bad neighbor stories....

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sorry.. i thought that after i re read... ok.. so we have this neighbor who runs his dog off leash.. it got hit by a car, and he is trying to sue the family... he then installed speed bumps without permission , and the HOA is now trying to sue him for paying for the removal, which was done the next day..


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Ok I will add another to my bad neighbor stories. After she didn't get the results she wanted from the local and county and state, she called the FBI in Indianapolis, they inturn sent 2 plain cloths people that also searched my whole property for meth. And then my wife sprayed for weeds and she had the poison control people out here and of course they said she was bonkers. She even calls the mayor like 10 times a month to ***** about us and anything else she can. The guy on the other side of her moved out when she turned him in child protective services for something that ended up being another lie by her! She also made false calls on him for cooking meth!!! I have more but I will use them to bump the thread! :p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Neal said:
I'm sorry Jacqui...but anything that prevents me from getting a good nights rest needs to go. I had this conversation with my daughter when she was waking up in the middle of the night and she has been a good girl ever since.

If it makes you feel any better I send them to a public park by my work where a bunch of other stray cats live and people feed them.

Not really, not when I know how much money I spend a week caring for "my" feral cats. Not to mention the worry when one comes up missing. Yes, I am the crazy catlady in our village (actually there are atleast two of us). :D Wonder if those live traps would work to catch them noise making drunks at the bar or the children in the area... (said sorta tongue in check since I always wonder why animals making noise is worse then humans, I mean isn't noise noise?) I really promise I will release them some place safe. :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Laura said:
cant they put a note in her file? 5149 1/2 if nothing else.. what a waste of time...

No, because what if she were to be like the story of the little boy who cried wolf? Atleast your lucky enough to get to know who your accuser is.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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What's wrong with cooking meth?


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dmmj said:
What's wrong with cooking meth?
Hmm, I will have to ask the police that if we get another visit. About 2 months ago she had some sort of health problem and was in the hospital for about 2 weeks. So since then she has been real low key as far as I know. But before that happend my brother in-law was over at our house talking to my wife (his sister) about stuff and when he left our house he got down to the stop sign and got pulled over. The cop asked him what business he had at our house. He exploded: "that's my f***ing sisters house you moron!" And I guess the cop knew Mark was about to go into a rage cause he just said ok and let him go on. I was very upset about that 1. Because she knew it was my wifes brother since they have all lived in this same neighborhood for years and years.. But chances are they were just watching to start with. Who knows??


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Sep 8, 2011
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I fear that we're the bad neighbors in our neighborhood! lol...not really, I guess, but not that anyone is particularly mean or bad; it's just that no one is really friendly or neighborly around us. I suppose it goes both ways, too. But aside from the older couple across the street that my wife knew years before we got married and I moved in (lol, and the guy a street over who lets me get cactus pads out of his yard!), we don't really know any of our neighbors. I don't think any of them have a clue that I keep a menagerie of reptiles in our home, and I actually do feel a little concerned if that information gets spread around, ya know?

But the reason for my first statement is because I take horrible care of our yard. To be honest, the previous tenants made some very stupid decisions with their landscaping, liking putting a giant pile of sand in the front yard one year. God knows what their intentions were, but a storm blew it over, and now I still have to wipe grit and sand off my shoes when entering the house after it rains (it rains a lot down here). PLus there's a lot of trees, and I don't own a lawnmower. The yard is a little too large to use a push mower, so during the green months, I'm restricted to borrowing my grandpa's ride mower on the weekends when time and weather permits. Needless to say, my yard does not get cut as often as it should, and combined with everything else, it looks terrible. Raking is an almost once-a-year event.


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StudentoftheReptile said:
I fear that we're the bad neighbors in our neighborhood! lol...not really, I guess, but not that anyone is particularly mean or bad; it's just that no one is really friendly or neighborly around us. I suppose it goes both ways, too. But aside from the older couple across the street that my wife knew years before we got married and I moved in (lol, and the guy a street over who lets me get cactus pads out of his yard!), we don't really know any of our neighbors. I don't think any of them have a clue that I keep a menagerie of reptiles in our home, and I actually do feel a little concerned if that information gets spread around, ya know?

