My sulcata's shell is soft on one side and bleeding in spots!

Shauna Kaye

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5 Year Member
Aug 16, 2013
He's not very active and hardly eating at all!! I don't know what is causing it or what to do?

Shauna Kaye

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Aug 16, 2013
He's a little over a year old his substrate is moss and cypress mix I soak him everyday. I feed him cactus, clover, rose petals and when I take him out he will graze in the front yard. He also has a cuttlebone in his cage that he doesn't eat so I bought a calcium powder as well but since he hasn't been eating it doesn't really help. I don't have anything to check the humidity but I do keep parts of his substrate moist. I do use a UVB light that I have bought from the pet store. I don't let very many people handle him and I always keep an eye on him so fall damage isn't very likely. I noticed his shell was a little softer the other day and then last night after I soaked him and was drying him off is when I noticed bleeding on the paper towel. the picture with the pen is pointing to where he's bleeding from, the one with the screwdriver shows it too but also that that piece pushed in too


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Yvonne G

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I don't know what to tell you, Shauna. The new growth on baby tortoises is pretty tender. Maybe his new growth in that area got poked by a hard piece of substrate or something. You can just do regular first aid on it...clean it then apply Neosporin.

As for the softness, in case you didn't know - in order for the tortoise's body to absorb the calcium, he also needs to be taking in vitamin d3, which comes from beneficial UVB rays either from real sunshine or a good UVB light bulb.

Shauna Kaye

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Aug 16, 2013
What do you suggest for a UVB bulb? I take him out pretty much every day but I know having a bulb in side will help as well. What do you think could be causing lethargy and not eating?

Yvonne G

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'Not eating' is usually caused by not being warm enough. But lack of UVB has a bad effect on them too. I like the Zoo Med Power Sun Mercury Vapor Bulb.

Shauna Kaye

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Aug 16, 2013
Also where he's bleeding from, his scute seems to be separating from the others and you can kind of lift it up or push it in

Maggie Cummings

Also where he's bleeding from, his scute seems to be separating from the others and you can kind of lift it up or push it in

Do some first aid on it, keep it clean and stop moving it around.
He needs to be over 80 degrees to digest his food, he needs UVB rays for growth and health. Without the correct husbandry he could die. Sprinkle some calcium w/D3 on his food, get a UVB bulb and a black light bulb for heat at night. He should probably be in a closed chamber. I'm gonna find some links for you...

Shauna Kaye

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Aug 16, 2013
Thanks maggie3fan and Yvonne G!! I just did the first aid on him I haven't been messing with the scutes and will continue not to except to doctor them. He has both bulbs in his set up and I have the calcium powder. His set up isn't completely enclosed though, the top of it is a screen. should I do anything to that?

Yellow Turtle01

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How's his humidity? Sulcata's need it a bit high, especially a baby. I'm sorry I can't help with his shell, though! Does he have any rocks or decor that could have hurt him?

Shauna Kaye

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Aug 16, 2013
Well as I was reading some of the suggested links I seen that a lot of his heat and humidity probably escape through the top of his enclosure. I have sphagnum moss and a cypress mulch mixture that I keep moist but there isn't any hard parts in it!


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Sep 9, 2014
I am worried about this size of your tortoise. I know there is a lot of difference in "normal growth rates", but my less than 3 month old sulcata looks to be bigger than yours. Are you sure it is a year old? How long have you had him?

Shauna Kaye

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Aug 16, 2013
I got him August 16 of 2013. I have had him for over a year and not sure of the exact age he was when I got him but he still had his shell beak. I've wondered about his size too though


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The screen top will block a lot if the uvb, so cut a hole where the uvb bulb shows through. Also cover the rest of the screen with tin foil or something to block the heat and humidity from escaping. Get a GOOD temp and humdiity gauge, digital seems to be the best, cheap at places like Home Depot. Don't use those cheap disc type ones the pet stores sell, they are not accurate. A temp gun is also a good tool to have and also not expensive. Be sure the temps and humidyf are correct. 80 degrees all over day and night with 80% humidity and 95+ basking area. The threads of Toms are below in my post for reference. When you soak him, put him back in the enclosure without drying him off. After you have made the changes needed and have the correct temp and humdity, then I would try to get him to eat. Try romaine. If he won't eat it, try squeezing a little strawberry juice on it from only a fresh strawberry. I would also keep getting him outside for natural sunlight and uvb as much as possible, but don't forget to make sure he as shade and does not over heat.


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I really hope the best for your little guy, he is mighty small. after reading this I have 1 question that seems unanswered, you use a UVB light which is good, have you replaced it since you got it? UVB only emits for so long and if its still the original its probably not emitting UVB anymore, also what kind of bulb, coil shaped CFL bulbs are pretty controversial with being known to damage or irritate eyes (but i'm not here to raise that issue) they are also known to emit less UVB and "burn out" of UVB sooner, just because a bulb still lights doesn't mean UVB is still emitted. And if you know all this then ok that's all I got, and best of luck with the little one

Shauna Kaye

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Aug 16, 2013
After going to the pet store yesterday I realized the bulb I had been using gave very little UVB so I bought one that did. It's a coil one, so what do you recommend for a UVB bulb?

Yvonne G

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I'm not quite sure if you're saying you went to the store and bought a coil bulb? If so, return it and get your money back. Those bulbs can harm tortoise's eyes.

My favorite UVB bulb is the Zoo Med Power Sun Mercury Vapor Bulb. Second favorite is a tube type fluorescent bulb.

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