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Jan 17, 2011
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Embarrassing.... I just finished a book called "Single in Suburbia" Hahahahaha!! I can only read chick lit at night to turn my brain off!


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CtTortoiseMom said:
Embarrassing.... I just finished a book called "Single in Suburbia" Hahahahaha!! I can only read chick lit at night to turn my brain off!

hahaha ok i feel a little less embarrassed now.


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V-Jer is a great fun movie! The closest I've gotten to “Chick Lit" is Tom Robbins, Even Cowgirls Get The Blues. That's Chick Lit, right? Or is it just atubon stuff?


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Dang it all! I've got daughters and “Modern Family" made my eyes leak.

Haha! Modern Family was so funny last night and sweet! I love Tom Robbins. my favorite book by him is "Still Life of a Woodpecker". Don't worry, I only read chick lit at night. Tomorrow is a hospital day and if it is a sleepy day I will continue to read 11/22/63 by Stephen King, it's an awesome book!

Oh yeah & Tom Robbins is not chick lit :)


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Dec 31, 2011
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Good morning :)
Happy Thursday.
I download a lot of books but I am such a nerd I spend all my free time reading technical books, white papers, and studying for these two certifications. My only fun reading is Facebook, tfo, and my off road forum. I actually even have a really extensive library of books I need to read. I did read all of the Dr Oz books. My husband says he is my Jesus. :p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I love books! As you can tell by some questions I ask in here I don't have a TV, go to the movies, or have a DVD player, but have to admit I have started getting hooked on using Netflix. Jeff loves reading too. That's why he loves cargo pants to wear, because they have a pocket for his book which he has with him at all times.


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Rob & I & our oldest read every night when the little ones go to bed. We all read in the living room on our iPads because we always pretend to go to bed when the 2 & 6 year old go down and then we sneak into the living room and read. TFO dips I to my nightly reading a bit. But it is a good read as well.
Kerryann, I LOVE Dr. Oz!

Jacqui, are you streaming Netflix on your computer? Do you have red box in your area, because I was thinking you could use that too.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Yep Netflix onto the laptop. There is a redbox at the WalMarts around here. The kids use it all the time. Right now I wouldn't have any more spare time to see a redbox movie with all the choices I have on Netflix. I haven't even watched any of the movies offered on it. :D

Another beautiful day on tap here! So guess I will be doing a few more loads of buckets of wood chips. I did get a couple of handfuls of small newspaper like ad papers yesterday. I am placing those under the woodchips to further block weeds and grass from coming back in.


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Jacqui, I am on netflix almost every day myself! I have found so many of my favorite shows are on it and some that are british and I probably never would have seen otherwise... like "coupling" LOVED that show so funny.

I love that so many of you read! My husband and I are the only ones among our friends who have library cards and use them! Right now I am reading a lot about photography because I just started my LLC.


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I'm just starting to read, now that I have an iPod. I have books that I need to get through, but I rarely feel like I have the time. Now I can download books to Kindle or iBooks, and if I find myself with a spare ten minutes I can pull out a book wherever I am.

I'm babysitting my goddaughter today. She's just woken from a nap, so now she's having a drink before I get to feeding her. During her nap, I had time to read a short ebook.

When I was working full-time and running my business, I didn't have time to myself. Now that running my business is all I do, I have weekends free and I make a point of not working unless I have to. I'm not used to having free time, so for a lot of it I'm still sitting around and browsing the internet. I've been making efforts to do things, but I'm still feeling unfulfilled. Today, I read a book about how successful business people fill their weekends, and it's really got me feeling like things are going to change. I love my fiction books when I get the chance, but I'll be using books like this in future as well. I'm excited for the weekend!


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cherylim said:
I'm just starting to read, now that I have an iPod. I have books that I need to get through, but I rarely feel like I have the time. Now I can download books to Kindle or iBooks, and if I find myself with a spare ten minutes I can pull out a book wherever I am.

I'm babysitting my goddaughter today. She's just woken from a nap, so now she's having a drink before I get to feeding her. During her nap, I had time to read a short ebook.

