New person who knows nothing

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Sep 7, 2011
Hi everyone,
I am new and need help I was given a very active thigh spur torty yesterday as he was homeless. I know nothing apart from matching what breed. I don't know wh[/php][/quote]at to feed him. I have been feeding him tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, a few dandelion plant that I pull up from front garden. I have not got a table at present as it's on order. He is in my conservatory in a box with hay . I have let him wonder around garden when it was dry but in Wales that's not often.
I am worried as he climbs on the low window ledge and I am worried he might fall. I can't leave him. I want to look after him properly as he lovely. He is very strong and determined. I worry about him as I want to keep hi
Healthy. If anyone can advise as there is alot of contradictions on food. In addition I put the heater on to warm the room up until house and basking lamp arrives.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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:D Sounds like you have just started a fun chapter in your life. :D I would suggest going to the sulcata section and looking thru some of the posts over there. Then the questions you still have, ask. We love answering questions. Welcome! Almost forgot... how big is he?


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Hello and welcome :D

Congrats on your new tort! How old is he? Do you have any pics so we can see the handsome tort (we love pics here)?

Some good food other than grasses and weeds are collard greens, yellow squash, hibiscus flowers and leaves, hay, and there are a lot of vegies. I know there is a link on here somewhere that shows what is safe and what isn't. I would stop feeding the lettuce since it has no nutrition and also to stop feeding the tomato. I know more people will chime in!

If your tort is still small then I hope you know how big a sulcata will get.....which is BIG!

Can't wait to see some pics! :)


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Sep 7, 2011
Jacqui said:
:D Sounds like you have just started a fun chapter in your life. :D I would suggest going to the sulcata section and looking thru some of the posts over there. Then the questions you still have, ask. We love answering questions. Welcome! Almost forgot... how big is he?

Thanks, I measured him for his table because of his size it has to be made special for sheldon. When I managed to measure him he was 12" long 9.5" width from one side of shell to the other. And while his legs were extended about 8-9" high while walking. Can't believe somebody chucked this cheeky chap out. He is a boy apparently and somebody said he was 50 years old but not sure. I shall try and post A picture


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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He's 12" long? How did you measure him? Did you go over his back (the carapace) or do a straight line measurement of his length flat on the floor? How big is this table going to be? Just having a hard time visualizing one that will keep an active 12" sulcata happy.


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Sep 7, 2011
drgnfly2265 said:
Hello and welcome :D

Congrats on your new tort! How old is he? Do you have any pics so we can see the handsome tort (we love pics here)?

Some good food other than grasses and weeds are collard greens, yellow squash, hibiscus flowers and leaves, hay, and there are a lot of vegies. I know there is a link on here somewhere that shows what is safe and what isn't. I would stop feeding the lettuce since it has no nutrition and also to stop feeding the tomato. I know more people will chime in!

If your tort is still small then I hope you know how big a sulcata will get.....which is BIG!

Can't wait to see some pics! :)
Thankyou for your help, I have no idea how big he will get. I was told he is about 50 and will not grow anymore. I took a picture but quite dark, how do I download a picture. With the food he he loves the tomatoes and the lettuce, would I find the right food in a reptile shop as I will have to get some tomorrow


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Do you have a garden or yard that no fertilizer or chemicals have been used on? Or a friend's? Weeds and other plants from your yard are normally best. At his age getting him to eat some hay, such as orchard grass hay, would be good too.

Do you know a sulcata can easily get to be 100 pounds of hard hardheadedness?



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Sep 7, 2011
Jacqui said:
He's 12" long? How did you measure him? Did you go over his back (the carapace) or do a straight line measurement of his length flat on the floor? How big is this table going to be? Just having a hard time visualizing one that will keep an active 12" sulcata happy.

I measure him rough hand from his head downward to the back of him. I will try and send a picture in if I can download one. The person I contacted at homes for pets on eBay who builds tables suggested a 73" table which will fit in the conservatory just but I understand he will need to go in the garden to stretch his legs. I might of measured him wrong but he seems like a big feller


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If you want to buy some food you can find it at the supermarket. I would imagine that if you buy vegies from a pet store then the price would be high. Like Jacqui said, if you can let him graze outside that would be really good for him.

It doesn't sound like the tort is 50 years old at only 12" long, but I'm just assuming. I've seen 50 year olds a lot bigger than that...

