Newest farm additions :)

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Feb 21, 2010
chadk said:
We go back and forth on names. Not whether to have them or not, as we like to give things names, even if they will end up as dinner... But what names to give.

I was leaning towards Ham-let and Keve Bacon. One kid like Sausage and McMuffin.

Yes the kids and the lil piggys are way cute! .....but I see " ribs" all all the way! :p



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Mar 19, 2009
Thanks JD and others.

Candy and Terryo- my kids want to help in the killing and processing. I don't let them help in the killing. Someday when they are more mature. But my teenage daughers love helping me clean fish and helped me process our goose a few months ago - and I didn't even ask, they just wanted to. They were also excited about disecting animals in their biology classes. Not squimish at all.

My first chicken we killed - old red, was a mean dude. The kids were ready to see him go. I BBQ'd it and could hardly hold them back from the meat - they would eat it as fast as I could cut if off.

Guess I didn't let them watch enough disney and PETA proganda... ;)


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Jun 8, 2009
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Just wondering, how many of the things on your pets/family members in your signature are going to be eaten?


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Mar 19, 2009
At some point, all of them... We are all worm food someday...

But I don't eat pets. Do you? I also don't eat family members. Do you? Strange question....


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Jan 4, 2009
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I don't think that me or my kids would ever hate anything so badly that they or I would want to kill and eat it as fast as it got it off of the BBQ....that is a strange comment. :( And might I add a sad one.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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So the people who think chad is wrong do you live the vegetarian lifestyle? I think a lot of people who eat meat nowadays are removed from the process. Would I eat apet? no of cours enot, would i eat animals I raised for that purpose? yes, animals taste good, Even some vegetarians I know miss eating bacon. I think chad is doing a great service for his kids and when they grow up if they decide not to eat meat anymore, then that will be their choice, at least it won't be forced upon them. I will admit I have never butchered anything more than fish, but I am extremly interested in the concept and would like to visit a slaughterhouse one day, but there are not any near me. My grandma tells me stories of how her and her sisiters were given the runts (pigs) on the farm to raise knowing that they were eventually gonna be slaughtered, to this day her and her sisiters still eat bacon.


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Jan 4, 2009
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Yes Dmmj a lot of the people on here don't eat meat. Are you telling us that the one thing you would like to do is visit a slaughterhouse? Really? And you say that my post was the scariest you'd ever heard on TFO,. I'm pretty sure you've outdone me on scariest post. People eat meat I realize that, but I don't ever think I've heard anyone ever say they'd like to go to a slaughterhouse to watch it be done. Why don't you just watch "Food Inc." it shows you all you need to know. Or maybe you could try slitting the throat of a pig and letting it bleed out and then cutting it's stomach open and then you can gut it yourself. Sounds really cool. Let me know when you have the guts yourself to do that O.K.?

These are some pretty sick people. I tell you I like PETA better every time I see something like this. And before someone says that you don't slit a pigs throat but you shoot it instead that is how my nurses family did it in Mexico when she was young and then she would have to go help gut it.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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I would not slit a pig's throat because I would not know how to butcher it properly, as to the scariest thing posted on here your's still take the cake for one simple reason I would like to go to a slaughterhouse for the knowledge of how to properly butcher animals, just slitting a pig's throat for thrills does not sound like fun, I realize you might enjoy it since you brought it up, and I understand people who support PETA are a little off based in the first place since they equate animal with human life, still the scariest post by far, mine was meant for the knowledge not thrills like you seem to think, you trully trully still scare me with that post, but like I said I would like to learn how. I never said I would enjoy it or get a "thrill" from it, I always seek out new knowledge, my mind is not closed and I figured since I eat animals knowing how to properly butcher one would one day be useful if I ever decide to raise my own, not being a hypocrite I would enjoy learning how to properly butcher an animal. See the words I use, Properly, knowledge, hyprocisy. Hmmm sounds like someone is not happy?


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chadk said:
Thanks JD and others.

Candy and Terryo- my kids want to help in the killing and processing. I don't let them help in the killing. Someday when they are more mature. But my teenage daughers love helping me clean fish and helped me process our goose a few months ago - and I didn't even ask, they just wanted to. They were also excited about disecting animals in their biology classes. Not squimish at all.

My first chicken we killed - old red, was a mean dude. The kids were ready to see him go. I BBQ'd it and could hardly hold them back from the meat - they would eat it as fast as I could cut if off.