But the reason for my first statement is because I take horrible care of our yard. To be honest, the previous tenants made some very stupid decisions with their landscaping, liking putting a giant pile of sand in the front yard one year. God knows what their intentions were, but a storm blew it over, and now I still have to wipe grit and sand off my shoes when entering the house after it rains (it rains a lot down here). PLus there's a lot of trees, and I don't own a lawnmower. The yard is a little too large to use a push mower, so during the green months, I'm restricted to borrowing my grandpa's ride mower on the weekends when time and weather permits. Needless to say, my yard does not get cut as often as it should, and combined with everything else, it looks terrible. Raking is an almost once-a-year event.
I would take a neighbor with a not so nice yard over the hell I have to deal with! :) she has some poor sucker do her yard and b*tchs at him the whole time he is out there try'n to do it! Id mow her over.... But I'm just mean.... >:)


Unknown Member
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Feb 5, 2011
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So were there search warrants for all these searches? If so, then there is definitely something wrong. The allegations of a single person isn't usually (and shouldn't be) enough to get a judge to sign off on a search warrant. If not, and you allow them to search your property voluntarily then you should stop. Tell them enough is enough, and that they need to get one.


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jaizei said:
So were there search warrants for all these searches? If so, then there is definitely something wrong. The allegations of a single person isn't usually (and shouldn't be) enough to get a judge to sign off on a search warrant. If not, and you allow them to search your property voluntarily then you should stop. Tell them enough is enough, and that they need to get one.

No search warrants were involved except for the last 2 guys that came from Indianapolis. Trust me, we are done. My wife and the guy that lived next door to her went to the Judge and spoke with him, and he knows the whole story. The only thing that can be done is if someone can prove she can no longer take care of herself and then the state will step in and take her to some kind of assisted living home. But.... we have put our house up for sale, keeping fingers crossed! :)


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I lived by some bad people and some nice ones. The worst was the one that would steal gas out of the car, the hub caps off of the car, and would sit on the porch when he knew my father was out on his big rig and would harass my mom. So we got a doberman puppy and he ended up poisoning it and then laughed while he watched us bury her. We moved soon after that.

Another neighbor got this yappy poodle puppy and would let it out at night and it would sit under our carport and bark all night. A few weeks later the dog was gone and a few days after that my husky ended up dead. Come to find out that the neighbor thought we had took their dog off so decided to kill mine but a week after that found their dog running around with some strays. >.<

Now the person I live by is nasty. He never takes his dog out of his apartment or the trash out so when he opens his door the smell will knock you down. When we moved in there were roaches everywhere so I went on a killing spree and finally killed them all but heard him in his apartment crying "my babies, my babies are all dead." and then found a pile of roaches he had dumped out in his planter it was really disgusting. His dog barks all day and night and tries to attack anyone through the door and he has the nerve to threaten to kill my dog for softly growling at him when he walked by my apartment (so much so that he tried to enter my place to kill my dog)... I can not wait until my lease is up in May.. This is the first time in my life I have ever lived in an apartment and I refuse to ever do it again!


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eudora09 said:
I lived by some bad people and some nice ones. The worst was the one that would steal gas out of the car, the hub caps off of the car, and would sit on the porch when he knew my father was out on his big rig and would harass my mom. So we got a doberman puppy and he ended up poisoning it and then laughed while he watched us bury her. We moved soon after that.

Another neighbor got this yappy poodle puppy and would let it out at night and it would sit under our carport and bark all night. A few weeks later the dog was gone and a few days after that my husky ended up dead. Come to find out that the neighbor thought we had took their dog off so decided to kill mine but a week after that found their dog running around with some strays. >.<

Now the person I live by is nasty. He never takes his dog out of his apartment or the trash out so when he opens his door the smell will knock you down. When we moved in there were roaches everywhere so I went on a killing spree and finally killed them all but heard him in his apartment crying "my babies, my babies are all dead." and then found a pile of roaches he had dumped out in his planter it was really disgusting. His dog barks all day and night and tries to attack anyone through the door and he has the nerve to threaten to kill my dog for softly growling at him when he walked by my apartment (so much so that he tried to enter my place to kill my dog)... I can not wait until my lease is up in May.. This is the first time in my life I have ever lived in an apartment and I refuse to ever do it again!

No questioning that u have had some sh*ity neighbors!! Id prolly go postal if my dog was poisoned! 1 other time we had cop at our house was when we were putting a little dirt in the backyard so she calls them and says we are trying to flood her backyard with water. Needless to say there was no water, just dirt filling in spots in the yard. Nutbag lady!! Her claim then was the water will runoff into her yard... sigh...
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