Question about domes


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5 Year Member
Nov 2, 2013
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southeast Washington
I just read in another thread that you should not use a deep dome with the UVB. I was wondering if somebody could explain how the depth and width of a dome as well as the interior surface of the Dome can affect UVB and heat ratings. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2014
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I read the same thing and it peaked my interest. I think Tom said that the deep dome causes the fixture to retain heat and that causes the fixture to overheat :(


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I do believe they is part, also it will force the heat more straight down and get too hot on the top of the carapace, while not really letting the heat get too all limbs evenly. Therefore, making the tort bask longer to get limbs warm, and causing burn, to much heat on the top of the tort.


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Nov 2, 2013
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The size of the dome is what determines the wattage rating of the fixture as a whole. The ceramic sockets themselves are all about the same, whether a 'mini-deep dome' or a 10" brooder. As for affecting UVB:
That was a very interesting article, thank you. I was not able to read the charts and graphs But I read the explanations of them. It is very scary how much UVB is put out by some bulbs. Has there been a more recent study done with MVB's? And am I right that the aluminum fixtures have to be used with caution compared with the white lined fixtures? And that the deep domes of either type are not a good idea? I would love to see an updated version of this article with various brands and types of bulbs and fixtures.


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Feb 5, 2011
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That was a very interesting article, thank you. I was not able to read the charts and graphs But I read the explanations of them. It is very scary how much UVB is put out by some bulbs. Has there been a more recent study done with MVB's? And am I right that the aluminum fixtures have to be used with caution compared with the white lined fixtures? And that the deep domes of either type are not a good idea? I would love to see an updated version of this article with various brands and types of bulbs and fixtures.

I think the most important take away is awareness. It illustrates that something most people wouldn't give second thought about can have a significant effect. I think lighting still doesn't get the attention it deserves. You see people bemoaning the 'old, outdated info' relating to diet and just about every other aspect of husbandry right before they start preaching old, outdated info on UVB lamps.

For more up-to-date info and discussion, I'd recommend the UVB Meter Owners group on Yahoo. Francis Baines (responsible for the link I posted), Bob MacCargar (ReptileUV/Megaray), and Andy Highfield all post there.

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