My Kind Of Sign (Warning: Politically Controversial)

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Freaking hilarious!

I could care less who does and does not have a gun (I have several myself.) I however care very much that the government already has way too much control over my life and I do NOT want them to have any more. That is my opinion. The Second Amendment gave us the right to bear arms. End of story.


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Tom said:
Balboa and Onarock. You two are both nuts. A gun loving liberal? That's an oxymoron. Your either a closet republican or you secretly really don't want everyone to have guns.


no, we're true liberals, and you're likely a false conservative. :)

Liberalism is about personal freedom above all else, government shall not tell me what I can and cannot do, whether it be own firearms, own tortoises, get a hummer from my wife, etc..

Conservatism is about fighting change, reinforcement of traditional values at the expense of personal freedom, etc.. Big Brother Knows Best..... (ok that's a little bit of a charged reference)

Its just that the convoluted state of modern politics has pidgeon holed many people into one of two choices, and in reality these descriptors of political ideology are missused and adopted by individuals of radically different mindset.

Really should stay off political discussions, people are even more stubborn about it than religion. LOL

If anyone has never done it this quick little survey may be enlightening. Sometimes people are shocked by a realization of where they truly stand on the political spectrum.

I actually score as a liberal who is borderline on being a libertarian.

Well enough of that soapbox, but with my last breath,

"Give me liberty, or give me death!"


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Jun 29, 2010
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Tom said:
Balboa and Onarock. You two are both nuts. A gun loving liberal? That's an oxymoron. Your either a closet republican or you secretly really don't want everyone to have guns.

Ha, there is more that unites us than divides us Tom.

Balboa said:
Tom said:
Balboa and Onarock. You two are both nuts. A gun loving liberal? That's an oxymoron. Your either a closet republican or you secretly really don't want everyone to have guns.


no, we're true liberals, and you're likely a false conservative. :)

Liberalism is about personal freedom above all else, government shall not tell me what I can and cannot do, whether it be own firearms, own tortoises, get a hummer from my wife, etc..

Conservatism is about fighting change, reinforcement of traditional values at the expense of personal freedom, etc.. Big Brother Knows Best..... (ok that's a little bit of a charged reference)

Its just that the convoluted state of modern politics has pidgeon holed many people into one of two choices, and in reality these descriptors of political ideology are missused and adopted by individuals of radically different mindset.

Really should stay off political discussions, people are even more stubborn about it than religion. LOL

If anyone has never done it this quick little survey may be enlightening. Sometimes people are shocked by a realization of where they truly stand on the political spectrum.

I actually score as a liberal who is borderline on being a libertarian.

Well enough of that soapbox, but with my last breath,

"Give me liberty, or give me death!"


mango matto

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"Liberalism is about personal freedom above all else, government shall not tell me what I can and cannot do, whether it be own firearms, own tortoises, get a hummer from my wife, etc."

I think this is what the founding fathers intended and true conservatives really want as well. Unfortunately we the people have stood by for so long and let politicians warp and distort things. I hate it that there is always some new legislation for one thing or another. There is always somebody that thinks they know a better way for us to live out our lives. BTW I love the sign, other that the fact that it's an invitation for gun thieves...


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Balboa and Onarock, funny how we both want the same thing, but each perceive one side or the other as standing for that while we perceive the other side as opposing it. If one were to define my political point of view it would be very libertarian. You guys think the libs want to give you personal freedom while I think they want to take it away (Gun bans for example. Why on earth would anyone with good intentions want to disarm the good guys?). You think the repubs want to take away personal freedom and I think they stand for more of that than the libs. The truth is I detest about half of what each party CLAIMS to stand for and loathe the hypocrisy of both of them. I just perceive one party as the lesser of two EVILS. But not by much...

