You have One tortoise don't use THEY


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The thread you created is a demand: “You have One tortoise don’t use they”. It’s literally the title of your thread
Read the post! The title is to catch attention for those using they, duh!
The post explains in short, basically how to save being questioned and lectured!


The Dog Trainer
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First of all, Shakespeare used they in a non-plural sense so it is hardly new. second I will point out that in the entirety of my threads above I use the word they when referring to people and no one had trouble understanding the meaning of sentences.
I didn't call it a trend. I called it a fad.

I have little knowledge of what language was in use in England at the time of Shakespear or how he used that word. What I have knowledge of is how the word is used in America, and how it was used by our great grandparents and before. They means plural.

You used the word they when referring to multiple people, plural, so no, we didn't have any trouble understanding what you meant.

In the meantime, I have a friend whose name was Barbara. yes Barbara. eventually she decided Barbara sounded “old” and she wanted everyone to call her “Barb.” so guess what I did, I called her “Barb” And then she decided “Barbie” ((which I loathe!) but I’ve started calling her Barbie because it is no effort to me and is what she wants, and if she wanted to suddenly be called Barry, it is also the same amount of work to me to call her Barry as it is Barb or Barbie, when she used to be Barbara.
"Nick names" are not new. Nick names have been in common use in the country for many decades, if not centuries. This is not something newly invented to push an agenda with a vocal minority trying to force it down the throats of the rest of society. Guess what... My "real" name isn't Tom. Its Thomas. Nobody is confused by this. Ever.

All I am saying is people are going to use THEY when they come to this site. We can be hostile to it and drive people away or we can just say “hey do you have more than one?”. It’s a no brainer to me to just be kind.
If people come to this site, or any other site, or talk to me in person, and they misuse words, there is going to be confusion, questions, and frustration. That is normal, natural, human behavior. If you and I are having a one on one conversation and I start referring to you in the plural, as if there are several of you when there are not, aren't you going to wonder what the heck I am doing and why I am doing that? Won't you be confused?

We've all read 1984 and we know what Doublespeak is. Well, war is NOT peace, and freedom is NOT slavery, and some of us are not going to play along and pretend with the current trend of Doublethink and Newspeak.

I'm not going to be rude to new people, but I'm also not going to pretend words don't mean what they mean.


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When someone needs help with his or her tortoise, that's what this forum is here for, and I do believe that getting help quickly to the person should certainly be most important. When the poster says "they", I figure we next just have to ask how many tortoises are involved!


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When someone needs help with his or her tortoise, that's what this forum is here for, and I do believe that getting help quickly to the person should certainly be most important. When the poster says "they", I figure we next just have to ask how many tortoises are involved!
Just make sure you don't ever call yourself US, Tammy.


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When someone needs help with his or her tortoise, that's what this forum is here for, and I do believe that getting help quickly to the person should certainly be most important. When the poster says "they", I figure we next just have to ask how many tortoises are involved!
Exactly and when it's one, it's a waste of time having to ask and give the pair lecture.


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coming from someone in gen z i agree with @SinLA on how the use of "they" is more commonly being used to refer to a singular animal/person :) i can definitely see how it can be confusing, but i think for younger people it might be kind of a reflex and the confusion it causes is unintentional. honestly, i dont know the sex of my baby hermann's, so i just use it/he when i refer to little Ube (yes, i named it after the yam). so i agree with @wellington that using it/she/he is a better way of referring to a singular tortoise and i appreciate wellington, tom, and others explaining that for the sake of efficiency, when asking for help or guidance it is less confusing to use it/she/he when referring to a singular tortoise.

overall i see both sides of this discussion. im just glad that i get to learn from people with years worth of experience on this forum and that these qualified members are willingly taking time out of their day to help new tortoise owners 🩷


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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coming from someone in gen z i agree with @SinLA on how the use of "they" is more commonly being used to refer to a singular animal/person :) i can definitely see how it can be confusing, but i think for younger people it might be kind of a reflex and the confusion it causes is unintentional. honestly, i dont know the sex of my baby hermann's, so i just use it/he when i refer to little Ube (yes, i named it after the yam). so i agree with @wellington that using it/she/he is a better way of referring to a singular tortoise and i appreciate wellington, tom, and others explaining that for the sake of efficiency, when asking for help or guidance it is less confusing to use it/she/he when referring to a singular tortoise.

