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5 Year Member
Nov 19, 2011
I there! I am new to the site, we inherited a turtle from my sons class and really have no clue about what kind she is, age, etc. Her name is Squirt. I do think something may be wrong with her jaw and she is not a spectacular eater. I made an appt with a vet for Monday but wanted to see what else I could find out about her in the meantime. All I really know is that she went from teacher to teacher at the school for about 9 years. (maybe longer).
Oh I am in Redondo Beach, CA if that helps.


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Yvonne G

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You have an ornate box turtle that has not had the best of care. Thank goodness she is now in the hands of someone who cares enough to find help from a group like us. We have many box turtle keepers here and we're always glad to offer advice. I'm happy you're going to the vet, as this little turtle needs its beak trimmed pretty badly.

Box turtles should be fed a diet of fruits, veggies and worms/insects. Your little turtle looks like maybe it has lived on a diet of either manufactured turtle food or cat food. And I'll bet she hasn't had a light on her to warm her up.

I should have started my post differently, but I was so sad for the little turtle...

Hi pearsonsteph:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!! Is your name Steph?


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5 Year Member
Nov 19, 2011
My name is Stephanie. She was only eating worms and some turtle pellets. She eats some fruits and veggies now and the pellets. Are those bad for her? Her shell is in seriously bad shape, it is turned up on one corner...


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The Crystal Unicorn
Welcome to the Forum and you have come to the right place for all your Turtle/Tortiose needs! now lets get your little guy some proper care...


Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2008
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Hello - welcome! Yes, this little ornate has not been well cared for. Ornates are probably the most difficult of the box turtles to care for. They really need an outdoor enclosure and don't do all that well inside. He will need to be inside for now because of cooler weather, but try to get him outside on nice days. This little one needs his beak trimmed and a better diet. I like the site: I feed my box turtles 60% protein, 30% veggies, 20% fruits, and 10% greens. The ornates are more carnivorous though so I might even bump up the protein to 70% at times. I'm in So Cal too (Inland Empire) so we're kind of neighbors! :)

Yvonne G

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Hi Stephanie:

The shell is in that condition because of lack of sunshine (vitamin D), lack of moisture in her habitat and poor diet. Turtle pellets are ok if you also feed a nice variety of healthy fruits and veggies.


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5 Year Member
Nov 19, 2011
Thank you for all of the good advice already! @ Kimber I have family in Riverside, so I know the IE well. :)
We were worried about putting her outside because we still have raccoons and possums in the area. We have been trying to get her out to roam around during the day. She needs a nail trim too, hopefully the vet on Monday can help with all of this!


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Nov 19, 2008
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pearsonsteph said:
Thank you for all of the good advice already! @ Kimber I have family in Riverside, so I know the IE well. :)
We were worried about putting her outside because we still have raccoons and possums in the area. We have been trying to get her out to roam around during the day. She needs a nail trim too, hopefully the vet on Monday can help with all of this!

Keep her locked up at night. I have raccoons too and they have killed more than one of my box turtles. Just a few months ago the raccoon pulled the door off their sleeping box and pulled out one of my luteolas. :( The possums have never bothered anyone though.


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Sep 16, 2011
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I think she's in good hands now. Diet is been addressed well. I think she needs a dish she can big enough to fit, but not too deep.

Also damp sphagnum moss that she can bury herself in she will feel more secure. You might find her addicted to onlhy eating live food. If you have trouble gettign her to eat plant matter try mixing in Bananas and Tomatoes.

Good luck, honestly my boxie looks fantastic for the poor care I gave her. This forum has helped me be a better caretaker to Cleo.


5 Year Member
Sep 16, 2011
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Worcester, MA
I need to phrase one thing better:
Cleo looks fantastic even though I was not caring for her as properly as I should have. Although, I always tried my best, I have learned that I did not do things correctly. Seems like sometimes love and luck can make up for some mistakes.

You might find some conflicting information, just learn what is working for Squirt and use that to edge her into proper diet. Sometimes Boxies can be stubborn and picky.


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5 Year Member
Nov 19, 2011
Thanks all! Right now she is not eating at all. Her bottom jaw? Looks like it is cracked. I am a little concerned that she needs to be outside and I don't have a whole lot of room for that option...

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Hi Stephanie:

You're right, she would be better off outside, however, there are many, many indoor box turtles living a happy, healthy life.

Depending upon how high into the "flesh" the crack goes, it might be very painful. Don't worry about her not eating at this time. After the vet trims the beak, then you can start to try to get her to eat.

In the meantime, keep putting food at the feeding station. But the most important thing for you to know is she MUST be warm or she won't eat. Place a light over one side of her habitat. I like to use the Mercury Vapor Bulb (MVB) because it provides the needed UVB along with heat all in one bulb/fixture.

Can you post a picture of your set up so we can help you tweak it a bit?


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Welcome Stephanie, this little guy came to you for a reason. He is so lucky. Good luck at the vet and keep us posted. You will learn so much here.
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