Started from the bottom now I’m here


New Member
Jun 2, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Louisville Kentucky
I have spent the past week reading all the care sheets that told me everything I have been doing for the week prior to discovering this forum has been wrong (I know I’m not the first though!)
Our Edisto (sulcata) was a total impulse buy from a zoo (CRINGE!!!) and everything the person told me to do was wrong. I don’t have any questions or problems yet, I’m just working through all the care sheet data and making necessary adjustments. Thank you all so much for this forum. I know Edisto will live a long healthy life because of it. Anyone have a sulcata in Eastern Kentucky? Did I make a huge (haha) mistake? I’m not looking to re-home her, but I would like to hear success stories from my region because it’s looking like I impulse purchased a species that just won’t thrive here. I know, I know… duuuhhhh. Anyone out there make it work?


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Let me just say. If you have the room and the means/money to give your sulcata a nice big heated shed when the time comes, he will do just as good there as any other place. In fact, there are Sulcatas in colder places than yours that do great. It's all in raising them correctly as little ones and providing the space for when they are large.
Buying on impulse, no matter what species is not the best. As you are finding out. Planning first would have likely saved you all the wrong purchases. But, it all can be fixed.


New Member
Jun 2, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Louisville Kentucky
Thankfully, we do have the space and the means to provide her with a heated shed for the winter. I don’t know what I was thinking but I am very grateful for this forum, and the knowledge you all share. I’m happy to have Edisto in my life, I didn’t realize just how much care they require the first few years but hopeful all the wrongs have been corrected in the past week and s/he will thrive moving forward!! This tortoise is lucky to have me too, I always figure it out ❤️


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jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
You have hit the motherlode of talent by finding this place H!

Take the time to read the care sheets for Edisto and you'll be set, with a great set of reference talent here if you need it!

Little Edisto.....will by 10 times that size in a year! LOL

Congrats and welcome.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Hello and welcome. Have you found this one yet?



Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Welcome! Our “little” Sully is at the stage where I can barely lift her or encourage her in any one direction. We just relocated Sully outside now where she will enjoy fresh everything until Old Man Winter arrives. Then it will be another wrestling match into her indoor Winter quarters.

One Hundred Plus Pounds of Tortoise


Tim Carlisle

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Nov 13, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Cincinnati, OH
Welcome! Our “little” Sully is at the stage where I can barely lift her or encourage her in any one direction. We just relocated Sully outside now where she will enjoy fresh everything until Old Man Winter arrives. Then it will be another wrestling match into her indoor Winter quarters.

One Hundred Plus Pounds of Tortoise

View attachment 357687
Fine looking specimen!