
Well-Known Member
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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Okay, I said I would do an update from a post i did about canning the above mentioned.

This is how I did them.

The spineless cactus I cut into pieces that would fit in the jar. I then par boiled for about one minute, then place the pieces in the jar and poured the boiling water over them, making sure to cover them with water, then placed on the cap that had also been boiled. Then waited for it to cool and seal.

The grape leaf, I just added boiling water to top of jar and placed on a cap that had been boiled. Then waited for it to cool and seal.

I did this Labor Day Weekend. I kept them on my counter out of sunlight since then. Today, I opened them and fed.
The grape leaf is very limp, but was eaten in one big bite. The cactus was firm, but not as firm as a fresh one. A little slimy, like when you cut into a fresh cactus pad, but not as bad. It was bit into then dropped, sniffed then eaten.

Another way to preserve these two tortoise goodies.
I only did one freshly picked grape leaf and one spineless cactus pad. In case it went bad, I didn't want to waist too much. I'm sure it doesn't matter if it's the spinless or not, just remove the spines first.
I will do this again with the cactus. The grape leaf, probably not, only because my torts don't mind them being dried out and that is easier and no effort to do.

I would suggest, if anyone wants to try this, do one cactus first. You don't have to keep it long before you feed it. This way you know if your tort will eat it, before waisting a bunch of cactus, specially if you paid for them.


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Okay, I said I would do an update from a post i did about canning the above mentioned.

This is how I did them.

The spineless cactus I cut into pieces that would fit in the jar. I then par boiled for about one minute, then place the pieces in the jar and poured the boiling water over them, making sure to cover them with water, then placed on the cap that had also been boiled. Then waited for it to cool and seal.

The grape leaf, I just added boiling water to top of jar and placed on a cap that had been boiled. Then waited for it to cool and seal.

I did this Labor Day Weekend. I kept them on my counter out of sunlight since then. Today, I opened them and fed.
The grape leaf is very limp, but was eaten in one big bite. The cactus was firm, but not as firm as a fresh one. A little slimy, like when you cut into a fresh cactus pad, but not as bad. It was bit into then dropped, sniffed then eaten.

Another way to preserve these two tortoise goodies.
I only did one freshly picked grape leaf and one spineless cactus pad. In case it went bad, I didn't want to waist too much. I'm sure it doesn't matter if it's the spinless or not, just remove the spines first.
I will do this again with the cactus. The grape leaf, probably not, only because my torts don't mind them being dried out and that is easier and no effort to do.

I would suggest, if anyone wants to try this, do one cactus first. You don't have to keep it long before you feed it. This way you know if your tort will eat it, before waisting a bunch of cactus, specially if you paid for them.

Wow - you crazy girl, you! Fantastic thinking!!


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Another update. I was trying to can pumpkin in the manner as I did the cactus. It did not work, after a couple days, the jars lid popped and the pumpkin was bubbling. You can can pumpkin, but it has to be done in a pressure cooker, which I don't use.

If foods are very low in acids, they need to either be pressure canned or an acid added.

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
Another update. I was trying to can pumpkin in the manner as I did the cactus. It did not work, after a couple days, the jars lid popped and the pumpkin was bubbling. You can can pumpkin, but it has to be done in a pressure cooker, which I don't use.

If foods are very low in acids, they need to either be pressure canned or an acid added.
You're going to be my "go to" with canning questions:)


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
You're going to be my "go to" with canning questions:)

I don't really do a lot of canning, in fact, the three things, grape leaf, cactus pads and pumpkin is all I have ever canned. The pumpkin didn't turn out, too low of an acid and has to be pressure canned. My mother and sister does canning, but only the stuff that can be hot water bath canned. They don't do the pressure canning.


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Aug 30, 2015
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I do allot of canning. I actually searched "canning" here for I have great difficulty navigating the forums. I believe all these foods are low acid and would have to be pressure canned. That would make the food very soft.


