Newly adopted Hermanns tortoise

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Hi all, so pleased to have found this great resource. I've never owned a tortoise myself but as a vet nurse I have nursed a number of them over the years.
The tortoise I am adopting is aprox 15-20 years old and has predominantly been kept indoors in a shed with little outside time. I am yet to find out the specific info re what specific care she has had. She belongs (for 2 more days) with a friend of a friend and so I want to ensure I am cautious with voicing any of my concerns.
Her beak is very long, and she appears to have some pyramiding - please see pics for info

Does anyone have any advice or recommendations as to specific care for her beak (I'm planning to trim this down over the next few weeks, Once settled)

I live in the UK, in Suffolk and am open to all the advice I can get
Hi and welcome.
I'm in the UK too.
If you look at the info for new people you'll find lots of great information and a care sheet for Mediterranean/temperate species in it - also to be found in the species specific threads. That will tell you everything you need to know about enclosure size, diet, substrate as well as heating and lighting. Check here before buying anything as pet shops rarely know about tort care and often sell unsuitable and unsafe equipment just for profit, so we could save you a lot of money and hassle.