yet more cleaning questions

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5 Year Member
Mar 2, 2012
Piggy is dificult, we made him a new pen and he has promptly emptied all of the substrate from his hidy spot and burrowed under the rocks to relax there, he keeps trying to dig under his water area and empties it and then now has taken to only going to the bathroom where his water should be. Should i rearange again? or just keep fixing it and hope he'll grow to like it?
also when it comes to bathing, (we just clean him in the bathtub even though hes still tiny) he is still very skittish with cleaning, and like i've seen in other peoples posts; piggy tends to get a lot of his stuff around his legs and tail and all over his underbelly and ive tried cleaning him gently with a toothbrush but he freaks out and squeaks and once he deficated himself =/
im afraid i might scare him to death. anytips?
also, i know sulcata are supposed to love colors, but he hates blue and obsesses for yellow dandilion flowers and the color white. Its a hassled keeping him from eating ribbons. cigs, or other random trash the neighbors toss in our yard is that normal? He seems fond of my shoes >.> ive caught him trying to nibble them twice already, luckilly hes still to small to get a bite lol


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I don't have a sulcata. However to make it easy for you, let him have his hide where he wants it and rearrange around it, also will make him happy. As far as the trash in the yard and his wanting to eat everything. You should build him an outdoor enclosure that has chicken wire top on it, or clean the yard before putting him out into it. Personally, I would make him an enclosure. That way, you will know he is secure and safe. Good luck, see what others have to say.


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5 Year Member
Mar 27, 2012
My Koopa does this. Doesn't matter where i put the hide (i thought it was a temp thing) he will make it the way he wants it. He likes to be deep in the substrate so a lot gets kicked out. Then the stuff he kicked gets kicked somewhere else lol. He also like colors. He Loves red and purple so much he tried to bite my nails!! Now i have on no Polish lol. He also loves shiny things, and anything green!!


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 2, 2012
yellow, green, and white are his favorite than among them are concrete ribbon, fluff, and dead plants. so dificult keeping it clear. the landlord doesnt want anything permanat in the yard since its a shared space and everytime he mows the trash in everyone elses section gets sgredded into bits and blown in my yard. im working on a collapsible pen.

Ive sent alex with teh mission to bring back some scraps from work and we are going to remodel the pen again soon, make a ramp go along one side and have a walk along alomst the entire top (fenced in so he wont fall of course) this way he has room to walk and prance and eat without tracking a lot of dirt and sand and he can dig beneath anywhere he wishes lol does this sound like a good idea?
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