When I was working full-time and running my business, I didn't have time to myself. Now that running my business is all I do, I have weekends free and I make a point of not working unless I have to. I'm not used to having free time, so for a lot of it I'm still sitting around and browsing the internet. I've been making efforts to do things, but I'm still feeling unfulfilled. Today, I read a book about how successful business people fill their weekends, and it's really got me feeling like things are going to change. I love my fiction books when I get the chance, but I'll be using books like this in future as well. I'm excited for the weekend!
How old is your god-daughter? Also HOW do successful people fill their weekends? How could you leave us with such a cliff hanger?!!

Yvonne G

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I generally work outside until lunch time, then come in and eat, then pick up my latest book. That usually leads to a lo-o-o-o-ong nap in my recliner until a big red nose pushes into my face. Speaking of big red noses. Here's a couple pictures of Misty last night. She decided that pulling the threads out of the back of the throw rug was just great fun...that is, until they got wrapped around her muzzle:




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Aug 15, 2011
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Leyland, UK
CtTortoiseMom said:
cherylim said:
I'm just starting to read, now that I have an iPod. I have books that I need to get through, but I rarely feel like I have the time. Now I can download books to Kindle or iBooks, and if I find myself with a spare ten minutes I can pull out a book wherever I am.

I'm babysitting my goddaughter today. She's just woken from a nap, so now she's having a drink before I get to feeding her. During her nap, I had time to read a short ebook.

When I was working full-time and running my business, I didn't have time to myself. Now that running my business is all I do, I have weekends free and I make a point of not working unless I have to. I'm not used to having free time, so for a lot of it I'm still sitting around and browsing the internet. I've been making efforts to do things, but I'm still feeling unfulfilled. Today, I read a book about how successful business people fill their weekends, and it's really got me feeling like things are going to change. I love my fiction books when I get the chance, but I'll be using books like this in future as well. I'm excited for the weekend!
How old is your god-daughter? Also HOW do successful people fill their weekends? How could you leave us with such a cliff hanger?!!

She's 7.5 months. :)

The book was, I guess, only telling you what really should be obvious but I guess I needed to read it. It was talking about how you should schedule your weekends, make appointments for everything you do, and it mentioned lots of activities like visits to the beach, taking up a craft, sports, dinner parties.

I tried scheduling things before, but I can never find enough that I can do cheap or free of charge, and I always end up deciding I just can't be bothered and I'd rather sit at home. This book started by making me start a mini bucket list of 100 things, and pointed out that most people don't know what they want to do. Ask them to start a bucket list and they'll choose the big things, but once you realise you have to get to 100 you end up picking little things that you don't often do.

I'm on 23...a long way to go, but I've filled this weekend at least. Sure, it's going to cost money, but as the book said I need to decide what I'm saving my time for because it's happening right now. Recently I've started really focusing on eating good quality nutritional food that I thought I could never afford, and I decided that health was worth more than money and I had to stop worrying. This book has hopefully taken it a step further - why is my free time not more important than money?


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Jan 17, 2011
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Nice, I like it. Report back to us what you did during the weekend :). It's kind of funny because I am trying to do less scheduling. I am so anal that my calendar is broken down in time blocks most people can just write hockey 7am but I have hockey 7-9am. Every block is what time the event starts to aprox what time we will be home. The problem was my husband, my oldest daughter and I all have the master calendar on our phones and updates or deleted events go to all 3 of us. They were adding stuff that was logistically impossible based on the previous event. So I had to make it dummy proof for them. I also have a hard copy version in the kitchen that can only be touched upon penalty of death. Anyway, my goal is to do less scheduling and more in the moment type stuff. It hasn't been going well but I am trying :).


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May 29, 2011
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CtTortoiseMom said:
Nice, I like it. Report back to us what you did during the weekend :). It's kind of funny because I am trying to do less scheduling. I am so anal that my calendar is broken down in time blocks most people can just write hockey 7am but I have hockey 7-9am. Every block is what time the event starts to aprox what time we will be home. The problem was my husband, my oldest daughter and I all have the master calendar on our phones and updates or deleted events go to all 3 of us. They were adding stuff that was logistically impossible based on the previous event. So I had to make it dummy proof for them. I also have a hard copy version in the kitchen that can only be touched upon penalty of death. Anyway, my goal is to do less scheduling and more in the moment type stuff. It hasn't been going well but I am trying :).

me too! between daughter and hubby, my business, and our family and friends I keep pretty busy especially on the weekends. my calendar is in time blocks too, and i have more then one calendar! when I have more then one client some times i even put grocery shopping in a time block so I dont take to long lol!!
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