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5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2010
aww..poor little cricket hope he heals up soon!

and katie this same thing could of happened to you...yes you originaly rescued him and are attached to him but you are in the wrong blameing and throwing harsh words at APBT. would you like to have been treated the way your treating her? she is far more brave and honorable then you

Torty Mom

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Oct 16, 2010
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Kristina, excellent message!

C'mon peeps, emotions are high and feelings are hurt, now is not the time to say things you may want to take back later. Please let's not fight or argue or say hurtful things. I know it's hard, we all have to bite our tongues sometimes, I have had to many times! If you are REALLY mad at someone send them a PM and don't hang your dirty laundry for all to see, or read! It upsets me to see how some of you are treating each other. If you don't have anything nice to say......don't say anything at all! This is the best advice ever and it's free, it works in ALMOST EVERY situation!

Let's all help each other out with our problems, crack jokes, look at cute torties, and silly frogs.

Ok, I am off my soap box! {{{{{ big hugs to all, especially Cricket! }}}}}}}}} Torty MOM!


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Jan 4, 2011
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I just read through this entire thread. I'm new here, and am awaiting the arrival of two baby redfoots. I can only imagine the heartbreak you are going through. Be strong for Cricket. I hope he gets pain meds soon and that he doesn't have to lose much of his leg. You'll both be in my thoughts.


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Mar 8, 2010
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Katie, I didn't know that being a vet tech magically makes you exempt from accidents happening to.

Only because you brought it up (and then I will not talk about personal factors again on this thread), no it is not about money but I reimbursed you the "fee" you paid the Craigslist person and I reimbursed you for overnight shipping from FL to CA. The total was $118 (just checked old PMs). I am sure you had to pay for the gas to go pick him up and for the lettuce/food you provided him for those few weeks, and I never said you were in it for a profit, but please do not rip me apart online and then make it sound like you financially supported him so much for an extended period of time.

You have made it very clear you care about Cricket, but like I stated earlier, you have also made it very clear that all my hard for and efforts for him prior mean sh*t to you. Regardless of the fact you re-homed Cricket to me, by sending a tortoise (or any animal) via mail and not knowing the individual personally one can never garuntee what type of home they are actually sending the animal to. I am not being cocky when I say this, but I am a good home and you should be lucky you placed him in a responsible home. You don't personally know me.... Cricket could have gotten attacked and I could have very well said nothing about it and could have very well done nothing about it. I could let him sit there and slowly die with no care whatsoever, but I am NOT. I immediately took action, took him to a more than EXCELLENT vet (who other savvy/reputable members of this board use) that is over 20 miles from were I live.

You can sit on this board and say whatever you want, but none of it will matter as it is obvious I am a good home for him, I am taking care of him, and am working to get him better.

Lastly, to correct you in something that you said, I did NOT knowingly put him in an unsafe situation. Had I been aware of the small bend in the wire mesh I would have not put him in there until it was fixed. Do you honestly think I enjoy worrying about him almost every minute of the day now? Do you think I find it fun that I complusively check on him about 50 times a day? Do you think I like having to take my animals to the vet and spending money on vet bills if it can be avoided? Do you really think I wanted this to happen to him? Again... NO!

I seriously and truly hope nothing like this happens to one of your small tortoises, as then you would be put directly into my shoes and you would see how CRAPPY it feels, and I know you don't want to have to face that.... especially since you just bashed me for it, and it would then become very embarrassing for you.

In regards to everybody else, thank you very much for your responses; they are very much appreciated. I forgot to mention earlier about the Betadine, but I am mixing it with water to make it a light ice tea color, as the vet recommended. The vet was closed today, but I emailed him last night and he responded this afternoon. He said that I could purchase some Nolvasan from him, and that the Metacam could be used as a pain killer. He said I could give him the oral Metacam I have, but that there are injectables too... so we will be picking some injections up tomorrow afternoon. I do not really want to mess with his head area if I do not have to, and think the injections will be less trauma/painful for him.

This morning/early afternoon he was the same, status wise. This evening I took him out to put his cream on him. He started moving around more and was walking around. He is actually walking very nicely considering his condition, and has figured out how to get around. He definitely looked much perkier and alert. He seemed interested in the food, but did not eat when I had him out. I think that after his pain meds tomorrow, he will start eating again shortly. I took another picture I will try to post soon that showed his slight improvement. He was walking around and I was trying to get him to eat during the picture.

I also PM'd Exoticsdr yesterday and he replied today supporting the Nolvasan, the Silvadene, the antibiotic choice, the Metacam, etc.

Thank you again to those of you who not only found something nice to say, but are atleast being supportive.


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Laura said:
the metacam can be squirted in his nose.. if it isnt too thick...
that way no injection..

His nostrils are really tiny and the Metacam I have is not a loose liquid like water.... it would probably be too thick. (It would work if he were bigger.)


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Paige Lewis

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Apr 10, 2010
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It is very sad what cricket has had to go through but he has been a fighter so far and that along with your love and care for him i am sure gives him a good chance of pulling through.

South FL Katie

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May 6, 2010
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When did I make it sound like I supported him for so long? You brought up money, not me. I just defended myself because you insinuated that I made a profit and charged you money for him.
I brought up the vet tech because Kelly knew my dilemma and how I thought he would be in better hands with this other person. She insisted that she was the better home for him and promised that he would be taken care of. I went against my gut and now he's in this situation and I feel awful about it.
Nobody will know if their tortoise enclosure is safe unless they're checking to make sure it is. How can you say you didn't know or you didn't mean to? You should be saying, "I didn't do my job."
And I never made it clear that your care up until now wasn't adequate so don't twist things. That's not at all what I'm saying.
I trusted you and I feel betrayed. That tortoise has a piece of my, I'm not his owner but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't be upset that he wasn't protected the way I think he should have been. I don't think you did it on purpose but that 'stupid chihuahua' is not to blame, and in my opinion, neither is the faulty enclosure.


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Katie, I am not going to go back and forth with you anymore on this thread, as this is Cricket's thread, not a thread for you to list your disappointments. My last words to you, publically, are that like I stated prior I really hope an accident like this never happens to you, as then you will be eating your own words and that will really hurt. If you really feel the need to continue this, send me a PM, but do not continue to purposely take away from Cricket's attention here.

Cricket update..... He now has some pain killers in him and his second dose of antibiotics! He will continue to get pain killers once a day, and I also bought some Nolvasan as well.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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It's hard to tell but has he lost the leg? is he in danger of losing it?


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dmmj said:
It's hard to tell but has he lost the leg? is he in danger of losing it?

I think the "foot" will have to be amputated for sure (if it does not fall off on its own), but we are waiting to see how much of the rest of the leg was affected before anything is done. We are hoping only the "foot" will have to go, but mid-way up his leg might be the cut off point.

He can still move that leg a little when he walks, so that is good. It is not like the entire leg is dead.


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Sep 12, 2010
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Kelly I know just how you're feeling after such an aweful accident, and I think most of us here can empathize with you. You are very brave to let us know what happened with Cricket. I know I'll be double checking everything and trying to think of worst possible scenarios when I set up an outdoor enclosure for my little ones in a few months. My best to you and little Cricket!


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Mar 8, 2010
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Looking better? :)

He got his pain injection then was able to roam around on the short/dead grass and hard dirt (no soft dirt due to wounds) for about 2 hours while being closely supervised. He went exploring then stopped a few times to bask in the sun, as you can see in one of the pictures.






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