Sick baby update

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5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
NW Florida
Thanks to everyone for your advice. Yesterday I was in major panic mode and the responses I got and reading other posts here on the forum helped tons.

Update on sick little Sicily: I tried the terramycin soak yesterday afternoon and he totally hated it. He kept trying to get out of the bowl so after five minutes I took him out because I was worried he would hurt himself and he was using up what little energy he had. He didn't eat or drink or open his eyes at all. He proceeded to knock over the one thing I left in his enclosure (his hide) and then turned himself over again.
After completely exhausting himself all day with walking into things he finally tucked up in the middle of the enclosure and went to sleep around 9pm. He didn't move until I gave him a soak at 7am this morning. He seemed to not mind the soak today. He actually dipped his head in a took about 3 gulps of water and half opened one eye.
I'm thinking that's an improvement. He wasn't interested in food, but I left some for him just in case.
I'm at work now so he's home alone. I was able to increase the temps in his enclusure, but the humidity is what I continue to struggle with. I've got it up a little, but everything dries up so quick.
I'll be checking on him later this afternoon (in about 5 hours) in hopes that he's not upside down again.
I'll continue to monitor him as close as I can over the new few days. Soaking him and keeping him as warm as possible. If he's not better by the end of the weekend he'll be seeing the vet on Monday which will be starting on the fortaz shots - I really hope it doesn't come to that.

In the mean time if anyone has any further advice I surely welcome it. And I'll post again with updates on how he's doing. And yes I will be posting pics of the little guy too.

Yvonne G

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You're going to have to use tough love. In order for the soak to work, he has to soak. Put him in the Terramycin water, partially cover the bowl and leave him alone for a half hour....even if he scrambles!

Maggie Cummings

Also I would create a small humid hide for him and put him in it and close it off, making him stay in it all day while you're at work. That way he's humid AND in something where he can't tip over. Use a small tupperware container, fill it with moss, wet it down and put it close to a light so it can't cool off. What do you think of that idea? Make it so he'll stay warm but not hot...just an idea...


5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
NW Florida
I created a humid hide for him, but he doesn't seem to want to get in it himself. I just came home to check on him and he's exactly where I left him hours ago which is just outside the hide. I'm putting him inside it. I think he'll stay there. After the past couple of days roaming around he seems exhausted. He went to blindly wandering his enclosure to sleepy mode. I'm hoping the sleeping is a good thing and the rest will help him fight this infection off.

I'm wondering now what other signs I should look for if he's lethargy continues. Resting is one thing, but what if he's just shutting down and dying? That worries me.


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Trust Yvonne. Like she says use tough love, you're a lot bigger then he is. :D Listen to Maggie also as she has helped Yvonne a lot with babies who get sick. They will get you through this if you listen and follow their instructions. :) Good luck.


5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
NW Florida
Thanks to all the wonderful advice I think my little Sicily is doing much better. He spent all night in his humid hide. I took him out this morning for his soak and he actually drank, opened his eyes and walked around. I kept him in there for 30 mins as recommended. He's now back in his enclosure walking around. He took a few bites of food. I'm thinking this is an improvement so fingers crossed that he continues to progress.

Torty Mom

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Oct 16, 2010
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Glad to hear Sicily is doing better! Keep doing what Yvonne and Maggie are having you do and things should end up great!


5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
NW Florida
Yes he has opened his eyes and today he again took very well to the soak. Drank and ate just a little. He's been sleeping in or around his humid hide all day. Not moving around too much, but a couple of times he did wake up and look at me as I came to remist the enclosure.
I'm glad I did not rush off to the vet and pump him full of painful meds. He seems so much better now compared to just a few days ago.
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