More of Maggie's box turtles


Maggie Cummings

I wish I could figure out how to make a comment, then post the picture I was referring to. Nother comment,
nother picture.
Anyhow, So I'm going to see if this makes sense...
1. Female Ornata, tried to get her white skin to show off, but evidently she's camera shy. She only has 3 legs
2.My male 3-toed, I like the color on his face. His name is Goof Ball
3. Female blind Ornata..I call her Bright Eyes.
4. Look at her nictatating membrane(I know it's spelled wrong) Katrina from the Midwest somewhere sent her to me because that membrane swells up and covers her eyeball as she's afraid of people and other turtles. I have socialized her good enough that it does not swell any more then yo see here.
5. Last but not least, this Eastern baby is hunting worms, see the red wiggler in the corner? He misses seeing it...IMG_2102.JPG IMG_2100.JPG IMG_2090.JPG IMG_2094.JPG IMG_2086.JPG


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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More? they must be coming out your ears!!

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