurse for the American Red Cross. Very humbling experience.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Driving to work. They started talking about it on the radio when the first one hit. No one was sure what was going on. They thought it might have been a terrible accident. Then.... Flight 175 hit the second tower. Then the sh** hit the fan....

That was a Badddddddddd day for America, but an even worse day for the perpetrators...


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10 Year Member!
Oct 30, 2010
6th grade foreign cultures class...being on Long Island, with most people's parents working in the city, they wouldn't tell us, but people's parents were pulling them out of school early...got home and turned on the tv and saw it all. only thing was I actually hadn't ever been to the twin towers so it was pretty distant to my young head. That, and I didn't know what a terrorist was, or who Osama was.

my dad started working in the OR at St Lukes Roosevelt hospital on 59th a few years earlier after working in Midtown on the ambulance as a paramedic/EMT for years...


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Dec 29, 2007
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I was at work. Saw CNN on tv in breakroom showing what I though was a grain elevator fire and then realized what it was and saw second plane strike. A division meeting was called and then Pentagon was struck. They closed the Island down for three days. Went home and waited for wife get home from Iowa City. She was traveling on I80 and observed three aircraft heading west (two F15s and Air Force One). Upon returning to work was greeted by armed guards, vehicle searchs, and Humvees with 50 caliber machineguns at all entry gates. Many of my coworkers have since had all expense trips to the Middle East.


5 Year Member
Jul 21, 2012
I was in kindergarten got to color all day. My parents left me in school because with have a big air force base. My parents thought if we got bombed I would be happiest with my crayons and friends.


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
I was at work and one of my employees was a Jamaican lady who listened to the radio. The floor was quiet and them she started having a panic attack. The first plane had hit. I was trying to console her and just feeling bad for those involved and the second plane hit. I remember being in shock and we watched the news live online until the first tower fell. I ran and threw up in the bathroom and got back in time for the second tower. I let all my employees go home and went to get my kid. They wouldn't let me have her for a few hours. So traumatic. I want sure what would happen next. RIP to everyone lost and thanks to all the Heros that day.
After that day everyone loved America and flew the flag but it only took about a year to return to the apathy.


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Aug 19, 2012
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metro detroit, mi
I was in school. We had just come back from lunch when we all found out. We walked into our class and saw our teacher sobbing. My twin sisters teacher turned on the tv for her class, but mine left it off. I assume she didnt want us to see it. I was still young and was more concered about getting my nails done but to this day it still shatters my heart....


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I was driving home from work and for a strange reason I had the radio on, which I never do. I remember listening to it and at the same time being surrounded by all these peaceful open fields making the entire thing seem unreal, almost like how I imagined it was when they aired the first War of the Worlds. I remember I had tears rolling uncontrollably down my face.


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Aug 31, 2012
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Surprise, AZ
mctlong said:
Some of these replies make me feel old....

I was in bed.

Me too! It was they day before my 20th birthday. I had been living in AZ for a year and all of my family is in PA. So us AZ people were still sleeping when the family from east was calling us and telling us to turn on the news. I was loving with my Aunt (who was an ER Nurse) and my Uncle (who was State police). I didn't fully understand what exactly was going on but my Aunt and Uncle went into emergency worker mode and started calling around to see where they were needed. It happened to be a day I didn't have any classes but I was scheduled to work at the Outlet Mall. I called to see if the store was even going to be open...and they were. I remember they did let us close are 1 or 2 and our sales for the entire day was $32...we had 2 customers! I remember chatting with both of them (older ladies). I think they lived a lone and just wanted someone to talk to.


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Feb 9, 2011
I was getting ready to walk to campus for my first class of the day, and my boyfriend at the time called me and told me to turn on the TV. At that point the first plane had crashed into the the first tower and everyone was still wondering if it was an accident. And then, on live TV, the second plane came and there was no doubt it was a terrorist attack. I remember sitting there with my jaw hanging down in disbelief, watching everything happen as bad became worse, and desperate people jumped to their deaths to get away from the smoke and flames, then the towers eventually collapsed. It seemed absolutely unreal... I will never forget how I felt watching that.


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Apr 15, 2010
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I woke up and just turned on the TV after the first tower was hit. At first I thought it was a movie (Wasn't sure what station it was on), and I thought it was kind of a dumb movie so I changed the channel and saw the same thing and then I realized what was going on. Watched the second tower get hit and the towers fall...

That was a weird time for me as it was for a lot of people I'm sure. I had just graduated from high school and was attending college so I was right in the middle of some critical formative years in life. A few weeks later, we started fighting the terrorists...part of me wanted to join the fight...wasn't sure what to do with my life then.

Does anyone remember the evening of the candlelight vigil a few days after the attacks? I was talking to a few people yesterday and we were surprised how we almost forgot all about that. Now, I remember what a cool sobering event that was. I was delivering pizzas that night and EVERYONE had flags out and candles burning. It was great to see and feel the patriotic spirit...something that has quickly been forgotten it seems sometimes. I was at a luncheon yesterday with a group of about 400 people and before we began we had a moment of silence that lasted for about a minute. You could hear a pin drop in that room, everyone had their head bowed and phones off...it was touching.


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Aug 31, 2012
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Surprise, AZ
I remember the candle light vigil. I lived way out in the dirt roads in the desert so no one was around me. I still lit every candle in the house and a few outside and turned off all the lights in the house.


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May 1, 2011
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Greenfield, In.
I was at work and the machine repair guys came and told me and some other guys on the floor. So we went into the repair shop and listen'd to the radio till it was time to go home and watch it all unfold on TV. What a horrible day. My brother, a friend of our's, and I went and visited the site in 2007 or 2008 and got some pictures while we were in Dover for a NASCAR race. So glad I got to go there and show our support.
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