Tortoise Ornament

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Tracy Gould

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5 Year Member
Apr 29, 2010
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Pontefract West Yorkshire U,K
I got a Garden Ornament today for Shelby s Table it did not scare Shelby She/he raced over to it sniffed its face and neck and then walked around it and sniffed its bum after a few mins lost interest and walked away but later on i saw Shelby biting its legs and back shell, Shelly was born September 09 so is still young is this a dominance thing? I really did not expect Shelby to think of it as a Tortoise it shows they have not got short memories as its 9 months since she saw another Tortoise but she/he seem to treat it like a real Tortoise, or am i reading more into this and all i saw was a Tortoise investigating a new item?


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Could be either...I however don't see why you want to decorate your tort's enclosure with a tortoise figurine...personally I don't put anything in a tort enclosure that doesn't have an exact purpose, such as to eat off of, drink from, climb on, or hide under. Since it could stress her out or confuse her, I'd just take it out and enjoy it yourself.


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Jan 28, 2010
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I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago with my young tortoise, since he reacted favorably to a different statue I had inside his area. I've been watching him very carefully, seeing how he reacts to it. He hasn't bitten or climbed on my faux tortoise, but likes to spend a lot of time hanging out near it and peering at its face. (It's not in a typical basking spot.) Very intriguing. I'll leave whether Shelby's exhibiting dominance or not to those with more experience, but I thought I'd share my similar experience with you too. :)

Tracy Gould

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5 Year Member
Apr 29, 2010
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Pontefract West Yorkshire U,K
chikken said:
I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago with my young tortoise, since he reacted favorably to a different statue I had inside his area. I've been watching him very carefully, seeing how he reacts to it. He hasn't bitten or climbed on my faux tortoise, but likes to spend a lot of time hanging out near it and peering at its face. (It's not in a typical basking spot.) Very intriguing. I'll leave whether Shelby's exhibiting dominance or not to those with more experience, but I thought I'd share my similar experience with you too. :)

It is intriguing isn't it. Shelby does not seem scared more curious and i found the first reaction funny as i did no expect Shelby to go and sniff the back area lol, but when i saw Shelby biting the leg and shell above it that got me wondering if it was a investigation or a dominance thing as i am not sure if Shelby is old a noth at 16 month old to be displaying dominance yet, but then again i have been rammed a few times when i have offered a treat and Shelby as not been intrested. When i posted Pics of Shelby it looked like i had a Girl but it is starting to look like i have a young Male
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