What a Difference


5 Year Member
Jul 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Redding, Ca
So, after making just a few minor adjustments to substrate, humidity, and soaking my tortoises are way happier. Dot and Dash are more active, noiser, and eating more already. We're still making adjustments but it's amazing to see how much better they're doing already. I sure am glad I found this forum and was able to make the necessary adjustments.


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Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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So good to hear. I hope all new members that think they have it right, but don't, will see this thread and realize changes are a good thing for their tortoises. Glad you were open to doing some changes, kuddos


5 Year Member
Jul 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Redding, Ca
The reality is it's so hard to figure out what's right based on all the different information out there. I researched sulcatas for years before I finally got my first one. That unfortunately ended badly when he died a few months later.

I have had Dot and Dash for about four months now and they've been doing better than the first baby did by a long shot without us doing anything different. I suspect it was due to the first baby's start. Regardless, I still wasn't 100% happy with their growth, activity level, etc and that lead me to an all night search on sulcata care.

We have a lot of reptiles and know from experience that almost all our "desert" animals actually really enjoy humidity and water. It didn't take much reading to convince me that our 50-60% humidity levels for the tortoises needed to be raised.

I hope others will be willing to try changes too. You can't argue with results. I'll also be going to our local reptile store this week and discussing it with them. We spend a lot of time there so I might even be able to talk them into sending everyone who buys a tortoise to this forum and the guides provided.


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10 Year Member!
Dec 7, 2013
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Hello and very happy to hear that your torts are doing well. I also like to see some picture of your setup and lovely picture of your torts.



5 Year Member
Jul 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Redding, Ca
I posted some pictures in the introduction thread of my sweet baby piglets.

As soon as I get the changes finished on their enclosure I will post more pictures of them and of it.

For now I'll repost a few here. :)image.jpgimage.jpg


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5 Year Member
Jul 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Redding, Ca
Alright, the babies had a good time soaking and running around outdoors today. Dash wandered into some ants so they both got a bit of a "bath" and that lead to pictures. I don't know how these things happen.. ;)

The first four are Dot; the rest are Dash

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New Member
Jul 14, 2015
My sulcata is 2 1/2 inches long and hes almost one years old, I only feed him roman lettuce and sometimes he eats weeds when I take him out to get some sun light, any advice or feedback?


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10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
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My sulcata is 2 1/2 inches long and hes almost one years old, I only feed him roman lettuce and sometimes he eats weeds when I take him out to get some sun light, any advice or feedback?
Hi Tatanya

Can I suggest that you start your own thread to get advice soecific to you. We need pictures of your tort's enclosure and lighting as well.

I will start by saying that your little sullie's diet is very poor. Romaine lettuce does not contain enough nutrients and he will get sick. You must feed your tort a variety of leafy greens and supplement with a good quality tort food like Mazuri when they are hard to come by. This requires some effort on your part to go looking for weeds like dandelion, clover, plantain and sow thistle pretty much every day. You can buy packets of weed seeds from tortoisesupply to grow your own.

Look up the plants that grow around you on The Tortoise Table Plant Database to see if they are suitable to feed http://thetortoisetable.org.uk/site/plant_database_14.asp?v=desktop

You should also read these
http://www.tortoiseforum.org/threads/sulcata-diet-sheet.64290/ (ignore the bit about grass, your sullie is very young)

Please post pictures and we will guide you yo getting this right for you and your tort


5 Year Member
Jul 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Redding, Ca
Just another update:

Dot and Dash continue to improve. Dot is far more receptive to the daily soaks and even seems to enjoy the time in the water. Dash remains unconvinced and spends most of the time in there attempting to find an escape hatch. I've noticed both are spending more time in their water dish, including dragging food into it regularly now.

Their appetites are growing exponentially. I've learned they like to eat first thing in the morning so I try to make sure they're getting fed before the sun is fully up now. I usually end up having to add to it by mid afternoon.

We ran into a minor hiccup with their new and improved enclosure but should have that up and running by the end of the week. I have purchased more seeds for them and will be setting up their outdoor garden today along with planting some more little pots to have inside and this coming winter for them. I even bought organic squash seeds just to get squash blossoms for them. :/ I may have the tortie crazies.