Thanks for this place......


Active Member
5 Year Member
May 18, 2013
Wasn't sure how to title this thread, this is just me offloading some random thoughts in my head.....

I've been a member here now for just under a year and it is a daily place for me to stop by and browse/join in/get inspiration from. Recently i've been feeling really down. I have a beautiful fiancee and 3 great sons and a good full time job, so in this respect im really lucky. But sometimes, life just gets me down.....

I'm a member of another forum, all to do with Wrestling.But the guys there are such arrogant smartarses that going on there can be a battleground. Non stop bitching, tit for tat, etc...HERE on TFO though...this place is a haven. Every single last one of the members i have encountered on here seem great. Tonnes of knowledge and experience, criticisms are handled politely and constructively, and there is never a shortage of people willing to offer advice to help us as Tortoise keepers. My fiancee laughs at me, in a nice way, when she switches on her tv shows and i grab the IPad as she knows exactly where im heading! Its just such a great forum to be a part all the moderators who keep the site running...BIG thanks...and to all the more mature members, thanks for sharing your lifetime of experience with us younger newbies...i hope to be a Tort keeper for many years to come..

Thanks again to ya'll.....

Grandpa Turtle 144

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Apr 3, 2013
I know how you feel . But you were great at putting it into words . Have a great tort day !

Sent from my iPhone using TortForum


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Dec 7, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
San Jose CA
We are peaceful people as all tortoise loving people are. We are all warm blood people love cold blood torts.

You get nothing but love here. Good to have you here as a old timer.