To both political parties, I say: Leave my money alone. Stop giving my money to criminals and lazy bums. Leave my guns, animals, property and body alone. And stop giving yourselves raises, especially since you are doing a DISMAL job of enforcing and following the Constitution of the United States Of America, that you swore to uphold!!!

mango matto

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Balboa and Onarock, funny how we both want the same thing, but each perceive one side or the other as standing for that while we perceive the other side as opposing it. If one were to define my political point of view it would be very libertarian. You guys think the libs want to give you personal freedom while I think they want to take it away (Gun bans for example. Why on earth would anyone with good intentions want to disarm the good guys?). You think the repubs want to take away personal freedom and I think they stand for more of that than the libs. The truth is I detest about half of what each party CLAIMS to stand for and loathe the hypocrisy of both of them. I just perceive one party as the lesser of two EVILS. But not by much...

To both political parties, I say: Leave my money alone. Stop giving my money to criminals and lazy bums. Leave my guns, animals, property and body alone. And stop giving yourselves raises, especially since you are doing a DISMAL job of enforcing and following the Constitution of the United States Of America, that you swore to uphold!!!
That's what I was trying to say, I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately we are all being taken advantage of by the greedy hypocrite politicians.


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Tom said:
Balboa and Onarock, funny how we both want the same thing, but each perceive one side or the other as standing for that while we perceive the other side as opposing it. If one were to define my political point of view it would be very libertarian. You guys think the libs want to give you personal freedom while I think they want to take it away (Gun bans for example. Why on earth would anyone with good intentions want to disarm the good guys?). You think the repubs want to take away personal freedom and I think they stand for more of that than the libs. The truth is I detest about half of what each party CLAIMS to stand for and loathe the hypocrisy of both of them. I just perceive one party as the lesser of two EVILS. But not by much...

To both political parties, I say: Leave my money alone. Stop giving my money to criminals and lazy bums. Leave my guns, animals, property and body alone. And stop giving yourselves raises, especially since you are doing a DISMAL job of enforcing and following the Constitution of the United States Of America, that you swore to uphold!!!

Tom, I would add: repeal the patriot act, reform campaign finance, end all foreign aid (untill we get our situation correct), end lobbying, reform education, abolish gun registration laws and get your religion and corporations out of OUR Government. I call this the tip, and there is much, much more. The 2 party system is a sham all its designed to do is maintain the status quo.


The Dog Trainer
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We are very much on the same page. Funny how you vote for a party that wants to take your guns away.


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Tom said:
We are very much on the same page. Funny how you vote for a party that wants to take your guns away.

Its the evil I choose. Its funny how you vote for the party that feels Americans have too many civil libertys.


The Dog Trainer
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onarock said:
Tom said:
We are very much on the same page. Funny how you vote for a party that wants to take your guns away.

Its the evil I choose. Its funny how you vote for the party that feels Americans have too many civil libertys.

The republicans have been the party advocating smaller government and less intrusion since the 60's. The Patriot Act not withstanding, that is usually how they vote on laws too. I've never heard of any Repuclican stating that Americans have too much freedom. Quite the opposite actually.

Don't misunderstand. I've already said that I don't approve of about half of what either party does. Just seems like one party is pushing us over the brink of Socialism a little faster than the other.

I've always found it interesting how intelligent people look at the same picture and see things so differently.


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Tom said:
onarock said:
Tom said:
We are very much on the same page. Funny how you vote for a party that wants to take your guns away.

Its the evil I choose. Its funny how you vote for the party that feels Americans have too many civil libertys.

The republicans have been the party advocating smaller government and less intrusion since the 60's. The Patriot Act not withstanding, that is usually how they vote on laws too. I've never heard of any Repuclican stating that Americans have too much freedom. Quite the opposite actually.

Don't misunderstand. I've already said that I don't approve of about half of what either party does. Just seems like one party is pushing us over the brink of Socialism a little faster than the other.

I've always found it interesting how intelligent people look at the same picture and see things so differently.

