Researching Enclosures


New Member
Oct 3, 2023
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Currently using a 36x24x18 tortoise enclosure for my young star tortoise. I am looking to upgrade in about 6 months and looking for recommendations. Not very handy, so not looking to build myself one.

I am very willing to invest in a nice enclosure of my little tortoise. Looking for all recommendations/vendors/sites.

Thank you in advance!


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
The best ones are made by our own @Markw84 "Smart Enclosures". I have my own and I've helped several friends and family members set up theirs too. There is nothing better, and he sells them for less money than if you bought all the stuff, built it and set it up yourself. Understand that his price includes all the stuff you will have to buy separately for more money from people selling just a cage without all the stuff in it.

The base model is 4x3 feet which is a great size for a smaller star, and you can easily add the "Expansion Pack" later on to make it 8x3 feet, which will be able to house your star for its whole life. There is no better tortoise enclosure on the market. Unlike other enclosures, Mark's are designed and built to perfection for tortoises. These are not "reptile" enclosures. These are tortoise enclosures, and it shows.

Before Mark started making his Smart Enclosures, I used to buy from Animal Plastics and then add in the heating, lighting, timers, and thermostats myself. Their enclosures are excellent, their customer service is great, and their prices are very fair. The only problem is that you have to wait many months to get your enclosure. If you are six months out, then you have time to wait and these really are great enclosures, even if they are not as good or as easy to use as Mark's.