My redfoot

Grama tort

New Member
Aug 29, 2024
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I am a new tortoise Gramma, he was given to us and we have just had him a few months. Some days he is very active and eats like crazy and then will barely move and not eat for the next day. Is this normal.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Hello and welcome to the forum!🐢💚

Do you know roughly how old your red foot is? Are we talking an adult or hatchling?

Some more in information on how they’re kept would be helpful with advising, typically they should be eating something everyday.

Any answers to the following questions would be great! Don’t worry if you can’t answer all of them.

What are your ground temps in your enclosure?
What kind of lighting/heating are you using? Packaging photos are good if you have any.
Do you use indoor uv? If so, what kind?
What’s your humidity reading? What do you use for substrate?
What kind of things have you been feeding?
Do you give regular soaks?

A photo of your full set up would be really good! Along with a picture of your tort😊

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