Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Sooo…don’t like politics. Don’t like arguing. Left cold dark room cuz Sporky and I thought it was getting a bit intense. That said I am leaving endocrinology at the end of this month and am switching to hospital medicine due to shortages of physicians directly due to COVID. There’s been lots of debate and controversy about masks, vaccines and unproven drugs. Me, well I just take care of all comers, send heartfelt sympathy cards to families who lose their loved ones, and pray we all get through this together. Everyone stay safe however you need to do it. ?
You're a wonderful person and we're all so blessed to have you and the others that are sticking it out despite the virus.?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
I don't think most people mind wearing a mask, it's a minor inconvenience, but it does trap LARGE droplet contaminants, however COVID-19 is an infinitesimally tiny virus which catches a ride on moisture vapor from your lungs, nose and mouth, during breathing, coughing or sneezing. My only objection is everyone is wearing the wrong mask. The N-95 offers the most effective protection. Paper surgical masks and cloth masks do not prevent the microscopic vapor droplets containing COVID from passing through your mask when you exhale, and then passing through someone else's mask when they inhale. But--- people do not like feeling helpless and it makes people feel better to have a face covering however, its a bit of a misnomer and a false sense of security. If they were truly effective, we would not have so many hospitalizations and deaths.

Incidentally, last December I booked a flight with Delta airlines. I arrived with my N-95 mask in place, uncomfortable as they are, and as I approach the jetway to board, the attendant stopped me and informed me I couldn't board the plane wearing my mask and then she promptly handed me the thin, sub-quality paper surgical mask to wear instead. When I asked why, she said, "Because your mask has 'the valve' and it only protects you'.

I looked at her and asked if she understood that she was asking me, to give up maximum protection, in favor of substandard? She glazed over. I sat down my carry-on and put her mask OVER my N-95. I was not about to get on a plane full of people, sitting that closely together without the N-95.

Throughout the course of this journey with COVID, there has been one conundrum after another. I hope and pray at some point, they are able to pull all the loose ends together and we can all get back to normal...

Godspeed...on that. Cheers
If I could wear a N-95 mask I would. I can't wear any of those types of paper masks because they literally make me sick. And it lasts for a couple of days.So some protection is better than nothing. The cloth ones help me with allergies and many of the other stuff going around too so I'll be wearing them from now on.?

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