Guess I didn't let them watch enough disney and PETA proganda... ;)

This is what makes the world interesting....everyone is different...everyone raises their children differently too. I respect your opinion as I know you respect mine...we have discussed this in the past. When it was time for my son to dissect a baby pig in college, he refused. He told me it was the saddest thing he ever saw..all those babies laying in plastic bags. When he was in middle school and had to dissect a frog, he also refused as did all my other 4 sons. We had so many frogs in our pond and we used to watch they turn from little that really hurt them also. They all refused to march for the march of dimes until they stopped testing on animals. (remember this isn't a feedback required) I never told them what to do, it's just how they were raised. Three of my sons don't eat meat, but the other two do. Everyone is different....that's what makes the world go round. I do agree with Candy. I think it's sad that children can't wait to kill. Just my opinion.


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dmmj said:
I would not slit a pig's throat because I would not know how to butcher it properly, as to the scariest thing posted on here your's still take the cake for one simple reason I would like to go to a slaughterhouse for the knowledge of how to properly butcher animals, just slitting a pig's throat for thrills does not sound like fun, I realize you might enjoy it since you brought it up, and I understand people who support PETA are a little off based in the first place since they equate animal with human life, still the scariest post by far, mine was meant for the knowledge not thrills like you seem to think, you trully trully still scare me with that post, but like I said I would like to learn how. I never said I would enjoy it or get a "thrill" from it, I always seek out new knowledge, my mind is not closed and I figured since I eat animals knowing how to properly butcher one would one day be useful if I ever decide to raise my own, not being a hypocrite I would enjoy learning how to properly butcher an animal. See the words I use, Properly, knowledge, hyprocisy. Hmmm sounds like someone is not happy?

This one scares me the most. :(


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Jun 8, 2009
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chadk said:
At some point, all of them... We are all worm food someday...

But I don't eat pets. Do you? I also don't eat family members. Do you? Strange question....

I meant under that section, not family members, but was trying to eye you to the right place. But I mean your turkeys and all those other animals, they are to be consumed?


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Mar 19, 2009
Candy said:
I don't think that me or my kids would ever hate anything so badly that they or I would want to kill and eat it as fast as it got it off of the BBQ....that is a strange comment. :( And might I add a sad one.

Candy, that was just a stupid comment. Where did you get the idea hate hatred is what drove them to want to kill and eat it? All our farm animals have the potential to become food one day. When the hens stop laying, they don't go to a retirement home... All along, I was telling them that if a rooster becomes too dangerous around the twins, it would need to be culled. We all made the choice together when the time came. It was a choice of necessity. And I am a darnded good cook and they LOVED the meat.

Stop making this about you...

DoctorCosmonaut said:
chadk said:
At some point, all of them... We are all worm food someday...

But I don't eat pets. Do you? I also don't eat family members. Do you? Strange question....

I meant under that section, not family members, but was trying to eye you to the right place. But I mean your turkeys and all those other animals, they are to be consumed?

It isn't always black and white like that.

But here is how it works.

We have pets. No other purpose. Well, dogs do have many puposes (guard dogs, keeping raccoons away, companionship, etc etc). But they are here as our pets. Same for the cat and the reptiles...

Then there are the farm animals. Farm animals, by the nature of true farming, need to pull their weight. Sounds harsh, but that is the difference between chooseing to get pet, or choosing to get a farm animal.

So the chickens must produce eggs. Any chicken that does not, including the roosters, are likely to become food. A farm cannot exist if everyone is given a free ride. That is just reality. Sure, there are little petting zoo type farms, but those are more sanctuary setups and they probably get by with donations.

Turkeys - if they turn out to be a breeding pair (you don't usually know that when you get them), they may become breeders. Otherwise they become Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.

Our goats are top of the line dairy goats - so they provide milk and milk products. They also do a great job of keeping the black berry bushes in check. And i decided to keep our new male (now a wether) around to be a pack goat - he'll help carry stuff when we go camping. A goats dream job...

Pigs... well, you know about them.

Ducks and geese, similar to the chickens and turkeys. But geese are also good 'guard dogs' and lawn mowers. Ducks are also good at keeping slugs and snails in check around my garden.

DoctorCosmonaut said:
chadk said:
At some point, all of them... We are all worm food someday...

But I don't eat pets. Do you? I also don't eat family members. Do you? Strange question....

I meant under that section, not family members, but was trying to eye you to the right place. But I mean your turkeys and all those other animals, they are to be consumed?

It isn't always black and white like that.

But here is how it works.

We have pets. No other purpose. Well, dogs do have many puposes (guard dogs, keeping raccoons away, companionship, etc etc). But they are here as our pets. Same for the cat and the reptiles...

