Stunted Growth Progress


New Member
Sep 10, 2024
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First post here, and let me just say I am blessed to have found y’all.

I have a 5-6 year old sulcata with some horrible growth stunt. She’s maybe 6 inches and weighs 330g, which is HORRIBLY undersized.

I hadn’t realized just how far behind she was in her growth until this year. I never had a community or solid information to lean on. I bought her when I was very young and she became our family’s pet, and we fed her and kept her water bowl full and gave her weekly soaks, her only problem was her diet (and wetness, but that wouldn’t have made a difference with her poor diet). We were given grassland pellets to soak and we were told she’d be fine with those and those alone, only problem is, she hates them.

She has hardly touched them her whole life, and only ever ate the greens and weeds we gave her. Eventually, I got so put-off by her lack of growth that I deep dived until I found this forum and everything started to click, and I got to work.

This was maybe four months ago, and I have made some progress that I’m very proud of. She has gained probably two inches in the last four months and has kept a strong, steady growth with no cleavage in her shell and is keeping her strong record of not pyramiding.

I’m not stopping there, I want her to get as big as she healthily can. In terms of environment, I take her outside weekly as of now while I build her outdoor enclosure, and I let her roam around outside her cage on the daily.

PLEASE TELL ME ANYTHING ELSE I CAN DO TO HELP HER!!! I’m working with baseline information here, as not many people talk about stunt recovery, so I want to know more. Anything helps.


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Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Yay, congrats to you for digging in and trying to find better info. Keep up the good work.
I had rescued a leopard that was stunted do to living in a 10 gallon aquarium and likely poor diet
He couldn't even walk, but scooted.
I gave him hydrotherapy for his walking issue and a lot more space and better diet. He caught up in size, even surpassed my other leopard and walks normal and faster then my other one
Give plenty of space and good hydration and diet and she will likely catch up.

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