Well found out this weekend what happened to our water turtle.

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5 Year Member
Jun 8, 2013
Now this whole thing really upsets me. As some of you know our water turtle was stolen from us here a few weeks ago now right out of his enclosed ecosystem outside. We kept signs up ever since though the neighbor that seen the kids never seen them in our neighborhood prior. Well, weeks of no word then this weekend a mother showed up with a couple teenagers at our door. I went out doors to talk with them since I didn't know them. The boy first talked and told me that he as one of the boys that took our turtle and he was sorry. His mom then proceeded once the boy started getting upset and said that she was unaware he was one of the group that took the turtle and she was extremely sorry for it however, the turtle had died. Here they are a new family that just moved here and I guess the other kids were their cousins that helped them move in.
Well, make this story short with a question.....Why in the world would some teenage kids think it was OK to remove a water turtle out of a water environment take it home and put it in a very small enclosure behind their garage? Here it was placed in an hamster enclosure they once used at their old place and mom never even bothers to look in it which I guess honestly I guess I wouldn't either. The kids thought a water turtle could live on grass (outside of the water) and a small bowl of water inside a plastic enclosed house in high 80 degree weather! Now I could have understood this a little better if they were young kids however, these were teenagers. I don't know weather to cry, scream, or throw up. :(

Levi the Leopard

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I'm so sorry.
I have a hard time understanding peoples lack of respect for life.

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That's devastating. :( I don't know what I would do if one of my my pets died from anything other than old age. I had a snake die at 22 years old last year, and honestly I still tear up over him, I miss him so much. I'm so sorry for your loss. You can only hope a lesson was learned by someone during all this. Might make it more bearable. Thinking of you during this time.


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Being me, I would've gone to prison, because I think I honestly would've kicked that kids teeth in. That's highly unbelievable, and breath taking. I'm very sorry.


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Jun 19, 2013
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That's horrible , it's crazy what decisions people make and are surprised by what happens ... I'm really sorry and hope you well , I'm sure you can always get another but I know it can't replace the turtle you had , sorry for your loss ! :(


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Did they offer to replace the turtle? I know a pet is "irreplaceable' but just wondering if they offered in form of restitution besides an apology.


5 Year Member
Jun 8, 2013
StudentoftheReptile said:
Did they offer to replace the turtle? I know a pet is "irreplaceable' but just wondering if they offered in form of restitution besides an apology.

In a way yes in a way no. The mom's suggestion was to have the kids help me with something outside with our gardens or yard work etc. Since they are not old enough to hold real jobs she didn't think they would learn anything by her just paying for it. Which I guess I can see her point and commend her for it. However, I did tell her I would let her know latter on. Just not sure if I can deal looking at those kids now.

On another note it makes me all the more happy that I decided to change to a tortoise.....thus why I found this group to begin with. I always loved owning turtles and dreamed of owning a tortoise. I just don't think after this I could see another turtle the same way again and not sure if the boys could either. So this way sort of feels like we are opening a new chapter.

Thank you all for your kind replies just was so upset over this last weekend and had so many mixed emotions going on. Still do but not quite as strongly after getting it off my chest here.


5 Year Member
May 22, 2013
What an awful story. I'm so sorry that happened to you and your turtle.
What I would suggest to the mom is that she pay you for the turtle and then the boys can work off their debt to her. You should be compensated without having to deal with these little criminals. I probably would have called the police. That's not some accidental act. They took it off of your property, and then killed it. She is not handing out the consequence, she's trying to pawn it off in you. That's probably why they did what they did.
Sorry, I have no patience for that. I taught school for 6 years and I have 2 kids of my own. I never would have stepped in if they got choked up having to explain why they stole something from someone else. What???!! You did it, you talk to the person. Especially a teenager. Classic enabling.

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5 Year Member
Jun 27, 2013
In Tampa two boy's 14 and 15 thought it would be fun to harass a homeless man in the woods. They whacked him with a stick and eventually put him in a hospital. He subsequently died. They face murder charges. Fun huh?

