Travel with Tortoise


New Member
Oct 5, 2023
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I have some question for you tortoise lovers out there. I’m planning to travel to Mexico with my tortoise next month, and I’m wondering if anyone has any experience or advice on how to do it safely and legally. I’ve done some research online, but I’m still not sure about some things.

I know I need a health certificate from a vet and a zoo-sanitary inspection at the port of entry, but what else do I need to prepare? Do I need a special carrier or crate for my tortoise? How do I keep him comfortable and hydrated during the flight and the car ride?

I don’t want to leave my tortoise alone in a hotel room or a car while I’m sightseeing or doing other activities. How do I find a reliable pet sitter or a tortoise-friendly accommodation in Mexico? Are there any places or activities that I can take my tortoise with me?

I appreciate any help or tips you can give me. Thanks in advance.

Cathie G

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5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Yes it's best to not uproot your tortoise for a couple of weeks or more . So a pet sitter may be another better option. A day trip now and then is way less stress. Sometimes it's downright beneficial 😊 the tort will get about business 💩


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
I have some question for you tortoise lovers out there. I’m planning to travel to Mexico with my tortoise next month, and I’m wondering if anyone has any experience or advice on how to do it safely and legally. I’ve done some research online, but I’m still not sure about some things.

I know I need a health certificate from a vet and a zoo-sanitary inspection at the port of entry, but what else do I need to prepare? Do I need a special carrier or crate for my tortoise? How do I keep him comfortable and hydrated during the flight and the car ride?

I don’t want to leave my tortoise alone in a hotel room or a car while I’m sightseeing or doing other activities. How do I find a reliable pet sitter or a tortoise-friendly accommodation in Mexico? Are there any places or activities that I can take my tortoise with me?

I appreciate any help or tips you can give me. Thanks in advance.
This is not practical or feasible. International movement of animals is exceedingly difficult and expensive.

Mexico is particularly bad because the rules change at the whim of the person standing behind the counter you are at and there is no recourse and no one cares. I speak from lots of personal experience here.

If you care about the well-being of your tortoise, leave it at home.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
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Why do you want or need to travel with your tortoise? It's such a big risk for him and may totally ruin your trip. I agree with finding good care for him at home or with trusted people.

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