My turtles eat but won't poop!

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5 Year Member
Jan 1, 2013
I need some advice from seasoned Box turtle parents...

First, my 2 box turtles really only eat corn, peas, and zucchini, although one of them will eat zoomed's canned box turtle food and earthworms. When they are in their enclosure, they pretty much just burrow under their substrate and stay there until I dig them out to soak them and feed them again. They move around from spot to spot a little but I hardly ever see them on top of their substrate (cypress mulch and sphagnum moss).

My main problem is that neither of them have pooped recently. Usually at least one of them would go while they are being soaked but not in at least 2 weeks. There is a chance they are going while they are burrowed but I haven't had a chance to dig through the mulch yet. I'm afraid they have parasites but I can't submit a fecal if they're not going! Also, I live in Chicago, and recently it has been very cold outside and their enclosure is right next to my window. If they are too cold, would that bind them up? I'm adding another heat lamp (heating pads make me nervous). Also, their tank is 24" tall and the lamps sit on top of the screen but I don't know how to get the lamps closer.

Does anyone have any advice?

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10 Year Member!
Oct 30, 2010
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you say lamps? I use a lamp on my box turtles but also use CHE, (ceramic heat emitter) which doesn't give off light only heat so there is some heat
on them at night while the light is off. I think if eating they must be going
in the substrate. If too cold they might be trying to hibernate. But there are
others on the forum that are well more educated in care of box turtles than
me, hopefully they will chime in. Also a infrared thermometer is something
that I find helpful to check the temperature of the turtles and different parts
of there enclosure.


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First they need a much better diet. Corn, peas and zucchini isn't the best diet. Second, turtles and tortoises have to be warm to digest their food, a basking spot of 80-85. They also need a UVB light that does not sit on a screen. The screen diminishes the UVB a lot. Also, they could be eating their poop, yes they will do that.
Others will be able to help further.


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5 Year Member
Jan 1, 2013
They have a basking spot that stays between 80 and 85 during the day and they have a UVB light that hangs under the screen so the mesh doesn't hinder the UVB. I am getting a ceramic heat emitter soon, I am just waiting for it in the mail. They also have a nighttime bulb until I get the ceramic one.

And, yes, their diet is awful, but Olive went 2 weeks without eating when I didn't giver her corn or peas. I give them multivitamin powder and calcium powder once a week to try to combat the low phosphorus:calcium ratio. I've tried every sort of healthier fruit or veggie but they won't even eat lettuce. Esther at least eats earthworms and a canned diet. I always add other stuff to their meals but Olive pretty much only eats the peas and corn. I don't know how to get her to eat anything else...


5 Year Member
Apr 25, 2012
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Definitely check their nighttime temps too. It sounds like your daytime temps are good though. If you want/need to get the lamps closer, you can remove the mesh (unless you have cats or other pets that might get into the pen) and suspend the lights from the ceiling with a long chain. There's also lamp stands available specifically for reptiles, though I'm not all that familiar with them.

With regards to the diet, you can try offering peas and corn along with other foods if you chop everything finely together so Olive can't pick the goodies out. You can also try making an omelette with the peas and corn inside the egg along with other veggies too. Whatever you can to make it hard for her to pick out her favorites. You might also want to try just feeding her healthier foods. If she doesn't eat for two weeks, its really not going to hurt her. Wait her out and when she gets really hungry, she'll eat.
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