Every now and then there is another story of a goose or a duck walking around with an arrow stuck through it and some teenager with a bow. Fun...

My tort lives behind a 6' privacy fence, and they don't know he is there. If they do get in- my Cockatoo will attack~

It's unfortunate, but you have to be so darn careful with everything you own. It's a different society we live in now. I hope you contacted the police.

I'm happily 'That old cranky guy' of the neighborhood~

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10 Year Member!
Aug 7, 2011
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I'm so sorry to hear! I agree with the post about having the mother pay you and then having the kids work the debt off through her. I wouldn't want those kids anywhere near my house.

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Jun 25, 2012
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NE Ohio
I am so sorry. I'm almost a teenager and I hope my friends and I don't do anything like that. So sorry


5 Year Member
Jun 8, 2013
Sadly, I have to agree to all you just stated. BTW I am also going to have to go uptown and notify the police of what happened since I did put in a police report on this when it happened. Also, I might just do that as far as going to talk with the mother of having them work it off with her instead of me. I have a lot of patients when it comes to kids.....having a special needs son and a niece it looks like we will soon be raising due to her hard life she has had with my husband's brother (notice I won't even say he's my b-i-l is to low of scum for that) So of course the main reason she is coming here is I seem to be the only one understanding her moods and not getting angry with her but instead let her vent then afterwords explain how its wrong thing. Where as everyone else seems to think she should always act grateful and happy....but that is just plain unrealistic in my book. She has NEVER been treated anything like that at home since the day she was born so why would she aromatically think that way? Kids have to be taught they just don't automatically think right when taught otherwise.
ANYWAY, with these kids I guess if it was something dumb like messing with my garden etc while running around with friends at night it would upset me however, this was a life.........so another whole different story in my book! Again, what amazes me is kids at their ages (the boy was 14) thinking they could take this turtle, hide it from their mother, and lastly put it somewhere totally different then where it was living and think it would survive. Like I told the boy this weekend he has to use his head would he have put his sister in a locked up car in this weather with no way out? He did the same thing to that turtle in that plastic cage. I went on to tell him he basically just murdered the turtle doing what he did. Which did get him crying but heck I think he needed that! Maybe he will stop the next time he thinks an animal looks cool and doesn't just take it the next time.

Kameo37 said:
What an awful story. I'm so sorry that happened to you and your turtle.
What I would suggest to the mom is that she pay you for the turtle and then the boys can work off their debt to her. You should be compensated without having to deal with these little criminals. I probably would have called the police. That's not some accidental act. They took it off of your property, and then killed it. She is not handing out the consequence, she's trying to pawn it off in you. That's probably why they did what they did.
Sorry, I have no patience for that. I taught school for 6 years and I have 2 kids of my own. I never would have stepped in if they got choked up having to explain why they stole something from someone else. What???!! You did it, you talk to the person. Especially a teenager. Classic enabling.

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The old sane kids will be kids don't apply much. And there are good kids out there there are a lot of kids that don't respect elders, and anything else. Not sure why this trend start, could be because we have a lot or younger "teen" moms or the high pace of life can play a roll. Either way it's not right and those teenagers should have to work and pay it off, not work at your house, mom needs to get there *** to work and have them pay her back and she can just give you the money. Have them do more around their house. It's a sad lost and an unfortunate went. Hopefully the boys did learn a life lesson from this..