I'm with ya on this one Tom. Especially in light the past couple years it seems to me that republicans are not the ones limiting freedoms here. :)

But then again, if I could see through the eyes of a democrat I'm certain I would be arguing with my republican self on this.


The Dog Trainer
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That's what's so interesting to me PB. I've talked to Paul, and many others like him, and they just perceive these issues differently, yet we usually say we want the same things. It seems so clear to me AND him which party is the worse one. Each side has valid points and valid reasons for disagreeing with the other. I talk about these things pretty regularly with people on both sides, trying to get a feel for why people side one way or the other.

I just want government out of my business, pockets, house and gun safe and I vote for whoever I think moves me closer to that goal.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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personally when I read in the paper (sorry force of habit) I haven't read an actual paper in years now, when ever I see a city wanting to ban something it is always a liberal city Ie: san francisco, currently wants to ban happy meals, pet stores among other things back east several liberal run cities want to ban all sweets and salty snacks in schools. the list goes on and on, so when I see someone say that republicans think people have to many civil liberties I always wonder what they are talking about.


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Tom said:
onarock said:
Tom said:
We are very much on the same page. Funny how you vote for a party that wants to take your guns away.

Its the evil I choose. Its funny how you vote for the party that feels Americans have too many civil libertys.

The republicans have been the party advocating smaller government and less intrusion since the 60's. The Patriot Act not withstanding, that is usually how they vote on laws too. I've never heard of any Repuclican stating that Americans have too much freedom. Quite the opposite actually.

Don't misunderstand. I've already said that I don't approve of about half of what either party does. Just seems like one party is pushing us over the brink of Socialism a little faster than the other.

I've always found it interesting how intelligent people look at the same picture and see things so differently.

Republicans and Democrats alike dont advocate smaller gov. Thats a myth. They just want to spend the money differently. Suggest to a republican that we spend less money thus decresing the size of goverment with the military and they will have a heart attack. And the part of less intrusion is laughable. Its been republican legislation that fights a womans right to choose, its been the republicans stance on getting their religion in our public schools. Its been the republicans that have given our local law enforcement power beyond belief. Its been the republicans that try and tell me I cant use marijuana for medical reasons. Its the republicans that favor a failed drug war campaign on its own citizens. And saying the patriot act not withstanding is crazy, since its been the biggest piece of legislature ever written to erode our civil libertys. Its the republicans that try and tell people what they can and cant do in their own bedrooms. Sometimes I feel that republicans dont like most Americans. I'm a true american. You want to have guns? Great, I dont care if you have a tank just keep it off my lawn. You want to have 10 wifes? Go for it. You want to smoke crack. Smoke all you want. You want to be gay and married or in the military? Fine by me, you pay taxes, you should be afforded the same rights as everyone else, or you should be tax exempt. You want to pray to your god? Go right on ahead, just keep it away from the stuff my tax dollars pay for. We have our political differences, but let it be known that I would proudly stand shoulder to shoulder with any of you if ever it was called upon us. Its our differences as well as our similarities that make us strong. Sharing wildly varying opinions has been the mechanism that has allowed us to open once shut doors to what can be possible in this country.


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Republicans and Democrats alike dont advocate smaller gov. Thats a myth. They just want to spend the money differently. Suggest to a republican that we spend less money thus decresing the size of goverment with the military and they will have a heart attack.

Sorry, but raising a military is in the Constitution and neccessary to keep people, like you and me, free to have this discussion.

And the part of less intrusion is laughable. Its been republican legislation that fights a womans right to choose,

Choice is fine, but if I find the murder of an unborn child repugnant, why do I have to pay for it?

its been the republicans stance on getting their religion in our public schools.

So on the other hand, religion is expressly banned from almost every public space now, where is my choice? If religion or prayer offends, look the other way as you do during an abortion. Unfortunately, this war on religion and the Founding Father's beliefs has turned into a simple war on Christianity and nothing more.