Then there are the farm animals. Farm animals, by the nature of true farming, need to pull their weight. Sounds harsh, but that is the difference between chooseing to get pet, or choosing to get a farm animal.

So the chickens must produce eggs. Any chicken that does not, including the roosters, are likely to become food. A farm cannot exist if everyone is given a free ride. That is just reality. Sure, there are little petting zoo type farms, but those are more sanctuary setups and they probably get by with donations.

Turkeys - if they turn out to be a breeding pair (you don't usually know that when you get them), they may become breeders. Otherwise they become Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.

Our goats are top of the line dairy goats - so they provide milk and milk products. They also do a great job of keeping the black berry bushes in check. And i decided to keep our new male (now a wether) around to be a pack goat - he'll help carry stuff when we go camping. A goats dream job...

Pigs... well, you know about them.

Ducks and geese, similar to the chickens and turkeys. But geese are also good 'guard dogs' and lawn mowers. Ducks are also good at keeping slugs and snails in check around my garden.

Candy said:
dmmj said:
I would not slit a pig's throat because I would not know how to butcher it properly, as to the scariest thing posted on here your's still take the cake for one simple reason I would like to go to a slaughterhouse for the knowledge of how to properly butcher animals, just slitting a pig's throat for thrills does not sound like fun, I realize you might enjoy it since you brought it up, and I understand people who support PETA are a little off based in the first place since they equate animal with human life, still the scariest post by far, mine was meant for the knowledge not thrills like you seem to think, you trully trully still scare me with that post, but like I said I would like to learn how. I never said I would enjoy it or get a "thrill" from it, I always seek out new knowledge, my mind is not closed and I figured since I eat animals knowing how to properly butcher one would one day be useful if I ever decide to raise my own, not being a hypocrite I would enjoy learning how to properly butcher an animal. See the words I use, Properly, knowledge, hyprocisy. Hmmm sounds like someone is not happy?

This one scares me the most. :(

Such drama. There is nothing wrong with wanting to learn how to process various forms of our food. The more we know about where our food comes from and how it is handled, the better. Dmmj is being perfectly reasonable.

terryo said:
I respect your opinion as I know you respect mine...we have discussed this in the past. .... I do agree with Candy. I think it's sad that children can't wait to kill. Just my opinion.

Most kids have a curious side to them. And most boys will talk all brave about doing such things. But there is a reality to it that isn't about being macho or anything, or just trying to satisfy a morbid curiosity, that takes some maturity to handle. So we have lots of talks about it, but I won't let them help until they show they are mature about it.

If you are going to participate as a consumer of animal food (of feed your dogs, cats, turtles) animal products, yet have such strong feelings about eating meat... well, it is sad to have to live like that and confuse the kids like that. Just my opinion.

What drives me nuts is that we live in a society that thinks it is fine to suck the brains out of a baby's skull just because it is not convenient to the mother's lifestyle - yet we get all worked up because people eat meat as we have for as long as we have existed. I choose to focus on human issues - helping the poor and starving, widows and orphans, those truly oppressed, etc. People are way more important to me than any animal, and that is how I will choose to raise my kids.

If you want to raise yours (or have) that animals and people are equal, and spend your resources helping animals instead of people, that is totally up to you. Again, we are free to think and act differently.

Candy said:
Yes Dmmj a lot of the people on here don't eat meat. Are you telling us that the one thing you would like to do is visit a slaughterhouse? Really? And you say that my post was the scariest you'd ever heard on TFO,. I'm pretty sure you've outdone me on scariest post. People eat meat I realize that, but I don't ever think I've heard anyone ever say they'd like to go to a slaughterhouse to watch it be done. Why don't you just watch "Food Inc." it shows you all you need to know. Or maybe you could try slitting the throat of a pig and letting it bleed out and then cutting it's stomach open and then you can gut it yourself. Sounds really cool. Let me know when you have the guts yourself to do that O.K.?

These are some pretty sick people. I tell you I like PETA better every time I see something like this. And before someone says that you don't slit a pigs throat but you shoot it instead that is how my nurses family did it in Mexico when she was young and then she would have to go help gut it.

Did you actually read the article? They DID shoot the pig in the head and THEN let it bleed out. Last I checked, WE are not Mexico (though some really seem to get confused with this for some reason...).

Also, "the stranger" is a disgusting excuse for a 'news paper'. They do put a few good articles in now and then, but that is akin to some dude saying he buys Playboy for the articles... Having lived in the Seattle area and the very commity that puts out 'the stranger', I speak from experience here.

