Please Help me out! (need care info)


New Member
May 27, 2015
Hi! I recently inherited a 2 and a half year old sulcata tortoise. I dont know much about them and am hoping you guys can set me straight.... no one around here seems to be able to help me. I currently have my Sulcata (Leo) In a five foot tank. I have a basking area that is 85 degrees on one side and the other i have his food(soft pellets) and water shaded, and a hut for him to sleep in. I've had Leo for three days now and I did all the research I can. I read they need to be out in the sun for vitamin intake and they like to eat dandelions and grass,so today I took him outside.However, he just sat there for about 30 mins not moving so I thought maybe he was too warm (its 95 degrees outsde). I took him inside and when I picked him up he started kicking me and trying to run, his mouth then started to make bubbles and he started peeing. I'm really scared I've done something wrong. For the days I've had him prior to today he has loved being picked up and is always looking to come out and play, I usually let him run around on the floor inside. Iread that bubbling could mean a respiratory infection but he's never done it in the past three days and hasn't done it again for the last five hours.


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Read those links and let us know what questions you have. It would also be helpful to have some pictures of the tort and his cage/set up

We will need to know the 4 temps you keep. Basking area, hot side, cool side and nighttime low.

What humidity do you keep?

What lights and heaters do you have?

What do you use to measure temps and humidity?


New Member
May 27, 2015
Thank you both for your help! I have read the links and am now more informed. One thing I'm not clear about is temperatures, I was told by the pet store (only place where I live that would give me any insight, as I said I inherited the tortoise) to keep a heat lamp on one side for him to bask and to keep the other side cool. Am I missing something? They also told me to put a heating pad under his tank, should I do that? Here are photos.

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New Member
May 27, 2015
Another photo. I have since removed the sand because he was trying to eat it

image1 (1).JPG
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That is not a sulcata. It looks like a greek or a hermanns tortoise so care will be diff than a sulcata. I would not do the heating pad at all, he won't need that high of temp. You will want to shoot for 95 ish for a basking and a cool area of low to mid 80's. His diet will be broad based weeds and leaves such as dandelion, mallow, plaintain (the weed) thistles, mullberry leaves, hibiscus leaves and flowers. once some one positive I.d's your guy you can find the correct care sheet under the mediterranean section. I am sorry you got bad info, pet stores try their best I'm sure but they often give bad info for torts :(


New Member
May 27, 2015
Wow!!! Am I ever glad I stumbled across this page! I just want to take good care of this little guy, he's very special to me. If anyone can tell me what kind of tortoise he is that would be amazing, I was informed for the past two and a half years he was a Sulcata!!


The Dog Trainer
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Maggie Cummings

It's a Hermanni alright, and a real pretty one. Much easier to care for then Sulcata, you won't have to make a large shed, or pen or safe yard. Just an itty bitty pen and read the links from Tom, they will explain more. I also have a Hermanni, her name is Queenie because she's so pretty....


The Dog Trainer
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I have an older female hermann's. Her previous owner was convinced she was a male Egyptian. It happens a lot.

Did he think it was a rare "Giant Phase" Egyptian tortoise???

Wait... The previous owner MUST have been told it was a male Egyptian by his/her vet, who has a PhD, DVM and some other letters behind his/her name...... HAhahahahahaaaaa!


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Aug 27, 2012
Did he think it was a rare "Giant Phase" Egyptian tortoise???

Wait... The previous owner MUST have been told it was a male Egyptian by his/her vet, who has a PhD, DVM and some other letters behind his/her name...... HAhahahahahaaaaa!
Tsk, tsk. <hides grin & pretends sternness>. Poor Zenobia was kept in the laundry room & fed bananas, among other inappropriate foods. Her plastron has two long deep grooves in it, and she has pyramiding and growth irregularities. I had some serious research to do when I got her. Good thing I didn't take her previous owner at her word!


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I wondered why you put a 2.5 year old sulcata that had to be several pounds into a tank....Makes more sense that it's a hermanni. :) Hopefully you didn't have your heart set on a sulcata?

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