Please help new salcata owner

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Mar 3, 2012
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My name is Brooke my tort is Frank the Tank he is 2 weeks old, Ok so I have had my hatchling for 2 days now and he hasn't eaten a thing... I have had him out in the sun every day for at least 2 hours (It has been really nice here in Cali), then he gets his 15 min bath, But he still wont eat. I am growing grass but for now he has some fresh greens I got from the store, Is this normal? second Question he keeps rubbing his eyes and I don't know if that is a bad sighn or if something is wrong or if this is normal? I'm I doing something wrong?? Please help.

FYI done my research on this web site befor I got him, He is housed indoors for now but when he gets bigger:D He will live outside.

Arizona Sulcata

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1st off welcome! What are you temps? Sometimes they won't eat if they are cold. It's most likely something to not be too concerned about. A lot of people get these hatchlings and expect them to be running around all the time. This however is not the case. They will sleep probably 80-90% of the time. Rubbing the eyes is usually just to get substrate out of their face. But as far as eating goes, some will eat all the time, others only once every few days. Leave food in there at all times, leave him/her alone and wait till the food disappears. Most of the time you won't actually see them eating, doesn't necessarily mean its not occurring. Let me know if you need anything!


The Dog Trainer
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We need more info. What substrate are you using? What are your four temps? How was he housed before you got him?


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Hi Brooke. Welcome. One more question, did the breeder you got him from tell you what your hatchling had been eating? At this young age he might need to be fed what he knows is food, or what he has been getting fed up to now. Then you can add new things to his diet later.


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Mar 3, 2012
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ok so he was being fed grass from the breeders yard and greens from the store, But he ATE today!!! sooo happy:D... I am growing a bunch of grass and Dandelions and other plants he is doing really good. Right under the light its 95-100 and at the other end it's like 80-75, humid and hot, he has 4 hiding spots, 2 rocks and a uvb bulb on the hot and cold side. He is in a sand soil mix and he hasn't had any issues getting around he likes to dig in it :p He some times will sit under the light but only for like a min then he walks around. I think he was just unsure of his new home. Is he gong to be ok alone? With no other torts?:tort:


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
He will be happiest all alone. Most species of torts are solitary. They don't like company, competition for food or competition for the best spots to hang out.

What is your night temp and how do you maintain it?

I don't like any sand at all. It can be a big impaction risk as well as a skin and eye irritant. Some people use it and have no problem. I have seen too many people who took that gamble and lost...

What are you using for UV? If its those coil type florescent bulbs, they can damage their eyes and blind them. I recommend you go shut them off right away.

Do you know how your baby was housed from the time he hatched until you got him? What substrate? How often was he soaked? Did he have a water bowl?

Glad he ate some. Lets make sure he continues to improve.


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Mar 3, 2012
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Tom said:
He will be happiest all alone. Most species of torts are solitary. They don't like company, competition for food or competition for the best spots to hang out.

What is your night temp and how do you maintain it?

I don't like any sand at all. It can be a big impaction risk as well as a skin and eye irritant. Some people use it and have no problem. I have seen too many people who took that gamble and lost...

What are you using for UV? If its those coil type florescent bulbs, they can damage their eyes and blind them. I recommend you go shut them off right away.

Do you know how your baby was housed from the time he hatched until you got him? What substrate? How often was he soaked? Did he have a water bowl?

Glad he ate some. Lets make sure he continues to improve.

OO NO really I thought that the coil florescent bulbs where good.. every thing I read told me it was ok...:( now I'm really worried, he has been under it for 8-10 hrs a day for 3 days.. is he going to be hurt?? Thats the last thing I WANT... What can I use? He is inside untel it's warmer and I have a good place for him. I do take him outside for 2-3 hrs a day for sun when it's not cold

I have like a 5.1 on soil to sand or less it's just a very little and he hasn't had any problems with it. He was soaked 4 times a week, at his old home and no water bowl, but he is only two weeks and I now soak him 1-2 times a day, and I have a low water bowl but he hasn't gone near it...he is now eating but I am really worried about the light thing.(could that be why he is rubbing his eyes):( I have his heat bulb seperate so its on all day and night but it's colder at night so the temp go's down to like 95-90 in the warm side and 85-80 on the cold side
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