

New Member
Nov 12, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Southwest Virginia
I am so glad I stumbled upon this site while doing research to help out with my two newest family members, Voldetort and Shellatrix Lestrange (subject to change as they get older! ) Very new to owning tortoises, but I have had some experience with cleaning after and feeding and loving on some older torts (18 to 25 years old) at my weekend job and trying to help educate the public about them and many other cool animals...but raising babies is a whole new ballgame and I'm super excited and nervous!! Happy to meet some new friends :)

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The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Hello and welcome Jo.

You'll have to forgive us, but the welfare of all the tortoises of the world is of primary concern to us here, so we often like to point out potential problems that we see for new people here, even when the new people have experience with animals as you do. Its never intended to be hurtful or mean. Its always intended to be helpful. Sooooooo… along those lines…

It looks like you might be using one of those ramped water bowls. I can't tell for sure, but that is what it looks like in your pic. If that is the case, I would remove it right away as those are not safe for tortoises. They can flip and drown in them. Terra cotta plant saucers sunk into the substrate work best for water and food.

Also, It looks like you got a pair. Sorry to tell you, but tortoises should not be kept in pairs. One will always be dominant and one the submissive, and it adds unneeded stress o both of them. Tortoises are not social and don't need or want company. They all want to be the sole king of their castle. Other tortoises are not seen as "friends". They are seen as intruders, combatants and competitors for the resources. Groups can sometimes work out okay, but pairs are much too personal.

Here is the standard sulcata care info:

Please come back with any questions. :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Hi! *waves* What beautiful babies and with such interesting names. :) So glad you stumbled on to us. How did happen to decide to join the fascinating world of tortoise keeping?

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Hi Jo, and welcome to the Forum!

I love your avatar picture. How lucky you are to have such a wonderful job. I have a zoo too, but my zoo is mostly turtles and tortoises.

You will probably be able to keep your two together for a while, and to aid in stress relief for them, keep a real big habitat. Feed each at opposite ends and have more than a couple hiding places, with quite a few sight barriers. If you see them snuggling together, that's not snuggling. That's the dominant tortoise telling the submissive tortoise he wants that spot. Separate them by moving one to the other end of the habitat.

I found the Iris Christmas Tree Storage Bin a couple years ago and its great for indoor habitats:

christmas tree bin-1.jpg

Christmas tree bin-2.jpg

For baby sulcatas, you can drape plastic film over the light structure to make a more-or-less closed chamber.


New Member
Nov 12, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Southwest Virginia
Hello and welcome Jo.

You'll have to forgive us, but the welfare of all the tortoises of the world is of primary concern to us here, so we often like to point out potential problems that we see for new people here, even when the new people have experience with animals as you do. Its never intended to be hurtful or mean. Its always intended to be helpful. Sooooooo… along those lines…

It looks like you might be using one of those ramped water bowls. I can't tell for sure, but that is what it looks like in your pic. If that is the case, I would remove it right away as those are not safe for tortoises. They can flip and drown in them. Terra cotta plant saucers sunk into the substrate work best for water and food.

Also, It looks like you got a pair. Sorry to tell you, but tortoises should not be kept in pairs. One will always be dominant and one the submissive, and it adds unneeded stress o both of them. Tortoises are not social and don't need or want company. They all want to be the sole king of their castle. Other tortoises are not seen as "friends". They are seen as intruders, combatants and competitors for the resources. Groups can sometimes work out okay, but pairs are much too personal.

Here is the standard sulcata care info:

Please come back with any questions. :)

Hi! Thank you so much for that information, that is why I joined!

You are right, it is one of the step up water bowls. I only keep water in it when I have used it to let them soak, otherwise when they aren't being watched I keep it dry for that reason... I was afraid one of them would get stuck or drown :( Even though I do have animal experience, I'm a blank slate when it comes to baby torts so I am very very appreciative of helpful information.

As far as keeping them as a pair, my husband got a bit of a package deal and I was looking at keeping them together until they start to show those dominant/submissive behaviors to where it will keep then from being happy healthy babies. At this point, they stay on opposite sides of the enclosure other than when I soak them. I'll keep a close eye out for the behavior thoughas and we will separate :)

Thank you for the links, I did a little reading on here last night but the direct links help out... this page has a massive amount of info!!

Thanks for the help!


New Member
Nov 12, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Southwest Virginia
Hi! *waves* What beautiful babies and with such interesting names. :) So glad you stumbled on to us. How did happen to decide to join the fascinating world of tortoise keeping?
Hi Jacqui!! *waves back all excitedly* thank you! ! I have a Harry Potter theme going on with my animal babies, my buns are Sirius Black and Dobby :) I like to try to be "punny".

I work part time as a zookeeper and fell in love with the Sulcatas there. Never thought I would own one but my husband just surprised me with our two for an early Christmas present. I've been searching for good information on how to care for and raise happy healthy babies and thankfully found this page!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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Hi Jo and welcome to the best place for information and inspiration. Thankfully there are many experienced tort keepers out there who are willing to share their advice based on many years of tried and tested methods. I have learned so much and continue to learn something new each day - and it has saved me a fortune that I may have sent on incorrect or unsuitable equipment as well as vets bills. So read, search and ask as many questions as you need someone will be along to help.
A website you may find useful is to help ID tort safe plants for food and enclosures.
Looking forward to hearing how your new babies settle in.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Detroit, Michigan
+1 on all above. A ton of knowledge on here, use it to your (and your new Sully's) advantage. I have learned so much and changed/modified my whole approach to Tort keeping since joining here. As a Zoo tech, surely you understand how scientific and calculated raising a healthy animal of any variety can be.

Congratulations and best of luck.


New Member
Nov 12, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Southwest Virginia
Hi Jo, and welcome to the Forum!

I love your avatar picture. How lucky you are to have such a wonderful job. I have a zoo too, but my zoo is mostly turtles and tortoises.

You will probably be able to keep your two together for a while, and to aid in stress relief for them, keep a real big habitat. Feed each at opposite ends and have more than a couple hiding places, with quite a few sight barriers. If you see them snuggling together, that's not snuggling. That's the dominant tortoise telling the submissive tortoise he wants that spot. Separate them by moving one to the other end of the habitat.

I found the Iris Christmas Tree Storage Bin a couple years ago and its great for indoor habitats:

View attachment 155518

View attachment 155519

For baby sulcatas, you can drape plastic film over the light structure to make a more-or-less closed chamber.
Thank you so much for the info. I love your enclosure setup! (Not to mention that kitchen table! ) I really like that you have the plants in it, as well... what kind of plants do you have in your habitat?


New Member
Nov 12, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Southwest Virginia
Hi Jo and welcome to the best place for information and inspiration. Thankfully there are many experienced tort keepers out there who are willing to share their advice based on many years of tried and tested methods. I have learned so much and continue to learn something new each day - and it has saved me a fortune that I may have sent on incorrect or unsuitable equipment as well as vets bills. So read, search and ask as many questions as you need someone will be along to help.
A website you may find useful is to help ID tort safe plants for food and enclosures.
Looking forward to hearing how your new babies settle in.
Hi Lyn!!! Thank you for taking the time to say hi, and to provide that link. Much appreciated! !!

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