White liquid

Nicola ebb

New Member
Jun 2, 2017
My lady tortoise has looked as if she has been struggling to breath or has something stuck in throat!
Took her to vets and she passed about half litre of white liquid onto his table!
He didn't know what it was and suggested anti b's!
She stopped gagging immediately and looked much calmer!
She is due to lay eggs this year!
Anyone experienced this?


Well-Known Member
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Oct 26, 2011
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Find another vet! Do not let this one near your tortoise

The white stuff is called urate and is how your tortoise passes excess proteins. It is entirely normal. It should be liquid jelly like. If it's gritty then your tortoise is dehydrated.

As for the throat problem, I doubt it is related. If you have concerns then take your tortoise to a vet who is experienced with tortoises. This one clearly isn't and that is the case with most vets... Urate is a basic that a vet really should know about!


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Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
I am curious about the due to lay eggs this year statement. How long have you had her? How big/old is she? Do you have other torts?

Nicola ebb

New Member
Jun 2, 2017
I am curious about the due to lay eggs this year statement. How long have you had her? How big/old is she? Do you have other torts?
Rosie is 57 years old! I have only had her for one year! Previous owner contacted me to say she is due to lay eggs this year! So to look out for them! Afraid I'm not very knowledgeable about them!
Thank you for your reply it was very helpful! Do you think she could have been struggling to pass the liquid abc that is why she was opening her mouth?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
OK. We know where we are now :)

Are you in the UK by any chance? (I'm in Kent although Joe started his time with us in Bedfordshire)

I'm guessing this is a Greek or Hermann that lives entirely outside apart from hibernation just like Joe :)

Photos of your tort from above including the head and of her underside including the tail will help us confirm.

The open mouth thing is more commonly indicative of a respiratory infection (or a male getting "over-excited", but we can rule that out!)

Has it definitely passed? Is there any sign of mucus round the nose?

Care information for these torts has changed greatly over the years. Your tort must have constant access to water - terracotta plant saucers are good.

After hibernation, soaking twice a day in warm water for at least 20 minutes helps to rehydrate the tort and encourages the first really large passing of urate - if your tort hasn't been soaked since hibernation then it is possible that the urate is harder to pass.

Lyn W

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Hope she is OK.
Some pics may help to get the best advice too.

Nicola ebb

New Member
Jun 2, 2017
OK. We know where we are now :)

Are you in the UK by any chance? (I'm in Kent although Joe started his time with us in Bedfordshire)

I'm guessing this is a Greek or Hermann that lives entirely outside apart from hibernation just like Joe :)

Photos of your tort from above including the head and of her underside including the tail will help us confirm.

The open mouth thing is more commonly indicative of a respiratory infection (or a male getting "over-excited", but we can rule that out!)

Has it definitely passed? Is there any sign of mucus round the nose?

Care information for these torts has changed greatly over the years. Your tort must have constant access to water - terracotta plant saucers are good.

After hibernation, soaking twice a day in warm water for at least 20 minutes helps to rehydrate the tort and encourages the first really large passing of urate - if your tort hasn't been soaked since hibernation then it is possible that the urate is harder to pass.
I did put her in water for a while after hibernation! But probably not long enough!
She never seems to drink her water but assumed she was getting enough from lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and grapes!
She has now stopped gasping/ gagging since the liquid came out! Haven't noticed much poo around garden but she poo'd at vets!
I will take some photos tomorrow and put them on!
I am in Lincolnshire!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Next a lesson in diet:

These torts should be eating weedy, leafy greens. They cannot digest sugars properly - they cause digestive and kidney problems - so fruit, carrot, tomato and pepper should only be fed very sparingly and very occasionally if at all.

Joe basically ate garden. He got most of his food from grazing the lawn. I supplemented with hand-picked weeds and supermarket greens.

You can look up plants for suitability to feed on The Tortoise Table Plant Database

You might also find this useful that I wrote about outdoor accommodation in the UK

Nicola ebb

New Member
Jun 2, 2017
Next a lesson in diet:

These torts should be eating weedy, leafy greens. They cannot digest sugars properly - they cause digestive and kidney problems - so fruit, carrot, tomato and pepper should only be fed very sparingly and very occasionally if at all.

Joe basically ate garden. He got most of his food from grazing the lawn. I supplemented with hand-picked weeds and supermarket greens.

You can look up plants for suitability to feed on The Tortoise Table Plant Database

You might also find this useful that I wrote about outdoor accommodation in the UK
Thank you again for advice!
The previous owner showed me what she gave her each day, which was lettuce and tomatoes, so I thought if she has lived for 57 years on this I should do the same! Maybe not!
Will have a look at your guides thank you! X