SOS Marginated Tortoise MBD Advice


Well-Known Member
Today is my birthday!
May 8, 2022
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Yes, skip the vets suggestions.
Get the changes needed made.
As for the food, pellets and calcium, you have to out smart them.
Get the mazuri pellets not the LS one, just plain tortoise mazuri pellets. At first take one or two pellets and soak them till mushy. Smear them on the food that your tort likes the best after you have chopped it up small. At the same time chop up some better foods and mix that in along with a pinch of calcium and get vitamin powder too. Spritz with water. As he gets used to eating this, use less and less of the not so good lettuce and more and more of the better stuff
Couldn't agree more. If you have a food processor, place the greens and soaked Mazuri in it. They will not be able to separate the good food from what they want to eat. Same with calcium powder. They are ALL gifted with a beak to pick out what they want. My big one absolutely hates Mazuri now but I crush it dry and mix it with the greens so he gets some.