Russian Tortoise: Lazy or Sick?

Nov 10, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Hello everyone! My Russian Tortoise is named Matilda and she is 11 years old. Lately, she has been so lazy. She refuses to eat lately, and sleeps all day. She has two bulbs which keep her enclosure around 85F, plenty of greens sprinkled with calcium, and reptisafe treated water. I try and take her out for some exercise and she is not having it. I’m not sure if she’s trying to hibernate or if she is sick. She is not presenting with any respiratory issues or any visible parasites in her stool or on her skin.


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Tortoise Club
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 8, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
Hello, and welcome to the forum!

Have you had Matilda very long? Did she brumate last year?

I'm linking our care sheet for Russians. Start by reading it, and compare what is recommended to what you've been doing. Sometimes something will pop out at you that needs to be changed.

The care sheet is geared toward hatchlings, but includes adult care as well. Come back with any questions or concerns.

If nothing needs to be changed, we'll investigate her laziness further.


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May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
I’m guessing it is sensing the shortened daylight hours & wants to brumate. You need to make sure your lights are up to snuff & are on a good 12-14 hours of “sunshine”. Make sure you soak well & your temperatures are dialed in. It’s that time of year, torts know it’s time to slow down & brumate. You need to trick them into Summer mode.

im guessing your enclosure is inside your house.