5 Year Member
Jun 8, 2013
mattgrizzlybear said:
I am so sorry. I'm almost a teenager and I hope my friends and I don't do anything like that. So sorry

I really doubt you would.....kids that are smart enough to get on sites like this to properly care for their pets know better. ;)


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Vickie said:
mattgrizzlybear said:
I am so sorry. I'm almost a teenager and I hope my friends and I don't do anything like that. So sorry

I really doubt you would.....kids that are smart enough to get on sites like this to properly care for their pets know better. ;)

Thank you. Inside I know I wouldn't


5 Year Member
Jun 8, 2013
OH boy did they! Though knock on wood both of us (my husband and myself) grew up in small communities as well and were taught since day 1 of our lives to respect elders and others property. We had done the same with our boys. I am not saying mine are perfect by any means and when they do wrong boy we let them know. However, enough has sunk in so far that they have learned from this all kids aren't kind and can be trusted but neither understand why they did what they did etc. Its just not in their makeup. However, you are right something has gone majorly wrong in the last generations. We have an elderly couple that owns an empty lot beside our home. When we first moved in and we met them my husband went right to helping them keep their sidewalk shoveled and garbage thrown in there removed (which now the boys do it naturally just when they walk out) and mow their grass when we know something is wrong or they are out of town. We have heard from them many times they are shocked most people just don't do that these days.....which I find soo sad! What happened to these small old German towns?

Millerlite said:
The old sane kids will be kids don't apply much. And there are good kids out there there are a lot of kids that don't respect elders, and anything else. Not sure why this trend start, could be because we have a lot or younger "teen" moms or the high pace of life can play a roll. Either way it's not right and those teenagers should have to work and pay it off, not work at your house, mom needs to get there *** to work and have them pay her back and she can just give you the money. Have them do more around their house. It's a sad lost and an unfortunate went. Hopefully the boys did learn a life lesson from this..

Your whole thing is so correct we need to go back to that old thinking. Treat elders neighbors, animals, and all life with respect. Don't take what wasn't given. Treat others properties as you would want your own treated....etc...etc.

BTW THANK YOU! Your last comment gave me a real laugh. ;)
Lannen said:
In Tampa two boy's 14 and 15 thought it would be fun to harass a homeless man in the woods. They whacked him with a stick and eventually put him in a hospital. He subsequently died. They face murder charges. Fun huh?

Every now and then there is another story of a goose or a duck walking around with an arrow stuck through it and some teenager with a bow. Fun...

My tort lives behind a 6' privacy fence, and they don't know he is there. If they do get in- my Cockatoo will attack~

It's unfortunate, but you have to be so darn careful with everything you own. It's a different society we live in now. I hope you contacted the police.

I'm happily 'That old cranky guy' of the neighborhood~

Yvonne G

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Sounds like that mom has a lot on the ball. I've heard similar stories where the folks say, "It was only a turtle." and don't do anything at all to the kid. Nice to know what happened, although not very nice when you think about the turtle.


5 Year Member
Jun 8, 2013
Yvonne G said:
Sounds like that mom has a lot on the ball. I've heard similar stories where the folks say, "It was only a turtle." and don't do anything at all to the kid. Nice to know what happened, although not very nice when you think about the turtle.

HI, your totally correct there. Like others said though I wished she did it were they paid her off instead but the last 1/2hrs got me thinking. LOL I know exactly what I am going to have them do! Something I am avoiding myself. I wanted to put in another good sized garden out back which means removing sod from very thick clay soil, turning up the dirt, and them mixing it with topsoil and a few other secret items I found out with our soil ;) to loosen it up and have plants grow crazy! However, means hrs of HEAVY work! I can sit back and just watch instead of straining myself! Worth a heck more then her paying me what I paid for the turtle even with shipping making it near $100. LOL If that doesn't teach them nothing will. :p


5 Year Member
May 22, 2013
I have the sinking feeling that without mommy there to "make" them do the work, they will complain the whole time or do a totally crappy job...or both. Depending on the town you live in, you can call the police and explain the situation and an officer may be willing to stop by while they are doing the work and scare the bejeezus out of them. There are some policeman who are willing (where their own parents aren't) to nip these problems in the bud and make it very clear what will happen if they don't start making better life decisions.
That would be the "nice" route. I wouldn't be that way, but I understand that not everyone has a heart of stone like me. ;)

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5 Year Member
Apr 15, 2013
I would press charges personally, theft, burglary, trespassing, destruction of property, animal cruelty.... Kids need a wakeup call.
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