When to expect eggs

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5 Year Member
Jan 22, 2013
So I have had a 23 in female for close to a month now. She was previously housed with a big male. I have now bought my own 23 in male. I am just wondering when could I expect to maybe see some eggs. I have hot me incubators clean, perlite ready, and containers ready. She dug one hole so far in the shed where I keep them and that's it. They get out of the shed everyday now and go graze in the yard. Please help me out and let me know if I need to do anything different.


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Well you really need to know her egg cycle and when she typically laid her eggs when she was in the previous keepers care. Also that wont mean an immediate Shes going to lay for you. Sometimes they need to feel secure, safe, and know they have a place for their young to live another long life ahead of them. Sometimes females can skip cycles if stressed and moved around too much. So first thing would be to find out when she is typically due to lay her first clutch. For instance my female always lays late winter early spring. However some peoples lay late summer early fall. So it all varies. Regardless of your male. If she was in fact with a male and for a while she will lay fertile eggs for a few(up to 4) years of fertility with that previous male. Is she digging with her back feet or front feet in this hole?


The Dog Trainer
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No way to know or predict this. She might lay tomorrow or never. I know a guy with three very adult females and a big male who has not seen an egg in 5 years. He does everything "right" and his male is constantly doing the deed, but... nothing. Just the way it goes sometimes. They have different laying patterns in different parts of the world too.

It doesn't say where you are from under your name, but that might allow us to give you some sulcata generalities.


5 Year Member
Jan 22, 2013
I bought her from a guy in the Dallas/Waxahachie area. Very nice fella. Hejaz Sulcatas, Aldabras, yellow foots, and the Burmese mountain. He was well versed in his torts and did a great job keeping up with records. I have a spread sheet on her that starts in 2008 until recent. Like I said, I have had her for probably a little over a month now and he had 2 clutches of eggs from her in the bator when I picked her up. She has faithfully laid about 5 clutches every year with about an AVERAGE of 100 - 120 eggs a year. She has great records. I just hope she can do the same for me. I keep them in an 8 x 12 shed at night and they have full roam of a big back hard all day. They seem like the love it as they mope around and graze. I am located in a small town of Iowa Park, TX.


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Sep 6, 2010
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Her laying this year may be possibly disrupted due to the move. I bought an adult female last year who usually lays 5 clutches a year. When I bought her, she had already layed two clutches for the owner. When I brought her home, she did not lay anymore eggs last year.
This year, she is back on schedule and has just layed her 5th clutch this year.
So, in your case, I think you will find out soon enough. She may lay this year or you will have to wait until next year to see if she will lay 5 clutches.
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