New enclosure project!


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5 Year Member
May 26, 2014
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The Netherlands

I am much more of a reader than a poster, but I wanted to share something.
From the moment I got my Russian tortoise, I knew I wanted to get her a big enclosure.
For a few months now I have been scanning the adds for suitable and, affordable options.

I have an appointment tonight to go and see a man about a, I don't know if it's called this in English but it's Concreteplex wood terrarium.
It is very well build and looks great (I think)

The terrarium is 170 cm x 70 x70 that would be 66,9 inches long by 27.6 deep and 27.6.
It has a seperate hide box and a wooden rim in the front and ventilation. With glass doors.
One of the best properties of this material is its water resistent and heat preserving. So my current loss of heat problem will be solved.

If it is to my liking, I will put a lot of coco coir in the hide box to suit her digging and I can decorate the rest to my preference or rather hers. Hopefully she will be quite comfortable in this large home.

I have had to make some adjustments in my living room, moved furniture around and must replace several items, but it's worth it in the end, me and her will enjoy her new home.

Her are some pictures of the big terrarium from the ad. I am so very excited!!! Can't wait to get it and clean it until it's so sterile you could eat from it lol.

Take care

JoeyImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1411315622.436518.jpg

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I'll post updates along the way.


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5 Year Member
May 26, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
The Netherlands
Wow, that actually look really nice! What a steal! I hope she likes it :D
I really hope so it was very cheap because it needed some work.

Thank you:)
I really want to give it a new layer of lacquer and I have cleaned it up a bit. It needs the light fixture fixed and ventilation frame fixed.

Luckily I have a good friend who is strong as an Ox and very handy so he is helping me out.

To be honest I am still a bit trying to get used to. It takes up an enormous space in my living room and it stinks a bit. But I am cleaning it with vinegar and all purpose cleaning agent.

It's real sh....y work but I try to stay positive. It is slightly bigger than planned. But she will have a villa instead. I think I am trying to compensate her not getting out. Etc.

I'm doing my best at the moment. But hoping it's done soon.
My aquarium with musk turtle will be placed on top of it. Along with some plants and decoration.

There will be 2 light fixtures for my MVB and LED bulbs. And the hide box will remain dark.

Trying to get used to the massive amount of space it needs and trying to picture a happy tortoise living in it.




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It looks nice. Maybe you could put the lights up at the very top of it rearrange the hide section a little bit and make it a double Dekker. It's just a thought, I don't even know if it's possible but maybe it could because it is so tall. And with the glass front you'll be able to see him on both levels and it might be easier to keep the hide area warm enough.


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5 Year Member
May 26, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
The Netherlands
It looks nice. Maybe you could put the lights up at the very top of it rearrange the hide section a little bit and make it a double Dekker. It's just a thought, I don't even know if it's possible but maybe it could because it is so tall. And with the glass front you'll be able to see him on both levels and it might be easier to keep the hide area warm enough.

Thanks for the tips.

It needs a lot of work so I want to make it habitable first.

I discovered a hole in the side and a lot of things need replacing.

Yellow Turtle01

Well-Known Member
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Jun 12, 2013
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Wow, it's looking really nice. I like the double dekker idea, really good use of space.


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May 26, 2014
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The Netherlands
The terrarium has been thoroughly cleaned. But will be a bit less wide.

I have found some holes and some damage, which can be solved or hidden by sawing a few centimeters of the boards.

The whole thing will look a lot less shabby and will be cleaner on the eye.

I would like it to fit in my living room as in stead of trying to fit the living room to it. Those fellow Zen people will understand what I mean.

The new size will be 170 cmters long. 53 centimeters wide and 70 centimeters high.


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May 26, 2014
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The Netherlands
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We made it less wide. Replaced a lot of rusty screws. Put in a new ventilation screen and adjustable ventilation on the back.

Tomorrow we are closing up some holes and finishing it.

Exciting !!!


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5 Year Member
May 26, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
The Netherlands
The whole thing will be lined with aluminum side strips.

The front panel which had a vent roster on the front has been removed, it took unnecessary space in the front.
Slide strips have been replaced too.

Perhaps it might be done tonight:)