Post/Rank Question?

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As far as the reputation points opinion on the matter is that it was sort of a distraction. I kind of thought that some posts were made (or maybe weren't made) for the sake of reputation points. Of course, I can't read people's minds and can't understand their real intent, so this is just my one sided view. If I want to determine how reputable someone is...I'll go through their posts and make that decision based on my judgement. I do however "get" the interest in what others have to say about me other other people, so maybe there's something else that would be more effective then a wall or something.


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I didn't care either way about the points system but I am glad that all the negative energy is gone. I was just tired of reading it..


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maggie3fan said:
They went and created another forum and did a happy dance and said mean things about TFO. They would read something here and take it over to their group and make fun of us. Some from Great Britain were involved too.

I don't want to stir anything up here either, but having my foot in both forums and trying to remain as neutral as possible, I don't think this is very fair to those who you are talking about. I have been with the other forum since its inception and I don't recall anything mean being said about this forum and I have not seen what you described above at fact it is stated in their guidelines that something like that would not be tolerated there.

If you would like to correct me, please explain, because I may have missed it, but there were some very valuable and unique individuals who were and are not welcome here anymore, so they created their own forum. It wasn't to stick their tongues out at TFO...maybe I'm wrong in that, like I said above I can't read anyone's minds or intentions, this is just how I've seen things.


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I never got the point of the points, but I thought the comments were a nice way to say thank you to someone that helped you.

As for everything else, I say let sleeping dogs lie and move forward. I check that other forum from time to time, there's some good experience there that we lost but it's nice to be drama free again.


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The point are gone let them be forgotten :p please Josh dont bring them back :cool:


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I don't know that I like the idea of reputation points because I think they can undermine someone's ability to form his or her own opinion. I'm still kind of new and learning from a lot of people on this site. I'm finding that there are an awful lot of incredibly knowledgeable people here, and many of them do things in very different ways. It's important to be able to weigh different viewpoints and reputation points might interfere with that ability when someone is new and hasn't had time to get to know the different personalities here.

I used to be active in another forum (on an entirely different topic). One member invited some friends and they were a lot younger and enjoyed what they viewed as "debate" but was really bullying. They were a group of younger men and things got pretty misogynist as well. To be fair, it was a controversial topic, but it had always been a respectful place. Just a few people can change the whole tone of a forum. I do like this forum. Folks are friendly and encouraging to new people. I've learned a lot and it's given me a lot of confidence (though my friends are accusing me of becoming a "toarder").


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Neal said:
As far as the reputation points opinion on the matter is that it was sort of a distraction. I kind of thought that some posts were made (or maybe weren't made) for the sake of reputation points. Of course, I can't read people's minds and can't understand their real intent, so this is just my one sided view. If I want to determine how reputable someone is...I'll go through their posts and make that decision based on my judgement. I do however "get" the interest in what others have to say about me other other people, so maybe there's something else that would be more effective then a wall or something.

My thinking is much along the same lines as yours.

Neal said:
maggie3fan said:
They went and created another forum and did a happy dance and said mean things about TFO. They would read something here and take it over to their group and make fun of us. Some from Great Britain were involved too.

I don't want to stir anything up here either, but having my foot in both forums and trying to remain as neutral as possible, I don't think this is very fair to those who you are talking about. I have been with the other forum since its inception and I don't recall anything mean being said about this forum and I have not seen what you described above at fact it is stated in their guidelines that something like that would not be tolerated there.

If you would like to correct me, please explain, because I may have missed it, but there were some very valuable and unique individuals who were and are not welcome here anymore, so they created their own forum. It wasn't to stick their tongues out at TFO...maybe I'm wrong in that, like I said above I can't read anyone's minds or intentions, this is just how I've seen things.

I too, am on that forum. There had been a few negative comments early on. Once pointed out to the Admins there how wrong that was to do, they have done their best to keep those comments to a minimum and nothing that is allowed to become an active bash session. They even made it one of their forum rules, that you could not bash another site.

The members in that site, should also not be any longer bashed in here. It is time to move on. The entire situations caused a lot of heartache and the loss of some good members.

Let's just try to keep this site without negativity and the fighting. Egos need to be parked outside of this forum. It will be all too easy to slip back into those dark times.


5 Year Member
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This is why they teach history in schools, so you don't make the same mistake that already happened such as wars and recessions and in this case the way this forum had reputation points. What you could do is make a different way except the way this forum had reputation points. Maybe reputation points but only moderators could give them to people if they put good info on a post. It could be another way, just throwing out an idea.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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ewam said:
This is why they teach history in schools, so you don't make the same mistake that already happened such as wars and recessions and in this case the way this forum had reputation points. What you could do is make a different way except the way this forum had reputation points. Maybe reputation points but only moderators could give them to people if they put good info on a post. It could be another way, just throwing out an idea.

I would give a big no vote myself to that. IF there were to be reputation points again, it needs to be by the membership in it's entirely. But it is another idea, just not one I myself like.;)

I just have never saw in any forum, where the point were not abused. It always leads to hurt feelings along the way. Plus if you really like a comment or post, just tell the person something like "good post" or "boy I am glad you posted that" or "Great information!". You don't need the reputation system to give positive feedback to anybody.


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I like this forum due to the kindness of the people and the vast amount of knowledge it provides not the popularity of people..I bet the guy who asked the question never thought it would stir all this up.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Egos need to be parked outside of this forum. .

But my ego is HUGE!!!!!

Yvonne G

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Are you saying you would need to take up two parking spaces? Well, be sure to feed both meters!

I liked the reputation points system up until it started being abused. I hope it isn't brought back. If new members would just read through the archives (which most of them do), they will see which members are well-respected and give good answers. The point system is not needed for that.

I would, however, like to see a breeder's section. With all those who sell captive bred babies listed for us to see.


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"I would, however, like to see a breeder's section. With all those who sell captive bred babies listed for us to see."

I would LOVE to see that too! It would definitely be VERY helpful to anyone looking for a new tortoise!

Yvonne G

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In response to Maggie's statement up above, she has not been allowed on the other forum, even as a "guest." So what she says up above is coming from second hand knowledge, or what others have told her. And the people from the UK that she refers to who were supposedly involved too, she has no first hand knowledge of that either. Only what other people have told her.

I'd like to ask everyone to please not take other people's word for something. If you don't know first hand, then just ignore it.

I think there is a place for everyone. The other forum is creating their own niche. There's no need for anyone to get their panties in a bunch about anything. Let's all just get along.


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The reputation points, IMHO, were never abused until that last week or two, when everyone went crazy, and there was a full moon on this forum. I belong to a few forums, and NOTHING was every abused on any of them that I could see. If someone was helpful, they got a pat on the back (point) and I thought that was great. I, for one was very proud of those points, because it meant that somewhere along the road I might have helped someone, it meant that even though someone didn't agree with my way of doing things, they thought I might have done a good job. Toward the end when everyone was going into the "bad zone", people where just throwing them out to spite one another.....very sad...I thought it was a nice feature, and they meant something to me. Unfortunately, there were some people who were very helpful and knowledgeable, but maybe, were not well liked, and so they didn't get that pat on the back. That's sad too, because it shouldn't matter weather you are liked or not, but if you did a good job of helping someone who needed it. Oh crap, I'm rambling again....sorry.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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the rep points IMHO were starting to be abused when people starting begging for them.
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