Its been the republicans that have given our local law enforcement power beyond belief. Funny, but I seem to remember a now quite infamous President saying he wants a civilian police force as well equipped and trained as the military...sounds like the SS to me. Been to an airport lately? That TSA has INCREDIBLE power now, sexual assault is on the menu, come on folks and bring your daughters!

Its been the republicans that try and tell me I cant use marijuana for medical reasons. Its the republicans that favor a failed drug war campaign on its own citizens.
So, what should we do about illegal drugs in the US? Make it a free for all? That will only lead to MORE crackheads on unemployment that I have to support, but perhaps we can make Hawaii a drug free zone and send all the addicts there, I would be for that and would be happy to pay for several plane tickets.

And saying the patriot act not withstanding is crazy, since its been the biggest piece of legislature ever written to erode our civil libertys. Give me one example of how your civil liberties have been eroded by the Patriot Act. If it is so bad, I'm sure the current Administration would have had it totally repealed, they have had more than enough power to do so for the last two know why they haven't..because it has worked.

Its the republicans that try and tell people what they can and cant do in their own bedrooms.

no one gives a rat's furry butt, what you do in your becomes a problems when I have to pay for your irresponsible actions of those that CHOOSE to engage in actions that could be dangerous.

Sometimes I feel that republicans dont like most Americans.

Wow, Kayne, is that you? GW, hates white people. Republicans hate American's.....that statement is idiotic and below even a liberal like yourself.

I'm a true american.
Gotta hear this one, give me your definition of a true American.

You want to have guns? Great, I dont care if you have a tank just keep it off my lawn. You want to have 10 wifes? Go for it. You want to smoke crack. Smoke all you want. You want to be gay and married or in the military? Fine by me, you pay taxes, you should be afforded the same rights as everyone else, or you should be tax exempt. You want to pray to your god? Go right on ahead, just keep it away from the stuff my tax dollars pay for. We have our political differences, but let it be known that I would proudly stand shoulder to shoulder with any of you if ever it was called upon us. Its our differences as well as our similarities that make us strong. Sharing wildly varying opinions has been the mechanism that has allowed us to open once shut doors to what can be possible in this country.

got guns, would love a tank, one wife (she's all I want), no crack or other smoke for me, I pray but don't force it on others and have stood shoulder to shoulder with my service brothers and sisters...have you? just wondering (no accusations intended in that question) Do you really pay taxes? Just wondering, because it seems that almost 50% of Americans don't actually pay taxes when it's all said and done. hmmmmmm, would that mean they don't pay their fair share?


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Totally agree--Dr. Todd. And if it was really soooooo bad---I don't think we would still have thousands trying to knock the door down----trying to get in!


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exoticsdr said:
You want to have guns? Great, I dont care if you have a tank just keep it off my lawn.

That's gotta be one of the best lines ever uttered on Great post LOL.

I won't get much more into my political stances, I think most of you know them. Every time I do, it gets me in trouble here for some reason.


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I swore I wasn't gonna let this drag me into a political debate, they go no where.

One more thing and I will hopefully stand true to it this time.

For me and most like minded I know, coming from working class, blue collar america, its about chosing between maintaining our gun rights versus putting food on our table.

It is lovely how they've split the issues across the wrong lines, but it does "good" in forcing centrism on us, which is a logical and sensible place to be.

The controlling and driving elite of both parties are entirely detached from real world america. Totalitarians have a strong presence in both parties, like socialists versus fascists in Europe, its all in the rhetoric, end result is same, no freedom.


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Well put exotics. I love how a lot of the freedoms people mention are only really freedoms when you only look at it from the one angle. Like freedom to not have religion in schools is only really "freedom" if you don't want religion in schools. If you do want it, then it's only fair that you be "free" to have religion in schools and to not have it in schools is then infringing on your right to "absolute freedom". People tend to define freedoms based on their wants not their rights.

Also, the constitution never states that you have a right to absolute freedom, the right to create rights, etc.
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