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
I do allot of canning. I actually searched "canning" here for I have great difficulty navigating the forums. I believe all these foods are low acid and would have to be pressure canned. That would make the food very soft.
I did can the cactus and grape leaf in just water, left it for about a month, or little longer I believe and it was fine.
When I tried the pumpkin, about a week after canning, it popped the lid and was bubbling.
The pumpkin does have to be pressure canned or acid added. I don't believe the cactus or grape leaf has to be pressure canned, at least for the month or so that I left it canned, it was fine. If there is any question about if it could be done long, some acid could be added.


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Aug 30, 2015
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Canning Cubed Pumpkin

Only pressure canning methods are recommended for canning cubed pumpkin. We have no properly researched directions to recommend for canning mashed or pureed pumpkin or winter squash, or pumpkin butter. To be safe, all low acid foods, including pumpkin, must be canned using tested pressure canning processes (Ensuring Safe Canned Foods). Older methods, such as boiling water canning for vegetables, oven canning and open-kettle canning, have been discredited and can be hazardous .

Some dangerous things are invisible. If we do things that go against the RULES, we should say, we went against the Rules so, those who read our posts can make their own educated choice.

I would pressure can it without hesitation.


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Sep 6, 2011
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I think you have miss understood what I said. I tried canning the pumpkin, it didn't work and I said it didn't work and it needs pressure canning or acid added.
I did explain, that it didn't work.
What I did also explain, is the cactus and grape leaf did work. I didn't mislead anyone and said what I had done and what didn't work. In fact, I stated it at least twice, that pumpkin has to be pressure treated!


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Aug 30, 2015
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Oh I am sorry... I did miss understand what you said. Please forgive me.....

I do bend the canning rules but I have looked into it enough that I feel comfortable with the wrongs that I do. I also tell people that it is not sanctioned by the powers that may be.........

Please forgive me. ;~ )

Is there a place that we can post things not related to tortoises? and/or sort of reconnect it to them??? I would love to show off my canning and see what we can preserve for our animals. I can things for my chickens. Why not our little shelled friends.....?


Well-Known Member
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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Oh I am sorry... I did miss understand what you said. Please forgive me.....

I do bend the canning rules but I have looked into it enough that I feel comfortable with the wrongs that I do. I also tell people that it is not sanctioned by the powers that may be.........

Please forgive me. ;~ )

Is there a place that we can post things not related to tortoises? and/or sort of reconnect it to them??? I would love to show off my canning and see what we can preserve for our animals. I can things for my chickens. Why not our little shelled friends.....?
No problem
There is two sections to choose to post. Either the off top chit chat or the tortoise food section.
Please do share your canning and how you do it if you don't mind. Like I said above, I'm not really a canner, yet. Just tried the three things, but would love to know what we could can for the torts.


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Aug 30, 2015
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NE Pa. Zone 5
So wellington, Did you think to snap a picture of your cactus and grape leaf jars after you canned them? If so, I would love to see them.


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
So wellington, Did you think to snap a picture of your cactus and grape leaf jars after you canned them? If so, I would love to see them.
No I didn't. I only did one jar of each, as I didn't know how they would turn out, so I didn't want to waist too many of each. In fact, I only did two grape leafs and one cactus pad. I wasn't able to do it again, as the rest of my grape leafs were dried out by the time I opened the jars to see how they were and the cactus I can buy fresh at any time, so I haven't bothered to do any more of them. I'm trying to grow the spineless cactus and those are the ones I would like to can if I can get the spinless cactus to grow through the winter here. Next year I'm hoping to can both or I might stay with freezing them as it's easier and I think the cactus turns out the same as canning.
A couple years ago, I had froze cactus and bagged them with one of those electric fresh food sealers and I think that actually kept the cactus much closer to fresh then canning or just freezing in regular bags. I did some leafs to, but I don't remember what kind, I don't think they were grape leaf though. They may have been from a Rose of Sharon tree and they did well too, but my torts will eat them dry, so I probably wouldn't waist the money on sealing them again.

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