My tortoise pooped out some white stuff-discussion

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Well you learn something new everyday. :) I'm going to bookmark this Yvonne I sure appreciate you posting it.

dan masters

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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

ive heard that alot from manny people .

i think its normal.once in a while.

mine have done that as well.

Maggie Cummings

RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

flyinghome said:
It will be much better to give a picture at the same time, it can be easier to understand

I am new in raising tortoise, is the white substance in the picture the urates? I hope so.

Yes, that is urates and from looking I would have to say you tort is not hydrated enough. You need to soak him more I would suggest every other day for a while...


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May 21, 2010
RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

thank maggie

the picture was on the second day she arrived my home. Now, I soak her in warm water about 35oC degree for about 40 min every three days. She doesnt pool out such stuff any more recently. she urinates about every five to six days, the urine is a little viscous, I think the urates has been dissolved in her urine.

But, in another aspect, if the tortoise had not been hydrated enough, why did she urinate so much? it could be more than a cup.


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

I would decrease the soak time to no more than 20 minutes as the water gets cold and I don't think that long of a soak does any better than 20 minutes. Once you are past the new tort stage, if she uses the water on her own in the enclosure, I would forgo the forced soaks. Up to you though. I like to warm up the water in the enclosure and place my tort in it, and then let him get out on his own. The consistency of the urates can conclude that she is dehydrated or has had too much oxalic acid, not the amount of urine (torts pee a lot more than we would expect, but it is normal and means that they have took in that much fluid as they only pee when they have replaced it). If those urates were right after she came to your home, that means the dehydration or diet high in oxalic acid (or that the tort is just prone to that; my tort has gritty urates no matter what I do) was well before you got her. You want to see the urates more milky and not as chunky.


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May 21, 2010
RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

thanks tortoisenerd
when i soak my tortoise, i will mix some warmer water to the cooling water. i dont think the forced soak is the best way to hydrate my tortoise, since no man would take care of them in wild life. But i heared soaking is the best way to help them pee and defecate. i find that my tortoise would not pee if the soaking is less than 40min. i would really worry about her if i soak her less. And when I put her in water, she just stay their quitely without struggling。 seems she likes the soaking.

i also put a water tray in her enclosure, so that she can drink if thirsty. But the tray i use is only 10
cm in diameter and the she is more than 20cm long. so she cant put herself in water. can this be ok?


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

I would use a dish in the enclosure large enough for her to soak, or what might be the reason she doesn't use it. What acout a plant saucer or paint tray? I like to put warm water in my tort's dish and then put him in it and see what he does--he is 50/50 on staying in there for 10-15 minutes or getting right out, but less stressful for him that not being able to get out. I also wet his greens to get some water in him.


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

thanks you all
i will do better for my tort


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

Most birds and lizards combine urine and feces in a single elimination and that's what produces the white in, well, pigeon poop on your windhsield, as one common example. Actually, it's surprising that tortoises, being reptile, don't produce white excretions more often.


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

That picture is representative of what I've also seen from Abel when he pees. I snapped a picture of this type--appears to be nearly the same texture as his solid feces. This is the first time he's done this poop/white stuff combo. Regularly, there's a bit of the powdery/dissolving kind every other day when soaked.

Also normal?


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

Yes. If you are seeing the urates every day, take a look at what you are feeding. Lots of greens high in oxalic acid (spinach, chard, mustard, dandelion, collard greens)? If so, you may want to cut back on those. Typically we'd like to see urates not more than a couple days a week, but some torts do have them more often. The less gritty/chunky, the better.


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

On a serious note...
I've had my baby for 2 weeks now. For the last 5 days, I've seen urates daily-a bit on the pasty/gritty side. Fecal material looks normal and is daily as well.
I'm feeding spring mix (no spinach), weeds/grass, mazuri 2x a week, calcium w/D3 sprinkle 2x a week. I've also given pumpkin once and sweet potato once. Nodder is not to keen on the cactus just yet-still adding it to the mix.
I soak 2x daily for 20 minutes each
Water in the enclosure
Humidity 85-90% in the hide at 82 degrees
70-80% in the rest of the enclosure.
Soaked substrate
Hot spot 100-108
Cool side 70-80
Warm side 85-95
Vet says a bit gritty is normal, but I thought I would ask the pros...what do you think?


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

maggie3fan said:
flyinghome said:
It will be much better to give a picture at the same time, it can be easier to understand

I am new in raising tortoise, is the white substance in the picture the urates? I hope so.

Yes, that is urates and from looking I would have to say you tort is not hydrated enough. You need to soak him more I would suggest every other day for a while...

yes but remember not to soak him too much or he/she will get shell rot

Yvonne G

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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

Hi Dave:

A tortoise will usually get shell rot from being on wet substrate. Soaking every day, even a couple times a day won't contribute to shell rot. We DO recommend a once a day soak for baby tortoises.


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

I have been soaking George (T.G.G) about 4 times during the week for at least 1/2 hr each time. I never see him drink though and he has alot of urates. I feed only spring mix greens with some flowers (rose, prim rose) and celery. (no spinach) What else can I do to lessen the amount of urates he seems to pass each day?


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

i like to bath my tortoise once a week only for about 30 mins and scrub the shell with a toothbrush ( obv just the tortoise's) as i find it keeps the shell in excellent condis

just like my squirtle:D:)


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

I just found my first urate this morning after Leia's soak. It was a little bit smaller than a dime which seems pretty big to me. Rob would not let me photograph it or touch it (joy kill). So I shook her soaking container a little to see if it would break up but it did not it was very solid. So my question is: Is this urate an indication of a mistake I am making in her diet, or are urates just a fact of tortoise life that happen occasionally?


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

The answer is it can be both. It's is normal for the every so often (even up to several days a week) and the soft kind. The everyday, the hard kind, and the really gritty types are more an indication of things like not being hydrated enough or the types of foods they are eating. If caused by diet, that too can be a bit normal. Such as if a wild tortoise stops and grazes on a food item that is currently available, it throws it's diet percentages off temporarily, so it may make more urates during that time depending on what it is eating. Even the lack of hydration can happen in the wild, but this type really should never happen in a captive animal to my way of thinking.

Having a "bad" type urate is not something to go panicking about in my opinion, if it is just a day or even two it happens. It is something to pay attention to and to make you take a double check look at how your caring for this tortoise.

Yvonne G

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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

I don't usually find urates in my leopard tortoise pen. I don't know if that means that leopards aren't prone to them or if it means my tortoises are well-hydrated.


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RE: My tortoise pooped out some white stuff

CtTortoiseMom said:
I just found my first urate this morning after Leia's soak. It was a little bit smaller than a dime which seems pretty big to me. Rob would not let me photograph it or touch it (joy kill). So I shook her soaking container a little to see if it would break up but it did not it was very solid. So my question is: Is this urate an indication of a mistake I am making in her diet, or are urates just a fact of tortoise life that happen occasionally?

I might have figured out what I did wrong this week... I think I incorporated collard greens as a snack too much this week. I am going to keep a written log. I am feeding the correct spring mix sans spinach since Jeffbens0n and Mao helped set me straight. Any other idea's, I am definitely taking this as a warning sign.
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