Worming Tortoises?

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5 Year Member
Jul 15, 2011
Hey guys!
So i have a Russian Tortoise that is 4 to 5 years old. I just read on an article that you should use a worming medication twice a year to worm them. I didn't know if this is true or not so if anybody has done this or knows the answers please comment! Also, if i am supposed to do that, do i use a brand for dogs and cats or do i use something different? How do i do this, too? Thanks! :tort:


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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You should not have to worm them twice a year. I worm new tortoises when I receive them and of course wild caught specimens should have a vet visit, to check for parasites.

Yvonne G

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It is possible for "clean" tortoises to pick up parasites from grazing outside. I used to de-worm all my turtles and tortoises twice a year, spring and fall...now I only do it after I've noticed something wrong, taken in a fecal sample, and have been told that they have a parasite infestation.

Panacur and Flagyl are two of the most common turtle/tortoise de-wormers. You would need to get the dosage from your vet.

But in my opinion, you should first take in a fecal sample and have the vet look at it for parasites.


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Personally, I would not worm a tortoise w/o a fecal check first. IF they are not doing well, and IF there are worms evident at a significant level, then it is wise to worm.
After that, I wouldn't re worm unless they were doing poorly; lack of appetite, inactive, no weight gain if still growing.
You will see a lot of conflicting info: some feel their torts' colons should be sterilized of worms. Since there can be a recurrence rate for pinworms especially (recycled from enclosure substrate outside, etc.), they just worm regularly.
We are seeing more and more medication resistance, so eventually the meds won't work. Plus, these meds are literally poisons, so it can take torts several weeks to recover from the treatment.
I am taking more of a common sense approach. I will get them fecal checked when I get them, quarantine them from the other torts, and only treat from then on if they don't thrive.


5 Year Member
Mar 23, 2010
View attachment 12276 :tort: I use this Medication when i get a new tortoise it works very well! So far my tortoises that i have gotten like my Russian Tortoises, when i first received them they looked like Sh...T but after six months of using this Product My tortoises look awesome!!!!! healthy as can be! you can get this Product at any Pet-Smart $7.99 2 oz! (Medicated reptile food for TORTOISES & LIZARDS) it's called! (Anti-Parasite Meal) its a powdery substance! sprinkle it on romaine lettuce with some calcium D3 and your set to go!
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