Vitamin D/Mushrooms


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Oct 29, 2018
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Collard greens 75 grams
Calcium - 174 mg
Phosphorus - 19 mg

Sundried shiitake mushroms 25 grams
Calcium - 3 mg
Phosphorus - 74 mg
Vitamin D - 11,500 iu

Total calcium - 177 mg
Total phosphorus - 93 mg

Shiitake mushrooms are a real powerhouse for vitamin d. During my research I found they were able to drastically increase their vitamin d concentrations simply by sun drying the mushrooms (gills up) for about 2 days. My reaearch shows that conventional shiitake mushrooms have around 100 iu/100 grams of vitamin d. While the mushrooms dried for 2 days in the sun had around 46,0000 iu/100 grams. As you can see that is quite the difference. Vitamin d isn't actually a "vitamin". But rather it's a hormone created by living organisms to protect themselves from further uv damage. Think natures sunblock. When we think about it like this it's easy to understand why the mushrooms "vitamin d" concentrations were increased so drastically when exposed to sunlight. A lot of people feed animal protein for vitamin d. Which doesnt make since to me because uv exposed mushrooms have far more vitamin d and are also healthier than animal products. So although I still feed animal protein as a monthly protein source. I don't feed it for vitamin d. Nope that's what mushrooms are for.

The picture is what about 20 grams of collard greens look like next to 6 grams of sundried mushroms. It's not a perfect calcium phosphorus ratio but its pretty darn close. I've also included a picture of how you would go about drying your mushrooms. After you dry them they will stay good for a year or more in a jar. To rehydrate them for feeding. Just soak them in a small amount of water for about a hour and they will be back to normal. They tend to float so I have also included a picture of my mushroom rehydrator. It's basically two cups. One with holes in the bottom one with no holes. To rehydrate them just put the mushroms in the cup with no holes. Then put the cup with holes on top of the mushroms and pour your water in. The second cup will keep the mushrooms submerged so they can rehydrate correctly.

I feed the collard greens first to make sure they have eaten their calcium rich greens. Then later that same day I feed them their mushrooms; for vitamin d and a small boost of protein. I give my reds this meal once a week. We all know vitamin d is vital for calcium uptake. We also know most reptiles require a calcium phosphorus ratio of about 1.5:1 - 2:1. As you can see this meal provides both the correct amounts of both calcium and phosphorus. In addition it has all the vitamin d they would need in the mushrooms to utilize the high amounts of calcium in the colllard greens.

I have also included some links below for anyone that would like to review the research. The first link is very time consuming but informative. The second link is a much quicker read and it includes the process of how you would go about drying them yourself. Along with why you would want to do so in a easy to understand format. Enjoy.



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10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Wild mushrooms or store bought or both? What about the mushrooms already dried?
Any type mushrooms or only certain types.


New Member
May 5, 2021
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For example, I love mushrooms in any form during cooking because they really have amazing effects and are tasty if you know how to prepare them. The last time I found out about medicinal mushrooms and I didn't even know they were so useful. I found out from that they provide antioxidant defense against free radicals, act as a complementary cancer treatment, moderate blood sugar levels, improve cholesterol levels, increase nerve growth factor and boost athletic performance. Did you know about that?