Red foot tortoise sick urgent please help


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5 Year Member
Jul 23, 2013
So yesterday I fed my red foot some zucchini (first time) lettuce yellow pepper and hard boiled egg (first time) she has had some diarrhea and soiled her water owl and made a mess on some of her substrate it also looked like she threw up a little. Will she be fine? Should I bring her to the vet? What should I feed her?


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Two of my three Reds have done that. They forgot to stop eating. It happens to me with chicken, eggs and cuttlebone. I give them warm soaks until they stop the diarrhea or the vomit. They probably wont eat more today. Just soaks and tomorrow give it something light like leafs.
It help me.


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I would give her a warm soak for 20-30 minutes and see how she is tomorrow. Maybe too much of new foods just didn't sit right. Try adding new foods one at a time.


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One of my Reds did that to. Scared me to death. I Will Not Feed Boiled Eggs Again. I felt horrible for giving it to her. She was Better In a couple days. :)

I hope yours recovers quickly.


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Jul 23, 2013
K thanks guys and what r some good proteins I can give her I fed her crix but the gave her some parasites:( So could I try scrambled eggs? And I have this stuff called shrimp meat from the grocery store it's the shrimp small and without the shell could I feed her that. Thanks for the fast and great replies.

Michael in MO

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Feb 19, 2013
I boil raw shrimp cool them down and then peel them. My torts attack the shrimp like a box turtle chasing a worm.. PRE-cooked shrimp usually has salt and sometims a "boil mix" on them that's why I use the raw and cook it myself. You can also boil a chicken leg but there's a lot of meat left on the bone and it's much messier


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A great protien that I feed my Redfoots, is Rehydrated Pro Plan Low Fat cat food.
It is a low fat, clean protien source. I add a little fruit, sprinkle calcium powder and feed. They love it and are very healthy.


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You can also feed nightcrawlers, blood worms and drop some pill bugs in to the enclosure.....
Those are really good biologically-appropriate sources of protein.

THBs: Darwin & Merlin
Aussies: Dax, Vegas, & Cricket


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Jul 1, 2013
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One of my little rescues just got completely wrecked by the Baytril he had to take for a couple of weeks for his respiratory infection. Then, after the shots were done, he was completely traumatized and just clammed-up. He would NOT eat but would drink water, so we started adding just a bit of Pedialyte (pediatric electrolytes) to his drinking water- about 1 tblsp per 2 cups of water. (We also always use "Repti-Safe" to treat our city water before we let our 3 torts drink it.

However, Pumpkin STILL wouldn't drink, and there was nothing at all I could tempt him with to make him eat- freshly baked butternut squash and spring mix and raspberries were his favorites prior to getting sick. NOTHING. Not even a second sniff. So- my genius husband went down to the bait store and bought some grubs- just waxworms in shavings. We now roll the little waxworms (almost all fat, very little protein) in egg yolk (no egg white, just the raw yolk for protein) and then after the little grubs get rolled in the fresh yolk, we then roll them in Oxbow critical care fine grind food - you can get it here:

As it turns out, anything that wiggles is instantly down the hatch for Pumpkin, so we found the perfect way to get him to eat the critical care food, and the grubs don't hurt him either, since he's been losing weight for over a month.

When his brother Bump got sick- it was easy with him because he eats by sight- anything red, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon (sparingly)... Pumpkin, by contrast, only eats stuff that wiggles, and the bait shop only sells bait worms in this nasty, mucky black mud, which I refuse to let my torties ingest, especially when they've been sick- so the "battered grubs" technique is working great. Also- the Oxbow critical care food is kind of grainy, so it make Punky want a drink- so back to the Pedialyte mixed with water and he's really perking up now.

Funny how brothers can be treated by the same antibiotic, and one takes the shot and shrugs it off and goes exploring, while the other is a total trainwreck and traumatized and stops eating.

Hope the battered grubs help,
Karen, little baby Gibby, Bump and Pumpking- and one amazingly-intuitive tortie dad too!