Thanks for not Being Trolls


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
I’ve been wondering that, let me know!
This comment is directed toward Marginated tortoises as it’s a group specific to them
View attachment 341994
You certainly shouldn't have been attacked. Some people just seem hyper-sensitive and appear to be looking for a fight or argument.

I would have clarified your post above to state that torts shouldn't be housed in "pairs". Groups of juveniles usually work, and sometimes adults too, but not pairs. It could be that people thought you were trying to say that tortoises must always live alone in all circumstances. A person would have to jump to that conclusion, but I would have simply asked you for clarification. Tortoises can certainly be housed together in groups according to age and species, its just keeping them as pairs that is an issue, and it apparently WAS an issue for the person that you were responding to who was having the problem.

What advice did the people wo attacked you have for the OP? Just leave the pair together until one is dead or missing body parts? Let them sort it out themselves? Sheesh.

I'm not always the most tactful or diplomatic, but I try to just speak plain English in an effort to help people with their tortoises. I can't understand these FB groups and their resistance to learning better info. I have been corrected many times here over the years, deservedly so, and my response is to thank the person for correcting my ignorance, not try to ban them for being smarter and more knowledgeable than me. Aren't we all better off when more people have the right info? I think we are...

jsheffield - In Memoriam

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Sep 29, 2018
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I got lectured a number of times yesterday when offering an opinion about a less expensive alternative to those Reptilinks.


I mentioned that I had tried the reptilinks but found them too expensive and had switched to raw dog food for my tortoises...

Three different people felt the need to tell me I was entirely wrong almost immediately, that tortoises don't eat meat, that it was a diet too rich in protein, and that tortoises should only eat insects.

I hadn't said that it was the only thing I feed my torts (it isn't) or that I also sometimes feed them insects and worms (I do)... I just commented, "Interesting"

It's not worth arguing with, or correcting, the know-it-alls on FB... just walk away.

The bonus is that this approach drives some of them bonkers. ;)

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Active Member
Jan 29, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Liverpool, Merseyside
I got lectured a number of times yesterday when offering an opinion about a less expensive alternative to those Reptilinks.

View attachment 342391

I mentioned that I had tried the reptilinks but found them too expensive and had switched to raw dog food for my tortoises...

Three different people felt the need to tell me I was entirely wrong almost immediately, that tortoises don't eat meat, that it was a diet too rich in protein, and that tortoises should only eat insects.

I hadn't said that it was the only thing I feed my torts (it isn't) or that I also sometimes feed them insects and worms (I do)... I just commented, "Interesting"

It's not worth arguing with, or correcting, the know-it-alls on FB... just walk away.

The bonus is that this approach drives some of them bonkers. ;)


Should show them videos of tortoises actively hunting birds, or eating carrion. That would blow their minds. :p
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