Russian Tortoise was attacked. Will she heal on her own?


New Member
Mar 25, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Kansas City, MO
Hello. Last night, my tortoise went missing and I assumed she just climbed out of her enclosure and went wandering. This morning when I found her, her plastron was broken and she has some marks on her shell. Will this heal on her own or do I need to take her to an exotic vet?

I am keeping her temporarily inside while she heals and I make her outdoor enclosure more protective.


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Looks like a rat attack poor thing! Really check the enclosure and protect your tortoise as ratty will be back. I suggest a soak in warm shallow water in a high sided container for around 30 mins to get rid of the dirt and let it drink. Apply savlon anti septic cream or similar to tgphe wound to avoid flys laying eggs = maggots and then assess in a day or so if a vet Is required or savlon and some tape will work to get that healed. Ensure good fresh leaf diet, regular shallow water soaks and calcium is added to leaves and a cuttlefish available to boost healing calcium bone requirements.


New Member
Mar 25, 2024
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Kansas City, MO
Looks like a rat attack poor thing! Really check the enclosure and protect your tortoise as ratty will be back. I suggest a soak in warm shallow water in a high sided container for around 30 mins to get rid of the dirt and let it drink. Apply savlon anti septic cream or similar to tgphe wound to avoid flys laying eggs = maggots and then assess in a day or so if a vet Is required or savlon and some tape will work to get that healed. Ensure good fresh leaf diet, regular shallow water soaks and calcium is added to leaves and a cuttlefish available to boost healing calcium bone requirements.
Will do, thank you!


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I agree, something took a chunk. Follow advice given by Sarah2020. Keeping it clean is important and flies off
It should heal on its own along with the advice.
She should always be locked up.ay night on a night box or brought inside.
I have had rat problems in my tortoise shed. I never had a tort chewed on though because there is always left over food the rats eat on instead of my torts. Even if there isn't good the rats will still come in the shed in winter when the shed is heated, so that's why I always leave left over food out until morning.

Yvonne G

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You need to take the tortoise to the vet. Most of the time the tortoise doesn't die from the actual injury, but rather from an infection. The vet will clean the wound and prescribe antibiotics.

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