Tortoise MD?

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May 26, 2008
As some of you know I just got my first Sulcata, and he/she is only about a year old and 3" long. Should I take her to a vet for a check up?

She eats very healthily, and shows no outward signs of stress or unsatisfaction. I'd rather not spend money on a vet if I don't need to, but I would be happy to if it is highly suggested.



Greyfolk said:
As some of you know I just got my first Sulcata, and he/she is only about a year old and 3" long. Should I take her to a vet for a check up?

She eats very healthily, and shows no outward signs of stress or unsatisfaction. I'd rather not spend money on a vet if I don't need to, but I would be happy to if it is highly suggested.


Everything that I have ever read says that all pets should go for an anual check up to make sure everything is working the way it is supposed to and to ensure the longest, healthiest life for your friend. I don't always follow this, but since you are a new owner, you may think about taking her in for a check up - just to make sure she doesn't have anything wrong internal - such as parasites or mites - which can't be seen... Also, the vet can record her weight and see her act normal so he or she (the vet) can see the difference if anything is wrong with her in the future. Just talking to a vet that knows about your pet can give you a lot of pointers and tips for caring for your tort:)
Good luck!

Shawn and Dianne

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I would highly recommend it, and make sure it is a reptile vet. I should have taken one of mine in right away, and it ended up having an infection later on. Treatments can be very expensive, and it is probably worth the $30-50 to get a quick check up. Good luck and have fun!

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