Hardheadedness, lol. Funny and yet so true :p


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Sep 7, 2011
Jacqui said:
Do you have a garden or yard that no fertilizer or chemicals have been used on? Or a friend's? Weeds and other plants from your yard are normally best. At his age getting him to eat some hay, such as orchard grass hay, would be good too.

Do you know a sulcata can easily get to be 100 pounds of hard hardheadedness?

I have a smallish garden that has just been lawned. I put him on it but all he did was go around the border then found a dip undernext doors fence and tried to get under it. He ate my one strawberry on my plant then made a dash again for the dip again, I had to pull him back but he was determined to do what he wants. He did nit eat any grass. I did not realise how big he will get, is this why he has been dumped. Apparently he was walking down the high street when somebody rang to have him picked up. He is a lovely fellow and I actually fed him by hand but now I know I am not to do this. Thankyou for helping as I was slightly worried what to do with him and my daughter loves him. Although I dint think he us a suitable pet for a 5 year old. I will do my best by him and can't believe people dump animals


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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The most common reasons to give them up are problems due to the size and strength they get. They can go thru fences and walls. they can dig tunnels and undermine homes and buildings. Simply they can be bulldozers. It takes a lot of room, money and patience to put up with these big guys. Winter time can be a challenge in places where it get's cold. When you get a chance, read up on Bob and the humorous antics this sulcata does. He is loved and spoiled by Maggie. I'll see if I can find one of the threads to give you a start on them.

Here try this one...


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Sep 7, 2011
Jacqui said:
The most common reasons to give them up are problems due to the size and strength they get. They can go thru fences and walls. they can dig tunnels and undermine homes and buildings. Simply they can be bulldozers. It takes a lot of room, money and patience to put up with these big guys. Winter time can be a challenge in places where it get's cold. When you get a chance, read up on Bob and the humorous antics this sulcata does. He is loved and spoiled by Maggie. I'll see if I can find one of the threads to give you a start on them.

Here try this one...

Thankyou I really appreciate all your help I hope I can contain him and keep him happy. After speaking to you I feel a little hope. Did not realise that torties were so active and have a personality.

Yvonne G

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I'm not sure, but I think we have made a wrong guess on the type of tortoise that mblackmore01 has. I'd be willing to bet that it is one of the Graeca tortoises, and not a sulcata. Mblackmore01 is in Wales.

Hi mblackmore01:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

Our confusion lies in the fact that a Graeca tortoise is called a spur thigh and a sulcata is sometimes also referred to as a spur thigh.

Glad to have you with us, and I'd love to see some pictures.

Do you know anything about the tortoise's life before he came to live with you?


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Sep 7, 2011
Quick update on my tortoise, well it's been an eventful couple if days. I am now without a tortie. Sheldon who I was advised was a sulcata gladly was not, I did say I knew nothing just a good soul taking in a homeless tortie. I popped into the local reptile centre to be asked if I had the paperwork for the spur thigh that I was harbouring. I did not know you needed paperwork, nor was I aware of the prison sentence that was offered.

I was also worried about the tortie trying to climb on everything and digging at the walls of the conservatory. I was advised that this tortie had lived all it's life outside and was mist likely going crazy being kept in. It was wet and did not want him to get cold. I was advised the best thing to do was to give him to a local tortie rescue who could give him the outside space as mine was not big enough and could entre him into the breeding programme. At least he would be happy and perhaps it is the right thing to do.

Took him down, was very reluctant as he was fab, but sometimes head has to rule the heart. The lady in question took one look and said that she recognised sheldon and his owner has been looking for him for 6 months. My daughter was so upset at giving sheldon up that the lady concerned offered my daughter a baby spur thigh all legal. Just goes to show that sometimes doing the right thing is always best. I hope sheldon/ ???? Who ever he might be is reunited back in Cardiff with his owners. I shall be back on here when the baby tortie arrives for help

Yvonne G

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Wow! What a nice person to give you a baby in exchange for the "lost/found" tortoise!! Be sure to post some pictures of your new tortoise when you get it.


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Sep 7, 2011
emysemys said:
Wow! What a nice person to give you a baby in exchange for the "lost/found" tortoise!! Be sure to post some pictures of your new tortoise when you get it.

I know, she is very sweet. Soon as I have the tortie I shall be posting photo's and taking advantage of any advice on offer. All update you if sheldon has been reunited with owners
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