Update on everything !

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Mar 20, 2009
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Hey my forum friends. I'm back ! I promise, I won't neglect you so much again, I have missed the forum so much!!!

I hope all of you are well, and behaving? Are everyones tort babies doing well?

Well, we're doing great. We have been SO super hectic with work and all sorts ! Nick was away for almost 3 weeks on business in Shanghai, and all sorts happened while he was away, so little old me was almost squashed with too much to deal with ! I got a promotion at work, I am now an Assistant Producer to the head Producer, so I have been really hectic with learning all sorts of new things!! Tallula, my beauty is doing great ! We planted some yummies for her and they died, so tried again...and they died ! I'll keep trying new things hahaha. But she is full of beans. Our little Yoda boy, is growing up too fast, just a normal rambunctious puppy ! He is 4 months on the 24th :) Will have to add some pics when I can! While Nick was away, Yoda fell quite ill, vomiting so much and very bad runny tummy. I rushed him to the vet, they gave me all sorts like probiotics and good things for his tum, but after about 5/6 days, nothing had changed. SO I took him to another vet, who did all sorts to my poor little boy, and eventually found out he has a bacterial bowel infection, whatever that is ! So he was given 4 loads of medications, and has to eat this super expensive dog food in little bits till he's better. Well my Yoda is doing great now, no more sickies and normal poops, ahhhh what joy for a mom hahaha. Otherwise, my Gran who I mentioned was diagnosed with leukemia a few weeks ago, she sadly but peacefully passed away yesterday afternoon. I'm okay about her passing, but I'm struggling with the fact that I'm not there with my family, I can't get there ! Good news though, is that we leave to India for twoo weeeeeeks of bliss and adventures on Sunday :) So I promise I will be back with sooooo many photo's of this new land for you all :)

SO sorry, gosh, just realised how much I'm typing !

MERRRRY CHRISTMAS to you all, and wishing you a fantastic 2010 :D


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Glad to hear you busy and well! The threads are quiet without you!
My sis just came back from s. Africa(durbin?) & she bought me a fifa 2010 worldcup shirt. Itreminded me of the forum peeps.


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Mar 20, 2009
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Hehehe glad to know I'm kinda missed :p
COOOOL, Durban is where my fiance is from ! Durban is lovely. I hope your sis had fun over there. Yeah, S.A is kinda Soccer 2010 crazy at the mo haha


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Staceee :)
I am glad you are back!
I am so sorry to hear about your grand mother :(.
Congratulations on the promotion :).
And have fun in India :D


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Jan 4, 2009
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Welcome back Stace. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I am also sorry to hear that Yoda was so sick, poor puppy. Good to have you posting again and Merry Christmas to all of you too. :D

Yvonne G

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Wondered what happened to you. Glad to see you back!


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Hey Stace...happy to see you back. Yoda must be growing......but probably still a cute puppy. Can't wait to see some new pictures. You were missed!

Yvonne G

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An I-Pug:


A Cup of Pug:


An "I need a hug, pug":


And last but not least, The Love Pug!


Stephanie Logan

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Haha, those are cute, but I'll bet they don't measure up to the real thing!

How did you manage to take care of Tallulah and Yoda with Nick away and the dog sick and the hectic work schedule? Makes me tired just thinking about it!:p


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Jan 22, 2008
Sorry to hear about your grandmother. My husband's mother passed with cancer a couple months ago. It was a blessing cause she was no longer in pain.

Sounds like you don't have time to get bored!

Are you vacationing in India or is it a business trip?

Luv the Pugs. I used to have 4 of them...3 fawn & 1 black... So full of personality. I love the way they **** their head sideways when you talk to them. Mine died of old age a few years ago. One I raised on a bottle from day one cause his mother had a heart attack during a c-section. He was sooo spoiled.



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Mar 20, 2009
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LOVE LOVE LOVE those pics Yvonne ! Pugs are the best ! Yoda is reallllly getting big too fast !

We just got back yesterday from our vacation in India, my glory, was it SPECTACULAR !!!!!! We took over 1000 pics, so loads coming your way :)

Steph, I actually have no CLUE how I did all that juggling, lets just say I nearly collapsed with happiness and relief when Nick got back hahaha. Our vacation was SO needed, and I have to make sure that I have more time for Tallula and Yoda !!!!!!!

Patsy, I could easily have a house full of pugs, they have the most awesome personalities ! Yoda is hilarious, truly makes me laugh everyday. He's recently started snoring....so I couldnt sleep well last night as I wasn't used to hearing the snores after our vacay ! ahahaha I'll find the most recent pics of him, my friend took the pics to keep me updated while I was away!


Sorry i completely missed this thread the first time around....

Good to see you back Stace :D


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Oct 3, 2007
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Sorry to hear about your grandmother Stace. Glad you had an amazing vacation though and glad the pup is better!
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