Need help with making my red foot enclosure the best It can be


New Member
Sep 25, 2018
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Hey everyone. I’m looking for some insight on making my red foots enclosure better. The first picture is to show what all is inside the enclosure but the water dish in the center has since been removed and is replaced with a terra-cotta planter dish. The enclosure is currently 4ftx3ft and it is 2 feet high. The humidity is sitting at 80%-85% but my issue is the heat. I have a normal heat bulb in the front and an infrared in the back. but the temperature is sittings in’s the 80s near the bulbs but in the 70s on the sides. I will also be mounting the uvb inside the enclosure but dummy me didn’t realize the screws I have are too large to mount the lamp on. I’m trying to figure out the best way I can raise up the heat while still keeping it as enclosed as possible and keeping the humidity in. Any suggestions?23A34EFE-8204-4502-ABC1-9459EEBFBE70.jpeg 1EE6E585-C230-462B-B3EA-2E4B7C164A9F.jpeg D14E2354-200A-4D6A-BA96-71D27C0C51A5.jpeg


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10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
When I was raising a leopard hatchling in a 4x4 green house type enclosure, I had a mercury vapor bulb for uvb and three ceramic heat emitters for heat plus a regular 60 watt bulb. The 60 watt and the mercury bulb went off at night and the three Che's were on day and night. Two of the Che's were on a thermostat. This was in my basement sitting on insulation boards but still colder then up in my house area.
I'm thinking you need to add a couple Che's as the lights need to go off at night. Also uvb won't go thru glass and is diminished severely if going thru screen.


New Member
Sep 25, 2018
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When I was raising a leopard hatchling in a 4x4 green house type enclosure, I had a mercury vapor bulb for uvb and three ceramic heat emitters for heat plus a regular 60 watt bulb. The 60 watt and the mercury bulb went off at night and the three Che's were on day and night. Two of the Che's were on a thermostat. This was in my basement sitting on insulation boards but still colder then up in my house area.
I'm thinking you need to add a couple Che's as the lights need to go off at night. Also uvb won't go thru glass and is diminished severely if going thru screen.

Sorry I’m not sure why I put infrared. I meant ceramic. The one in the back is ceramic and the front is a 100 watt bulb. I also mentioned above that I’m going to mount the UVB inside the enclosure but the screws I have now won’t work. I’m going out tomorrow to buy screws that’s will work. :) I have the lights on timers so the ceramic one is the only one on at night. And then I take the other two lights off the screen and cover the screen up with tinfoil and boards to keep as much heat in as possible.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Yeah, I knew you were mounting the uvb inside, sorry I forgot as I was typing.
I think you need to add at least one more maybe two Che's to bump up the side temps. Put them on a thermostat. You could then get rid of the other light and use just the uvb light. You can also put the tin foil on over the screen and cut holes in the tin foil where the Che's bulb sits. This way it's helping to hold more heat in during the day and a total of two Che's may do the trick. Also the fixture that has the Che, the small one, should be replaced with a bigger fixture like the one with the light in it. The bigger dome works better.

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