overall i see both sides of this discussion. im just glad that i get to learn from people with years worth of experience on this forum and that these qualified members are willingly taking time out of their day to help new tortoise owners 🩷
Summed up quite nicely, I definitely see both sides here too, I agree with Barb that it can feel frustrating having to clarify over and over how many torts are involved when folks use ‘they’, but as @SinLA says, regardless of this thread being a thing, new members will continue to come here and use that term when they don’t know the sex of their tortoise, they have no idea why that would be an issue for regular members on the forum, most of them don’t know that keeping pairs isn’t a good thing.
We can either go into why we find it so frustrating with a new member and risk them not feeling welcomed, or we can just quickly ask how many it is they’re housing and continue advising with the most important information🙂
At the end of the day, everyone deals with numerous common problems with care daily on the forum, what’s one more ‘pair lecture’ even if it turns out to just be the one tortoise? I have a small paragraph I keep in my phone notes for why pairs aren’t a good idea, takes very little time to paste where needed


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Summed up quite nicely, I definitely see both sides here too, I agree with Barb that it can feel frustrating having to clarify over and over how many torts are involved when folks use ‘they’, but as @SinLA says, regardless of this thread being a thing, new members will continue to come here and use that term when they don’t know the sex of their tortoise, they have no idea why that would be an issue for regular members on the forum, most of them don’t know that keeping pairs isn’t a good thing.
We can either go into why we find it so frustrating with a new member and risk them not feeling welcomed, or we can just quickly ask how many it is they’re housing and continue advising with the most important information🙂
At the end of the day, everyone deals with numerous common problems with care daily on the forum, what’s one more ‘pair lecture’ even if it turns out to just be the one tortoise? I have a small paragraph I keep in my phone notes for why pairs aren’t a good idea, takes very little time to paste where needed
That's great for you. Not for me!


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When a woman is pregnant and doesn't know the sex....the norm is IT or HE (from what I remember). That makes sense. My tort Pinky has an attitude so I named her Pinky Tuscadero. All our kids and animals are boys so I thought, this is my girl 😊. Well now she's a HE. I constantly slip up so now it's Pinky, she, or he. I don't care. I'm a walking talking mess.

That being said.....idc what people want to call their torts as long as they are trying to make their torts existence better. Also some people are thrown into this mentality. Not being allowed to offend someone at work so you have to use their pronouns etc. Some are conditioned to use those words.

I've learned that everyone has their own life and their own story. We don't know why they say the words they do.
I will question what they mean when they use THEY. Clarification is needed when helping someone.

I agree with every post in here because I can see all sides of it. I like that. That's how I learn how to deal with different people. If THEY bothers someone, then just don't reply to the post. Someone else will.

We can work around it. No one has to conform. Just get to the matter at hand. 🐢 💕. TFO is a pretty bad@$# forum. I'm extremely thankful to everyone on here and I appreciate all that you do.

Save The Torts 😊❤️

Do I even make any sense? I think I rambled. My apologies. 🤪


The Dog Trainer
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If THEY bothers someone, then just don't reply to the post. Someone else will.
I like this way of thinking. I do this more and more as the years go by. Sometimes I read a whole post by someone that clearly got their tortoise keeping advice from one of the many wrong sources and I know its going to take 20-30 minutes to type out a big old long response, and then some percentage of those people are going to get mad and argue, and then I have to spend hours explaining why that info is wrong... I do it because I want to help that poor tortoise, but some days I just don't have it in me to fight that fight, and I let others do it.


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I like this way of thinking. I do this more and more as the years go by. Sometimes I read a whole post by someone that clearly got their tortoise keeping advice from one of the many wrong sources and I know its going to take 20-30 minutes to type out a big old long response, and then some percentage of those people are going to get mad and argue, and then I have to spend hours explaining why that info is wrong... I do it because I want to help that poor tortoise, but some days I just don't have it in me to fight that fight, and I let others do it.
Careful saying that. I got criticized for saying I will pass the they threads up. Some how they think they have the right! Lmao


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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I like this way of thinking. I do this more and more as the years go by. Sometimes I read a whole post by someone that clearly got their tortoise keeping advice from one of the many wrong sources and I know its going to take 20-30 minutes to type out a big old long response, and then some percentage of those people are going to get mad and argue, and then I have to spend hours explaining why that info is wrong... I do it because I want to help that poor tortoise, but some days I just don't have it in me to fight that fight, and I let others do it.
Careful saying that. I got criticized for saying I will pass the they threads up. Some how they think they have the right! Lmao
I think giving the countless tortoises you’ve helped and the countless hours you’ve both spent collectively over the years on this forum, has more than earned you the right to sit some out if you need to, honestly the whole reason I began wanting to help out advising where I could with some of the basics, was so the long standing, more regular members like yourselves could see some questions have been answered so the amount of threads to deal with is a little less overwhelming.
I’m by no means doing the perfect job, and there’s so many times I have to tag you guys for support🥲but I like to think I’m helping by contributing in some way🐢💚

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