Russian Tortoise Enclosure Upgrade?


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Apr 29, 2023
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New Russian habitat recommendations?

So I got a Russian Tortoise right before quarantine started, she was like 1 and super small. As time went on I decided to upgrade her to a tortoise habitat box thingy that is 24"D x 39.4"W x 12.4"H according to Amazon.

Now she is 7 inches long and with her several inches of bedding + feeding slab, routinely stands on her hind legs whilst propping herself on the wall to scratch the roof flap as a way of saying she wants out. I let her roam around and sleep around the house and put her back once it starts getting late for her to sleep sleep.

I am well aware that this she is outgrowing this box and is started to get sick of it. Should i get a bigger tortoise habitat or another of the same to attach to her current one? Or should I do something more akin to a giant bin with bedding and greenery, and whatnot?


Jan 31, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
New Russian habitat recommendations?

So I got a Russian Tortoise right before quarantine started, she was like 1 and super small. As time went on I decided to upgrade her to a tortoise habitat box thingy that is 24"D x 39.4"W x 12.4"H according to Amazon.

Now she is 7 inches long and with her several inches of bedding + feeding slab, routinely stands on her hind legs whilst propping herself on the wall to scratch the roof flap as a way of saying she wants out. I let her roam around and sleep around the house and put her back once it starts getting late for her to sleep sleep.

I am well aware that this she is outgrowing this box and is started to get sick of it. Should i get a bigger tortoise habitat or another of the same to attach to her current one? Or should I do something more akin to a giant bin with bedding and greenery, and whatnot?
I’m sorry I have no solid advice. I find I’ll be in the same situation for my Red Foot soon. I’m grateful that you asked the question and look forward to learning with you.


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Chicago, Illinois, USA
First bad thing is letting her roam your house. That's very bad and we have seen many hurt or killed by the owners doing this, even though they insisted they watch them closely and there is nothing on the floor that could hurt them.
Next, she needs a minimum of a 4x8 foot enclosure. In the wild, although small, they roam a big area.
However you want to do it, adding onto what you have or building a new one, that's up to you. Just be sure if you add on, to make the add on section the appropriate width. You can also do a second level if you don't have the space for a 4x8.

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