That said, this particular article was actually pretty good. And the comments pretty reasonable for the most part (aside from the expected terrible languange you get from 'the stranger' readers).

I don't like making a spectacle of killing, but I do understand that many cultures do. While I don't, it don't loose sleep over others doing it.

I do like the other parts about making it educational.

Here in Seattle there was the big debate about the 'art' exibit "bodies" where they used real human bodies on display to educate. Personally I don't like the whole idea, but I do understand why someone else would want to see and that they could learn a lot more about the human body that way vs reading about it in some book.

Thanks again for that link.


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I didn't insult you by saying that your comments were stupid so let's try to be mature about this and not throw personal insults o.k.? You think it's disgusting yet you read it? I mean you do say it has some good arguments. Come on Chad it does have to do with being "Macho" "Manly" however you want to put it, same difference. That's one reason that you come on here and brag about it when you know that there's so many of us that think it's disgusting and tell us that your kids are fine with it. I find that hard to believe anyway. I will never be convinced that children want to kill anything if it was just left up to them. Mexico was just another example of a child being forced to do something she didn't want to do and now that she's all grown up she's a vegan, no surprise there huh?


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Mar 19, 2009
I'm sorry you had trauma as a kid. The girls parents screwed up by letting that happen. But you do realize that most people are not traumatized if they are raised in that sort of environment where everyone knows where their food comes and most participate in some way. It is just a part of life and death in this world that most peole come to understand and accept. A small percentage don't for various reasons and that is too bad, but undertsandable and their choice. They are just lucky to live in a country like the USA where you can live in your own little shelter and eat tofu, pretending that most people in the world live that way (or would even want to).

Brag about it? Don't read my posts if that is why you think I share pics and stories on here. Just because a few of you don't have the stomach for reality, that does not mean dozens more don't actually enjoy reading about them, learn something from them, and relate to them in a postive way.

Please, if it will cause you more trauma and drama, tighten those bliders and filter out my posts. Seems we'll both enjoy this site more that way...

This is the same event, not told by some PETA person from the stranger...
Much more balanced. A good read for anyone and glad you helped me find it :)

Candy said:
You think it's disgusting yet you read it?

Um, yeah, I read the article you posted (not sure you did though since you missed the part about it being shot humanely).

And many coffee shops and lunch places in the Seattle area have that rag sitting out to read for free (nobody would pay for it). Din't take long to figure out it was something worth avoiding. So just to be clear, I am familiar with it, as it is a local paper with a bad reputation, but no, I don't have a weekly subscription... :cool:


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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Let me apoligize to chad, this was a thread about his new piggies, which are cute BTW, and I hope your family enjoys them, this was not a debate thread and it has gone that way, I will say one more thing and then retire from this paticular thread, I live my life how I want and others live theirs, the main difference is I don't force my choice to eat meat on others, you want to eat meat fine eat it, you want to be vegetarian/vegan fine be vegan or veggie, I just don't support an org that tells me I cant eat meat, I cant go to zoos or I cant have pets, and I don't see how anyone can be a member of PETA and have pets, I just don't. once again sorry for hijacking this thread chad, i do enjoy pics of your farm.

Yvonne G

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Are you ok with the direction this thread has taken? Do you want intervention?


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I'm sorry you had trauma as a kid.

That wasn't me that I was talking about that was a nurse friend of mine and you are so wrong. She was raised on a farm and that's what her father did to survive.

I didn't know that shooting anything was considered humane Chad, only to you and a few others I guess. Like I said before "Macho". You're right on one thing though as much as I've enjoyed reading your posts on other subjects this subject will never be one of them. I will do as you ask though and stay off of your threads. :D Yvonne I've never know Chad to need any intervention from anybody. ;)


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Mar 19, 2009
Candy said:
I didn't know that shooting anything was considered humane Chad, only to you and a few others I guess.

When done correclty, of course it is humane. A quick clean kill is a humane kill. And no, not just a few others. Most people would agree with me on this one.

Candy said:
. She was raised on a farm and that's what her father did to survive.
So she was lucky she did not have to make those choices to survive as her father did. I wonder, if she was in the same position as her father, and her family needed to do that to survive, would she choose to survive or not?

Candy said:
Yvonne I've never know Chad to need any intervention from anybody. ;)

Agreed. No intervention needed :)


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Jun 8, 2009
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Chad, were you referring to abortion? If so, I don't think the tortoise forum in any sense is the appropriate place to bring that issue up.
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