Unidentified Flying Phenomenon


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Jan 7, 2018
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I'm 100% a believer in life elsewhere than earth. I don't think they will start interacting with us though till we start getting along and stop dropping bombs on each other.


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~ Any thoughts, opinions, etc.

Wow...it could be something or it could be nothing....no way to know. In my opinion that is. I do though find it amusing that lots of folks believe that IF there is anything out in space....that they somehow have to be smarter that us....why? IF there is something there, they may be no more advanced than us...but IF there is a "they"...perhaps equal to us....I don't believe if there is some "thing" out there, they are any smarter than what we are. Also, IF there is something out "there"...I would not trust and I would shoot "IT" down....as I believe, IF there is something out "there", they would too.

So in my opinion, it would be good, IF there is something out "THERE" we never encounter one another.....totally IF.... :)


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I agree that life elsewhere could definitely be less or more evolved than us. However if they are coming here to earth to "Visit" like could be the case with this video, they are definitely more evolved or superior than us, as far as we know, or as far as our governments are telling us. Attempting to shoot them down would just be a futile effort. My thoughts are if they have evolved to that capability they would have to be benevolent. If human beings were gifted that technology today we would surely weaponize it and use it against each other (perhaps we already have) just look at nuclear weapons. Therefore I think any alien species capable of visiting would be benevolent otherwise they would have destroyed themselves before reaching that point. Perhaps we humans are not as nice as we like to think? I could be wrong but I don't know, just my thoughts.

Yvonne G

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I get a big kick out of the "Ancient Aliens" guys on cable. They keep talking about how these folks from another planet have seeded our planet and how they're watching our evolution, etc. And I keep thinking, isn't time passing for these aliens too? If the aliens seeded our planet thousands of years ago, what makes these TV guys thing those same aliens from thousands of years ago are still around today? Didn't they grow old and die just like we do? And thousands of years ago, who's to say those aliens are still interested in watching how their interference on our planet is still something the current batch of aliens are interested in paying attention to.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, I just don't believe it's the same intelligent life that has visited earth in the past.

We're not supposed to talk about politics or religion, but isn't it feasible that when God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, that the "Garden of Eden" may have been another planet and they were cast out and placed on earth? Who's to say the Garden of Eden was on earth? So the bible still holds up, far as I'm concerned.
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I often wonder if there's some other alien species on a distant planet using their version of the internet having a similar conversation about whether we exist?


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Like the Upside-down?
No. Like there is a universe that runs parallel to this one with our doubles living tgere. But they live different lives and are different to us. For example there would be someone that looks like me there but they would be different to me. If you watch flash or Supergirl or Batman ( animation) they mention parallel universes.[emoji6]

Jay Bagley

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Oct 11, 2017
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You always hear people being abducted by aliens. Wouldn't it be crazy if they were keeping us as pets. I hope I never end up in an aliens closed chamber[emoji33]


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Jan 7, 2018
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You always hear people being abducted by aliens. Wouldn't it be crazy if they were keeping us as pets. I hope I never end up in an aliens closed chamber[emoji33]
That literally made me bust out laughing!

I think their still debating on the proper way to keep us too.